“So make up with Sir Chaers. There’s nothing between us and there won’t be anything between us. But what would happen if the two people closest to the Duke kept on fighting!”

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“Until when is Dad going to grab me tight? There’s Aunty Belia too.”

When I quickly changed the subject, George’s face quickly turned red.

“We’re… that… we’re already old. So, we have to be careful…”

“Yes. Do think carefully. Please don’t forget that I’m rooting for you. Then, I’ll be on my way.”

I even went so far as to kiss George on the cheek before getting up quickly. George looked puzzled as he failed to say anything else. 

I felt like I had aged ten years while I was on my way back to the office. I sighed listlessly when I went back to Duke Kyron’s place. 

“I’m back.”

Duke Kyron was standing by the window and watching the castle tower that was under construction. 

“Is the matter with George over?”

I answered grumpily. 

“I don’t know. Whether it went well or not, I don’t know.”

George might stop hating Chaers for now. But while I remained in this world, I would grow old and die as a maiden. 

So, did it go well or not?

While I was busy sniffing in tears in my head, Duke Kyron spoke. 

“I received a message. The Crown Prince said that he will visit Harpel Castle.” 


I was now standing in a daze. I was extremely shocked by this turn of events. We had refused the invitation to attend the hunt at the Imperial Palace because of the fire at Harpel Castle’s tower but… 

“He’s coming in person?” 

“His Majesty seems to have no intention of leaving me alone.” 

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He was speaking calmly as he turned towards me but my heart was pounding wildly.

“Why, why is he coming here?” 

“The Imperial Family sometimes comes to look in each territory. It happens quite often.” 

I spoke anxiously.

“He’s coming to find fault with the Duke! Since Gaurin failed and they failed to call you in the Imperial Hunting Contest, they went out themselves!” 

He looked me straight in the eyes.

His eyes were so calm and cold that I felt like I was looking at a different person.

“Arielsa. I’ll confront him if I have to. I will not run away from anything.” 


“Then, let’s start with the most urgent matters.” 

He looked stable and firm. Like an unshakeable rock. A large and rock-solid existence that could withstand the wind and bring shade in anytime. 

Duke Kyron smiled softly at me. I answered with determination. He was a person that I could rely on even if he just stood by the side. For some reason, I felt like he was my rock. Unknowingly, I was already acting like I was somewhat from the North. 

“I’ll help you with anything.” 

“First, prepare for the banquet menu.” 


I quickly lost all my confidence as I stood next to Duke Kyron’s desk and listened to him while he wrote down the Imperial Family’s banquet menu. The menu was completely different from the banquet that welcomed the administrators from the East. It seemed like we were truly welcoming the most precious existence in the Empire. 

I couldn’t help but sweat when I realized that there were only a few things that I knew on the menu. However, the Duke reassured me that the castle’s kitchen was filled with experienced maids. I was shocked when I realized that the Duke knew these details personally so I unknowingly stared at his face.

Doesn’t this person know everything, except for his future?

“Arielsa, did you understand?” 

“Yes? Yes!” 

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“We don’t have enough time. We should further slow down the castle tower’s restoration so His Highness will be able to see the burnt tower personally.” 

“How about doing construction at night? It’s noisy so they might just hurry up and go home.” 


I quickly stepped back when Duke Kyron clicked his tongue at my suggestion. 

Just like he said, we did not have enough time to prepare to greet the Crown Prince.




Duke Kyron took his important vassals out to greet the Crown Prince at the border of our territory. I was also tagging along at the end of the procession. 

Crown Prince Devron appeared with dozens of ministers. He even brought his own secretary, guard and servants.

He was a blonde handsome man wearing a red cape and a white military uniform as he sat on top of a white horse. When he appeared, I felt like I just had the illusion that the sunlight was moving along with his every step. 

Duke Kyron wearing his black cape and riding on top of his black horse and the blonde prince with his white uniform looked like they were day and night. 

‘But you still don’t have an aura.’ 

I quickly lowered my peeking eyes when he turned to look at the attendants following the Duke. 

Duke Kyron greeted the Crown Prince as usual. He was neither subservient or arrogant. 

“Greetings to the Empire’s little sun. You have worked hard coming this far.” 

“Thank you for greeting us personally, Duke Kyron.” 

The two rode side by side and looked around the fields and pastures around the castle instead of going straight inside.

I did not get bored since this was my first time walking outside the Harpel Castle’s territory properly.

The people were busy plowing the fields as they hung their plows on cows. Even their goats and sheeps that had been trapped all throughout the winter were grazing at the green pasture. Even though it was a boring sight, it was still a sight to behold. 

The prince spoke as if he was having fun.

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“Women are already showing their shoulders in the capital but it’s still cold here.” 

I felt annoyed when I heard the prince’s pleasant attitude as if he had gone on a lovely trip. How could this person show his flamboyant attitude when he was here to pull Duke Kyron into a trap. 

Duke Kyron, who did not know the prince’s intentions, just answered the prince leisurely.

“It’s because the God who holds the ice and snow in his hands is asleep not too far away.” 

“You’re talking about the God of the North who opens his eyes during winter and brings about the freezing cold when he’s grumpy?” 

“That’s right.” 

“Next time, I should come when it’s hotter.” 

What do you mean next time? You want to come here again? Are you going to bring down Duke Kyron again?

I was already throwing up curses in my head at every word of the prince as I stayed at the end of the procession. 

However, Duke Kyron just replied softly. 

“Your Highness is always welcome.” 

“I’m grateful that you welcome me, Duke.” 

I was a bit confused. But somehow, it was also scary. 

Crown Prince Devron looked like a gentle and sophisticated person. So, I felt angry that such a person’s head was filled with countless conspiracies just so he could stabilize his power. From the Crown Prince’s point of view, he must have felt a great sense of inferiority against Duke Kyron. After all, he was just a natural person who ate with a golden spoon while Duke Kyron achieved a feat that surpassed him with his golden spoon. 

But is it so difficult to recognize that Duke Kyron is an indifferent person as long as they don’t threaten the safety of the North?

I followed the Crown Prince’s procession with countless complicated thoughts in my head. We only returned to Harpel Castle by the time the sun had set. When we arrived at the castle, dinner was already prepared. 

I stood in front of the chair near the wall while the Crown Prince’s entourage and Duke Kyron took their seats. 

“It smells good. Quite unique.” 

“I heard that outsiders find that the North’s delicacies have a strong flavor. But I hope that you still enjoy it.” 

The Crown Prince nodded in satisfaction as he began eating. Then, Duke Kyron and his attendants also began eating. 

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Duke Kyron entertained the Crown Prince with a flexible and relaxed attitude. If it was me, I would never be able to treat the person who wanted to kill me to a meal with such a soft face. However, I thought that his poker face still remained scary. But the fear that came to me from his expressionless face added to his charm which made me like him more. 

“Ah. I heard that the Duke has a poison taster.” 

I stood up upon hearing the Crown Prince’s words. However, Duke Kyron just replied calmly. 

“I may be bitten because of my disrespect to the Crown Prince. But because of my constitution, I need to have a maid test for poison. It’s for health reasons so I hope that you don’t misunderstand.” 

The Crown Prince turned his head to look at me.

“I see.” 

Fortunately, that was the only time that he got interested in me. I can’t say that having attention was good. After all, I almost dozed off on my seat. They kept on asking and talking about what happened during the day in a formal tone so I felt that it was too boring. 

Finally, they were guided to their rooms after the long meal was over.

I was in charge of guiding the Crown Prince to his room to express our greatest courtesy. It was a form of respect since the Duke had personally sent the maid that served by his side. However, I only felt solemn. 

I opened the door to the best guest bedroom in the castle and let the Crown Prince enter. The Crown Prince’s secretary checked the room before being sent out. The Crown Prince’s knights stood outside the door as I stood there for the last time. 

“Your Highness, the Crown Prince. Please call for me if there is something that you need.”

“I understand.”

When I tried to step back with my back not turning away from him, he pulled the rope. I told him to call me if he needed anything but it seemed like he was already using this trick to a person who was leaving since he did not say anything. However, I just bowed my head and spoke calmly.

“Do you need anything, Your Highness?”

He smiled brightly as he said…



I unexpectedly raised my head in surprise. But I quickly bowed my head. 

I couldn’t understand what was going on in this person’s head since he was playing his tricks on me. I felt the tendons on my neck ticking.

The Crown Prince just sat on the sofa and crossed his long legs. I did not know if he knew what I was thinking but his smiling face made him look like those gross play boys. The problem was that he was a very cruel and dark boy.

“Everyone knows how feisty Duke Kyron is so I’m a little curious about what kind of woman kept staying on his side. What’s your name?”

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