My tone came out awkward since the silence was too much for me. 

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“Thank you for sending the mushrooms. I heard that they were precious.”

“It’s because of George.”


I felt like I grew used to how he speaks now. Then, Duke Kyron’s expression suddenly hardened. The fact that I was used to and familiar with his way of speaking meant that I had been deceiving him for that long. I spoke to him from the bottom of my heart. Whatever my position was, I knew that it would be hard for him to accept.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you.”

Duke Kyron just stared at me. 

I knew that he was feeling despair and sadness after losing Arielsa but he was an adult so he wouldn’t go on and blame me. I felt a bit fortunate and grateful knowing that fact.

“You live there, in that world?”


“What kind of place is it?”


I felt a bit flustered. I had never been asked before about the world that I lived in. I wondered where I should start…

“It’s a very advanced and developed place.”


“There are a lot of cars and apartments… Every household is equipped with a good water supply so hot water always comes out whenever you turn on the faucet. There are also a lot of processed foods so it’s not hard to store food. We can even eat fruits during the winter too…”

“The Imperial Family uses mana stones so they could use hot water all year round. So it’s just mana stone and…”

He hated magic. It was because he was the one who knew best about what kind of sacrifice was needed just to get a single mana stone. It must have been insulting for him that they used the mana stone that he earned after a lot of sacrifices just to boil water. Just mumbling the words at the end of his sentence showed his enormous restraint.

“Did you say car?”

“It’s a carriage or a wagon that can move on its own. We don’t use any mana stones. There’s this kind of special fuel that makes it move.”

“Special fuel?”

“It’s a kind of oil but it’s not something that you can get with the technology that you have here right now.”

“How come?”

“Duke, how valuable is your steel sword?”

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He glanced towards the side where his sword was propped up before speaking proudly.

 “There’s nothing like that in the entire Empire.”

“Then, you have to be rich enough to build a house out of that steel and develop various technologies just so you can get the oil.”

Of course, that was something for a thousand years later. But right now, it was something that was impossible for this world. He leaned back on the sofa before taking a sip of the tea. Then, he turned to look at me.

“You. You’re more useless than I thought.”

Was that how it worked? Although his evaluation was a bit unfair, I never meant to contaminate this world by recklessly spreading modern technology. However, I couldn’t help but pout as I tried to refute him.

“Even though I saved your life?”

“I heard there’s a woman who is fated for me? Since I haven’t met her yet, then I’m still not going to die. Isn’t that what you said?”

I mumbled silently, a bit sullen at his words.

“Well, whether you could meet her safely or in a very difficult situation would depend on my help.”

“Are you saying that I’m not safe?”

I had to make a decision right now. The amount of information that I could disclose was a matter of my life and death. For now, I believed it would be better to speak as little as possible about these things. 

“If I tell you in advance, then the future will change. After all, the Duke will make completely different choices if you knew about them. Then, my knowledge will be useless.”

A corner of his mouth curled up as he chuckled at my words. 

“I keep mistaking you for Arielsa. Fine. That’s a smart choice.”

I felt horrified when I heard his words. If I spoke about all the information that I knew then he… I quickly shook my head to shake off the horrendous thought that flashed for a moment. 

“You said that you know my future. How is that possible?”

Of course, it was something that I couldn’t answer right away.

“Uhm… I knew it from someone.”

While I was choosing my words carefully, I saw him sipping his tea as he mumbled to himself.

“Peeking at someone else’s life. Does everyone in your world have no conscience, just like you?”

This was such an unexpected turn of events. However, this misunderstanding was only natural. 

“I, I’m sorry. I did not peek at your life, in fact, I actually read it. I didn’t even know that this world existed. But…”

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“It was moving. Reading someone else’s life was very moving. And the people of my world loved that kind of emotion.”

“Moving? Ah. My love affair. Hoo.”

Duke Kyron took another sip of his tea as he chuckled. 

I just found out that he was very cynical and rational. It was as if he did not believe that something like that would happen to him. Wasn’t our male lead too critical and distrustful? I thought that his feisty personality was the Northern Duke’s personal setting but he was also a man who did not believe in love. Well, that was the reason why our female lead was so great. This was because she was a woman who made our male lead into a man that would put his life on the line for her love. 

I spoke quietly but firmly.

“You can’t do that.” 

The look in his eyes turned ugly in an instant as he glared at me. 

“Do you think you’re in a position to tell me what to do? You stranger.” 

Stranger. It was a much better word than demonic beast. It was a word that was objectively correct but it was still an upsetting remark that hit my heart fiercely. 

Then, he spoke mockingly.

“In other words, the bards in your world are frauds that sell people’s lives for entertainment. And you are pleased to see me as a poor guy who’s crazy about one woman.” 

Heok. That’s how it is?

“When you meet her later, then you’ll know what I mean immediately.” 

I spoke with great determination but Duke Kyron just ignored my words. I could see clearly that he was not interested in anything other than information that was pertaining to his safety. 



“So why is my love important to you? You’re trying to protect me for something like that?” 

He cast a furtive glance towards me. Perhaps he realized that my words were also meant for him too. I felt a bit relieved when I heard that. However, Duke Kyron coldly warned me.

“Stop talking about moving stories.” 

It was a bit embarrassing to speak of these words myself. I couldn’t help but grip the cloth of my skirt tightly. I mumbled a bit dispiritedly but still, they were words from my heart.

“It’s because seeing the Duke being happy is also making me happy… We live because we want to have happiness. I want to make sure that your life has some special meaning.” 


It seemed like Duke Kyron did not want to question me anymore. Then, he spoke quietly.

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“Fine. I admit that you have saved me many times. And the tea tastes better these days.” 


“I also admit that you have had plenty of opportunities to kill me if you ever wanted to kill me.” 

“Thank you.” 

He put the cup down on the table as he stared at me.

“But I can’t stand being deceived even if it was just for a moment.” 

“I’m sorry about that…” 

“From now on, you only have to go back and forth from your room to my office.” 

“B, But―”

“―Do you think my words are unfair? Would you prefer the dungeon?” 


I already knew what Harpel Castle’s dungeon was like from the book. And it was something that I never wanted to experience in my life. 

“No! No, I mean, I still have to clean the herbs in the greenhouse.” 

“You can only move under my watch.” 

Under these circumstances the only thing I could do was say yes. For the time being, it was important for me to garner his trust and faith by doing what I was told to do. 

“I understand. Duke.” 

I spoke dispiritedly as the Duke signaled towards the center of the room. 

“Try it.” 


“What you were doing in the garden. I need to make sure that it’s not really magic. If you know me well then you must know how much I hate magic.” 

I knew. He hated demonic beasts and he was fed up with those with power who were greedy for mana stones. So not only was magic forbidden in Harpel Castle, there were also a few scant wizards in the north. 


I couldn’t help but freeze as my mouth dropped open. 

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Duke Kyron looked at me in interest when he saw me being flustered for the first time. He even leaned back on the sofa contently as he picked up his tea cup again. He looked charming as he held the tea cup with his hand with the saucer on the other. Even if he was sneering with his legs crossed proudly at me, I couldn’t help but think that he was handsome. I would have definitely enjoyed that look if I weren’t being picked on. 

“It’s an exercise. Just like when the Duke warmed up before hunting… It’s not something extraordinary!” 

But Duke Kyron just stared at me. It seemed like any excuse would not work on him. I stood up feeling empty inside. 

‘You brought this humiliation yourself.’ 

I stood up, moved my heels and started running in place after hearing his command. 

“One, two, three, four…” 

“No. That’s not it.” 


“You didn’t do that. You were doing that foreign spell.” 

“Ah… That.” 

I sighed deeply as I sang the gymnastics music with my own voice.

“Bbambbarabbabba bbambbabba…” 

I sang with tears running down my cheeks. 

“Let’s start the youth gymnastics with a light jump! This is how you exercise. Arm exercise. Arm and leg exercise. I had to warm up because I got drunk and it was cold.” 

But Duke Kyron just looked at me with a frown. 

“It’s just a stupid gesture?”

I answered him while sighing deeply.

“Yes. That’s all.” 

“That’s lame.” 

I told you that it wasn’t something extraordinary!

I couldn’t help but laugh derisively at Duke Kyron’s frowning face. Then, I slid over to the console table. I desperately needed the winter strawberry tea that I was letting Duke Kyron diligently these days. It was a tea that has a relaxing and calming effect. 

I turned my head to look at the small noise from behind me while I was making tea. But Duke Kyron was still drinking the cinnamon tea that I had made for him earlier. It seemed like he did not move from his place at all. But it felt like he was laughing. I thought that perhaps Duke Kyron was holding his breath down to stop himself from laughing. 

As I continued to make the winter strawberry tea, I heard another ‘Pfft.’ from behind me.

Damn it.

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