Translator: void

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But just like usual, I couldn’t figure out what he really wanted to say. 

“I’ll be careful.”

I spoke timidly as I stirred the gruel. He tried to get up but he was still too weak so he just gave up and continued to lie down. When he laid back down, he turned towards me and stared.

Sometimes, he would just stare at me like that. It was a bit embarrassing. I could even feel my face burning up a bit. On the other hand, I felt a bit relieved that he had recovered to the point that he could make me feel embarrassed. In fact, I was really glad but he did not need to make me flustered and embarrassed.

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I managed to pluck enough courage to turn my head slightly towards him. When I looked at him, the first thing that I noticed was his stare. However, somehow I felt like his cheeks were a bit emaciated.

He looked unexpectedly like what the original had described him to look like when he contracted pneumonia after falling in the lake. The scene that was described in the book where he laid weakly on the bed as he was fed with gruel by his personal maid was strangely similar to the situation that we were in right now.

Oh my god…

I stood up slowly with the bowl of gruel in my hands. Duke Kyron just stared at me. 

“Please have some. It’s warm enough for you to eat.”

Duke Kyron inched up from his bed as he raised his body slightly.

“Feed me.”

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His words and expressions were mixed with some slight mischief. It made me feel a bit relieved.

I took it upon myself to bring spoonful after spoonful of gruel to his mouth. I could still feel the slight fever from his skin as I fed him like that. My hand that was holding the spoon trembled slightly so I tried to focus more.

“Arielsa. That’s enough.”

It seemed like Duke Kyron did not want to see anymore of my embarrassment as he forced me to step back. Then, he took the bowl from the embarrassed me before drinking it all at once. After he finished doing all of that, he laid back down. 

“Duke, you can’t eat it like that……!” 

“I’ll feel better if you changed the sheets and my clothes since I sweated a lot and spilled my food here and there.” 

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I was left speechless as I went to get some damp towel. I thought that I should at least let him wash his face. But when I tried to approach him, I felt myself turning stiff. Touching someone’s face whether there was a towel in between felt something too personal. It was something that felt vastly different from wiping the sweat off of his forehead to cool him down.

However, I was already standing next to Duke Kyron with a damp towel on my hands so I couldn’t back down anymore.


He closed his eyes as I helped him rub his face and neck gently with the towel. However, Duke Kyron suddenly twisted his head and groaned.

“Ugh. Arielsa.” 

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“I’m sorry!” 

I quickly stood up as I looked at the haggard man that was soaked in his own sweat. He spoke quietly with his eyes closed tightly.

“Call Chaers.” 

Duke Kyron would most likely call for Chaers to help him wipe his body. I did not like the thought that I was not doing a good job in Duke Kyron’s eyes. I also did not want Chaers to continue to ignore my existence like that. 

“No. I’ll do it!” 

I said softly as I reached out to wipe Duke Kyron’s cheeks with the towel. I made sure to look carefully at every corner of his face. He looked at my grim and solemn face for a moment before closing his eyes. For some reason, he looked like he was smiling a bit.

After wiping his cheeks, I went on to wipe his forehead. Then, to his eyes. I couldn’t help but stare at his neat and thick lashes as I wiped his brow bone.

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