Chapter 93: A Push Forward.

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“The sooner you talk to Shimamoto-chan, and confess, the better. So when should we plan it?”

Yoko was very excited, but for some reason she asked Koharu when I planned to.

Wait wait wait. I promised I’d talk to Aoi, I never said anything about confessing to Sara. Those are two separate issues. Why are they working on this plan without me? I should be the one deciding this!

“Well first of all, I don’t think it’s a good idea to confess while you have already promised to go on a date with Aoi-chan.”

“Ah, that’s right. So let’s clear that up first.”

“Yeah, Okay I’ll quickly set up a time you can talk with Aoi-chan, so as soon as that’s over we shall quickly- – -” 

No, isn’t this weird!?

Why are you two trying to decide a date for my confession? I won’t do it yet! I won’t!

I know that Aoi and I should talk as soon as possible. I think so too, and I intend to. I want to apologize for my attitude and resend my promise for having a date. However, why is Koharu setting up the appointment!? Since when did she become my secretary!?

I can no longer keep up with the comedy, because there are too many things happening at the same time.

“Because Shiori won’t move if you don’t push her, right?”

“It’s because Senpai is a wimp.”

“Y-You guys. . .”

Huh, is that what you guys think of me? I think I’ve been doing a lot of things. Is that still not enough?

Or rather, these two are merciless. They are perfectly insync.

“You don’t even know Aoi-chan’s contact information, so how would you ask her to talk?”

“Well um. . . I was just going to directly call her out.”

“Aoi-chan is usually with someone, so if you are going to wait for that it will be a while.”

“Uuuu. . .”

It is such a checkmate I can’t even say anything back.

What a solid junior. Mentally I should be the adult, but I’m completely defeated.

“Of course I won’t ignore Senpai’s wish, but you do plan on talking to Aoi-chan, right?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“In that case it’s better to do this quickly. I however won’t interfere with the confession.”

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As Aoi’s childhood friend, it’s not good for her to support me too much. From now on I don’t think there will be much interference in my relationship with Sara.

She has really grown up. You take your eyes off them for just a little and suddenly they are a grown up.

“Well then, let Koharu-chi take care of Shimamoto-chan.”

“Please stop it with the Koharu-chi.”

“Eh- it’s cute isn’t it Koharu-chi. Well, I’m different from Koharu-chi, I am a radical supporter of promoting Shiori confessing to Sara-chan.”

It seems like she has no intention of stopping the Koharu-chi nickname.

Well I think Koharu-chi is cute. It reminds me of Sara’s friend that adds “-chi” to the end of everyone’s name. Ignoring Koharu’s displeased look, Yoko put a hand on my shoulder, barring a frightening smile.

“Okay I’m done playing innocent and just going to say it. Stop carelessly running away.”

Even though she was smiling, there was a lot of pressure being pushed onto me.

I’d rather run away now. A full powered dash.

“Are you really that scared of confessing?”

“Well of course I’m scared. I wouldn’t like it if it gets awkward and we couldn’t get along like we used to.”

“So then it’s a good relationship if it’s built upon running away, lies, deceit, and other things?”

“You don’t have to say it to that extent. . .”

I think she is exaggerating, but I can’t say it’s completely untrue. I can’t strongly retort that.

Because I’m aware that I am running away. If I don’t have to be worried about Koharu, then there is no bad ending that will come. I have no reason not to confess.

Even so, the only reason I’m hesitating is because I’m afraid of being rejected.

“Even if you are rejected. I don’t think Sara-chan will just part with you. You saw how she dealt with Tomoda, right?”

“Yeah, she isn’t that kind of girl.”

Even if it’d be a little awkward, I’m sure Sara will try to maintain a relationship with me. However I wonder if I could still go to her house, and commute with her to school. Doing all the things we’re currently doing despite being rejected.

She surely wouldn’t be foolish enough to invite someone who confessed to her to her house, where she lives alone.

“The second I’m rejected, I wonder if there is a way for her to erase that memory.”

“What, don’t think about those stupid thing.”

“You are way too negative right now. I’m pulling you out.”

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Yoko was astonished by my constant indecisiveness, and Koharu was taken aback. This is bad.

However scary things are scary. I don’t think it’s okay to stay like this forever, but just imagining being rejected makes me want to keep spirinting away.

“I just wish I knew what Sara thinks of me. . .”

If it looks possible, I’d like to take a chance.

Yesterday’s words of “I’m happy that it was Shiori-san that had my first kiss.” Those words could be taken as a confession, but it’s also could be considered she just isn’t conscious of me. So it isn’t helpful.

I wish it was just like the game. Please give me an easy to understand look. Like blushing cheeks and sparkles! I’ll confess to her when she shines!

Yoko sighed as I began to escape from reality.

“Okay, I’m about to give you a huge gift.”

“Eh, do you know something?”

“Yeah, it’s when you went and talked with Tomoda. I thought it wasn’t my place to say anything because I was a third party. However at this rate I feel like you’ll run away for the rest of your life.”

She looked at me scornfully saying “You’re as immobile a mountain”. I could only avert my gaze.

I know, I understand that I should learn from Koharu’s experience. I know I’m a good-for-nothing.

“Sara-chan said that you are the most important person in the world.”


“I didn’t ask her if it was romantic, but she was still adamant you were very important. So then, would you still not move?”

I knew that I was liked, and I was cherished. Sara was always honest about her feelings. But to be told I’m the most important person in the world.

Even if I don’t know if there are romantic feelings in it. I could imagine her brownish eyes silently asking me, “you still won’t move”?

“I will. . . confess.”

Just imagining it makes me shiver.

In the first place, is this a shove, forcing me to confess?

However, looking at the satisfied faces of the two people in front of me, it seems like it isn’t unreasonable for them to push me. Do these ladies want me to confess that much?

–  – But I’ll do it. If I can’t move despite knowing this much I’ll probably never confess.

“I’ll confess at the firework festival.”

It just so happens that there will be a fireworks display this weekend. With large fire flowers blooming in the night sky behind us, I will give her my confession in that perfect mood.

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Like in every Yuri story, it’s a reliable traditional confession great for a romantic atmosphere. Let me ride the huge wave!

. . . . No wait. There are a lot of troubles that happen at fireworks festivals, right? The girl you like encourages you to get along with a boy, or a dangerous woman sees you kissing your partner. No, I don’t want to ride that wave.

“Alright alright. Then just follow through on what you said.”

“Y-Yeah. . . Maybe.”


“Because look, isn’t there a time and place for it?”

“What the heck are you talking about? You make the time and place!”

She gave me a thumbs up with a triumphant look. When I looked at Koharu for help, she said with a blank face “She’s right”.

Kuu, it’s bad when the person with a girlfriend and the person who has confessed tells you that!

“It looks like you are still hesitating, so I’ll give you a reminder.”

Yoko said with a slightly serious tone.

“Even if you don’t move, the world around you does. It’s better to think you aren’t standing on a road, but a conveyor belt.”

“A conveyor belt?”

“Yeah, even if you stop, you are still endlessly being carried along, and if you don’t choose your own way at the fork in the road, it will. You might end up in a place you didn’t want to end up in. In other words, a bad ending.”

It felt like she shot me with a gun.

I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it, but the words “bad ending” gave me chills.

“If that happens it’s too late. Hey you were the one that kicked my butt into action when I couldn’t decide to move for such a long time. I corrected my direction at the last minute. So it’s my turn to kick your butt.”

“Yoko. . .”

“I think you and Sara-chan are a great couple. When you are together you both look really happy!”

I wondered why she wanted me to confess so much, but I finally understand now.

I see. If I didn’t move I still thought I would be able to stay as a special friend with Sara, but when I think about it, that wouldn’t be possible. Even Sara will eventually date someone someday.

If that happens I will definitely regret it. It’s going to be hard to be around that, and we could not continue to be as close as we are.

“Understood, I’ll do my best.”

“Alright, stay strong.”

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It’s still terrifying. However I can’t stay like this forever.

I thought it’d be a long time before I could confess. I’d do it after increasing my favorability, but it’s already maxed out. I’m the most important person in the world! I can’t raise it any higher.

Do it. Not from being pressured into it, but with my own will.

Koharu, who had been silently listening to our exchange, whispered with a lukewarm smile. “Ah, youth.”

“What are you talking about Koharu-chi, let’s all enjoy our youth!”

“Yeah yeah, You aren’t going to be left out!”

She was pretending to be cool by staying out of it, but was then grabbed at both of her hands by Yoko and I. With a startled expression she said “Eh, I’m fine” pulling her arms away, trying to get free.

In the first place, she was the one that started this conversation.

She has to take responsibility and embrace the uncomfortable and bitter time of adolescents with me.

“By the way, it’s already decided I’m going to call you Koharu-chi, alright?”

“Eh, is that okay to do Koharu?”

“. . . Koharu-chi is fine.”

She was already persuaded by the free-spirited Senpai.

No no, it’s fine. It’s cute and suits her.



Shiori ”Hey, can you call me Shiori-senpai too?”(Excited)

Koharu “No I won’t.”

Shiori ”Eh, Why!?”

Koharu ”Because all the first years call you Sugimura-senpai. I don’t want to stand out.”

Shiori ”Even though you call Yoko, Yoko-senapi. . .”

Koharu “That’s because everyone else calls her Yoko-senpai.”

Yoko “Ahaha, it’s because of how you act Shiori!”

Shiori (Silently belly chops Yoko)

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