“Mngh…. Haah….”

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“…..Ah. Good morning.”

I greeted Alaine who finally woke up. She was straightening her back. 

“Yeah… Morning…. Hm? I smell something delicious.”

“Ah, yeah. I’m cooking breakfast right now. Wait for a little bit. I should be done cooking in a little bit.”

“You’re making breakfast?!”

Startled by my words, Alaine quickly stood up. Her previously sleepy eyes were now wide open.

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“Yeah. Wait for a minute, okay?”

I returned to the kitchen to give the last  finishing touch.

“Hm~ Hm~ Hm~ Hm~”

I used material creation magic to create plates for Alaine and I. Then I used magic to levitate the plates to serve the meal. 

“It’s done.”

I floated the plate toward the desk and lined them up. 


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Alaine cheered when she saw the food I had lined up on the desk. I only made simple sandwiches and sausages.

“Ah, do you want some coffee too?”

I took out the instant coffee from storage magic and then put it in a cup. I then poured some hot water into the cup. Everything was done using magic. 

Man~ It’s really amazing to be able to use magic. I can do everything with magic. 

“Then, let’s eat.”

“Thank you for the food!”

I reached for the sandwich I had made and put it into my mouth. 

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Yeah… Delicious…. Wonderful…. It reminds me of the sandwich from my previous life on Earth. I really like sandwiches a lot. Whoa… I feel so deeply moved.

“Delicious…. Uuuu… Compared to you, I…..”

Alaine kept on eating while praising how delicious my food was. Then, remembering yesterday’s disastrous incident, Alaine casted her gaze downward. 

“My cooking is not that delicious or anything though.”

“Uuuu…. I don’t need you to comfort me.”

“I’m not trying to comfort you though. Besides, Alaine, we’re going to learn cooking together, right? It’s fine if you just learn to do it over time, right? In fact, I think people who can easily do the things they’re not used to at the first go are scary….. Besides, since I’ve made this food for you, I’d prefer it if you’d eat it with a smile on your face.”

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“Ah! Ri-Right! Sorry…. It’s really delicious!”

Alaine smiled and took a big bite of her sandwich, stuffing her mouth full. 

“Zero is really amazing.”

Then she gently patted my head.


It feels good.

And so, I spent the time together with Alaine just like this. 

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