Chapter 67 : That Is A Happy Way Of Ending

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"Nee Nii-san"


When the long summer vacation was also coming to an end soon and it was already late at night, within the surroundings that had fallen asleep, I heard Chisome's voice.


Next to me on my right, a naked Mashiro is sleeping as if hugging me, and that adorable sleeping face has a hidden charm that will end up sinking even the most irritated mood.

Now then, opposite of such Mashiro on my right side, in other words, of course, Chisome was clinging to me, but she was also naked.

"So you hadn't slept. I thought you were sleeping, so I called out to you, though."

"Well, that was unfortunate. I was awake with vigour."

"I see. Ehehe, we're the same, aren't we."

Chisome hugs me even more strongly.

Since we were both naked, our skin touched each other, giving it an indescribable tickle, while at the same time, the excitement that should have passed also slightly returns.

"What are you thinking about? Could it be about earlier?"

"......Well, I would think back on it, wouldn't I. I mean, it was such a passionate time anyway."

"You're right. It's the first time after all, isn't it? Nii-san dealt with both of us at the same time."

"Unexpectedly, I could do it...... Nope, such a thing never happened. Seriously I'm tired."

Actually, today was the first time I dealt with Chisome and Mashiro at the same time.

I don't know why it turned out that way...... Well, it is that, I didn't have to do anything in particular, and I held Chisome and Mashiro in both my arms and did various mischief, or rather, I did something like youthful ingenuity...... and that's how it turned out to be with the two who had their switch completely on.

"But see. It was exhausting, but really amazing...... Un, it was a heavenly time."

"I see~. Well but, I'm sure it will become something you experience many times from now on."

That is...... I guess I would still be happy with that even if it were exhausting.

It's not like I get physical with Chisome and Mashiro that often. But if one of us really wants to, we'll give a sign anyway, and if we just stare at each other, it naturally turns into kissing, and if we start touching each other's body, there's no stopping it anymore, but......when I'm doing it with these girls like this, I realize once again that this is a happy act.

"Ahaha, of course I'm happy to have sex with Nii-san, but I also like to just be still."

"What a coincidence. I'm the same as well."

"Right~♪ Next is...... That's right. Even though it's only been less than half a year since I entered high school, I was thinking back on how many things happened."


For Chisome, there should be a lot of things that happen. 

Due to the changes in her environment, she has met many friends, and through relationships that are by no means shallow, her connection with Mashiro too should have become even stronger...... Thus, she grew stronger and more strong-willed.

And above all, she expressed her feelings in words to her own mother.

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That was probably the biggest event, and at the same time, it should be the event that gives Chisome the strength to move forward even further.

"Honestly, you see, I'm happy just being together with Nii-san. Mashiro is also here...... I thought that if it was just the three of us in the world, we wouldn't need anything."


"But......that wasn't the case, I thought. A lot of connections bring a lot of fun and happiness...... All of them turned into something precious to me...... I think, from the bottom of my heart, that I'm really glad that I was able to meet Nii-san and that I'm glad to have been born into this world."

"I see. It's supreme for me too to meet such Chisome and Mashiro you know!"


Oops, it would also be a pity to wake up Mashiro by making too much noise.

Chisome and I laughed at each other, thinking that we should be just a little quieter, and once again talked together about our memories up until now.

"I know I've said this kind of thing how many times, but I always wonder what would have happened if I hadn't met Nii-san. I probably wouldn't be smiling like this anyway, and I probably would not be happy either, I thought to myself."

"That too, I guess."


"If I hadn't become Taiga in this world...... I might not have been able to have a relationship this deep."


Well, it might not happen, but still, I think that precisely because of my position as Taiga, it was inevitable that I would have a long-lasting contact with Chisome.

In the first place, if I don't do something, my life will be in danger, so I can't help but do my best...... And above all, if a girl I love a lot is suffering before my eyes, I don't hesitate to help.

"Me, I'm really glad I met you, Nii-san."

"Me too, Chisome...... Haha, Mashiro too, you know? I'm glad I met you."


I felt a fixed gaze from the opposite side of Chisome.

Before I knew it, Mashiro was also awake, and she strongly and tightly intertwined her legs with mine, perhaps because she was jealous that I had been talking only with Chisome.

"Onii-sama, Chisome, it's cruel to leave me out."

"Cruel you say......Mashiro, you were sleeping, right?"

"Then wake me up."

"......Sheesh, this girl is"

While smiling troubledly, Chisome stretched out her hand and stroked Mashiro's head.

How-Ever......I wonder what this situation is; I honestly never thought that the thing about being embraced naked by two beautiful girls would materialize in real life.

Well, we also sometimes take a bath together, so if I were to call this much is an everyday occurrence, it would be so, but still, as Chisome said, it was a precious moment where you could feel happiness.

"You two, let's get along from now on too, okay. Especially, I want you to always and always stay by my side, even after I become an adult. And I too will always be by your side to support you both."

That's exactly my determination, and it's a battle in which I must do my best from now on.

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"Un!" (Mashiro)

"Of course♪" (Chisome)

No matter what happens, I'll be fine if I'm together with my two beloved little sisters.





That happened in a certain park.

Two girls were playing tag when one of them slipped and fell.


"Are you okay?"

The two girls looked extremely similar.

Although they had the same red eyes, their hair colors were beautiful silver and black, respectively.

The girl ended up falling and scraping her knee, but a woman with a charm appropriate to her age held out her hand to her.

"Sheesh, I told you to be careful, didn't I? Can you stand up?"

“Un.....Thank you, Grandma (Oba-san).”

The woman who was called out to by the girl is expressionless, but you can see the definite kindness in her eyes.

"There, stay strong. That said, I won't be telling you to endure the pain because you're a girl. If you want to cry, I'll lend you my chest."

"Uun *It's fine*! I won't cry! Because I, I'm going to be strong like Mama after all!"

"Un! I'll be strong, be beautiful! And then I'm going to get a Papa from Mama!"

"......You two, shall we discuss this with Grandma for once then?"

Her expressionlessness was broken beautifully, and she was a woman who desperately tried to make the girls understand something.

"Ah! It's Papa and Mamas!"

"Papa~! Mama~!"

The girls go to the married couple who appeared and each embrace the two women.

The man walks over with a wry smile, saying, "They're doing well, aren't they."

"It's been a while. So you came to see the two right away, I see."

"Of course. It's the face of my grandchildren."

"......Somehow, I'm still not used to that gentle part, or rather"

"Are you also going to say the same thing as that girl, I wonder?"

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"No no! That's not true!"

Then everyone got together.

There was something about the never-ending conversation and endless smile that convinced one that nothing bad could ever enter into it.

"Kaa-san, did your wrinkles increase again?" (Chisome)

"Chisome, that's rude. There are some things you shouldn't say, even if they're true." (Mashiro)

"......You two have some good nerve, haven't you?" (Shinra)

"I'm begging you so, please stop fighting." (Taiga)

The fuss is still hidden in warmth, and it is colored with happiness no matter who sees it.

This is precisely the story of the future he and the girls finally arrived at, the story of them who denied the future that had been decided and won their own world.









[Author's Afterword]

With all that, this work has now been completed!

There were many voices who wanted me to continue, but frankly, I've gone already written most of the events I wanted to write so...... I'd rather that than wearifully continue with it.

It was a story in which one of the relatives died from the very first chapter, but if everyone found this work interesting, even if only a little, that would be the most blessing one could get.

So I guess it's been about two months. Thank you so much for reading.

I am writing various other works, so please, by all means, let us get along there as well.

Well then, Goodbye!





TL: Maza Miya

Editor: Maza Miya

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[Translator's Afterword]

*Check*Check*Check* 1, 2, 3...... wait a second, I'm typing this, not speaking it. Well, here goes nothing.


Hello to you all, it's me, Maza Miya, the translator who has translated the series *obviously* *cough* anyway, I'm not going to type much (maybe), and I'm also not planning on keeping this afterword forever inside this chapter or page. I'm going to create a separate post for it and link it to this chapter.


And so.


Uhhh, I don't know how to put this better, but first of all, I'd like to talk about my experience translating the series.

To say the least, it had its own up-and-down moments; it wasn't that great, but it wasn't that bad either; sometimes I just want to stop, but sometimes I have feelings I wanted to continue with this; my IRL stuff doesn't help either; and well, all in all, the fact that I made it all the way here alone just makes me really happy and glad. 


That said.


I've read reviews at Novelupdates about this novel. I pay attention not to the story but to how they judge my translation, and I must say I'm quite disheartened. Not enough to stop me though.


You see, if you are an avid reader, or maybe someone who has read a lot, you might notice, you can't help but notice, the quality of my translation. Well, let's just get straight to the point: they are stiff. Yes, they are stiff. I won't make any excuses for that, I think. but still, I would like to at least give you an explanation on why, not only because the raw is like that, but also other things.



You see, GoogleTL and other MTLs (Machine Translation) often skip a lot of kanji. They also often just omit a lot of things. Be it things that matter or things that don't, well, it can't be helped really; I mean, the very popular MTL amongst translators that is Deepl is no different either. So what I did was pretty simple; I included all those things and made it a sentence; a paragraph; and even went so far as to match the author's story telling style. And thus, the result was that, the stiffness. I won't go as far as to say I included ALL meanings that were skipped that I found during translating, but yeah, I did. I did include many.


Well, after I had a realization that was caused by many factors (not really) such as the comment section, that one knowledgeable person who came so suddenly pointing out many of my mistakes, and the people who also came to fix and suggest better lines, and well, the biggest of all came from reviews at novelupdate, I changed my way.


Starting from Chapter 59, you can tell the difference between before and now. and I hope that could suit the taste of many readers even if a little bit, and if not, then I can say this with confidence, with conviction even, that I don't know what to do. I'm just a lone translator after all, I might as well just raise my two hands if it came to that, seriously.


And so, that will be all for the reason why.


For the next, it will be about what I'm going to do from here on out.

And that is, to focus wholly on my IRL, but also do some translation once in a while. The reason for this is that right now I am quite literally not in any position to leisurely just translate and do nothing. The FanTL that I did is free after all. and thus why I chose not to commit myself to ever finishing any series again. There are those I undoubtedly liked to the point where I wanted to finish it (Villainess Brother) but I don't think it's a good idea to do it, at least not right now.

So as a translator, what I will do from here on out is just promote the series that I like, and who knows, maybe other translators will pick it up because of demand; no one ever knew what would happen, right. 


With all that being said folks, it's been a pleasure to be with you all, this series has been doing great at occupying my mind this whole month; this and that happened; I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience that I have caused; and so forth. And at last, thank you for sticking with this series all the way to the end. Well then, see you all next time, Byebye!!!

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