Chapter 3

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Serious Training

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


“Hey, Arius. You’re remarkably strong for a five-year-old. You could probably beat most adults. But in my opinion, you’re slacking off by relying too much on your high magical power and having sloppy control over it. Your skills and experience are far from sufficient,”


 I was criticized by Grey on my first day with him as my private tutor.


“I won’t go easy on you like Darius or Leia. I’ll train you thoroughly,” he continued.


Grey’s lessons began with mock battles, where he mercilessly pointed out my weaknesses. Despite being harsh, it was easy to understand because he also demonstrated the correct techniques.


However, the level of skill he demanded was high, making it not easy to put into practice. I repeated the training over and over again, receiving criticism until I could get it right.


“The power and precision of magic greatly depend on how accurately and efficiently you use your magical energy. Memorizing spells is merely the starting line. Without increasing the power and precision, they won’t be useful in real combat,” Serena demanded.


Serena’s expectations were also high. Even if we cast the same spell, it looked completely different when she did it compared to me.


I was thoroughly drilled in magical control until I reached the level Serena demanded, starting from basic-level spells.


In this world, magic and skills couldn’t be easily acquired like in a game. They could only be used after learning them in reality and improving through practice and real combat, which increased your level.


Stats didn’t automatically increase with level ups either. They only increased through training and using abilities.


For example, physical stats would increase through combat and muscle training, while INT would increase through using magic and studying.


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As for my own level, Grey explained that it represented an overall indicator of strength.


But my stat values were more than double the average level. It didn’t feel like level was a reliable indicator of strength. It seemed that although there might be some variation within certain limits based on individual strengths and weaknesses, most people fell within a certain range.


Well, there probably weren’t many people like me, who had been training since infancy. Even if my stats were glitched, there was nothing to be done about it.


After the training and mock battles, it was time for real combat. Initially, I was teleported to an orc den using teleportation magic.


“Arius, neither Serena nor I will intervene. Eliminate them on your own,” Grey instructed.


I had fought against monster creatures before. When my parents weren’t around, I would sneak out and hunt monsters. So dealing with orcs should be a piece of cake.


“Forget to mention it, but attacking magic is prohibited. Defeat them all with your sword alone,” he added.


The den was quite large, so there were probably over 100 orcs. It was troublesome, but there was no other choice but to do it without area-of-effect magic.


Using “Physical Enhancement: Physical Build,” “Flight: Fly,” and “Acceleration: Boost,” I unleashed magic without chanting and dashed through the orcs. The sword empowered with magic cut the orcs in half.


In addition to regular orcs, there were orc mages, priests, and ogre guards in the den.


However, with my “Anti-Magic Defense Shield” spell, I could easily counter the orc’s magic attacks, and with my magic-enhanced abilities, I could overpower the ogres.


Having played simulation games and MMORPGs in my previous life, I wouldn’t make the mistake of being surrounded by enemies. I systematically took down one enemy at a time while keeping track of the positions of the surrounding enemies.


Despite their numerical advantage and long-range attacks, I managed to eliminate them all with just my sword.


“Well, I guess it’s only natural for Arius,” Serena remarked.

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The next battlefield was deep within the forest. When Serena activated the spell “Monster’s Call,” a pack of growling black wolves gathered.


“This time, using swords is forbidden. It’s also forbidden to beat them to death. You must fight them with magic alone,” she instructed.


I wished she had told me that from the beginning. The black wolves were already closing in.


According to Serena, a mage who was weak in close combat was considered a failure. As long as I could defend against their attacks with defensive magic, there should be no problem attacking at point-blank range with magic.


I deployed the “Sanctuary Barrier” and unleashed the basic-level spell “Flame Bullet” repeatedly.


Since using area-of-effect magic would also harm me, I had no choice but to reduce their numbers with single-target spells.


Thanks to Serena’s training in magical control, my magic had significantly increased in power, speed, and accuracy. I fired “Flame Bullets” traveling at speeds exceeding 300 km/h and took down the black wolves one after another.


However, no matter how many I defeated, they kept coming. Wait a minute, Serena is activating “Monster’s Call” again.


“Hey, Serena. There’s no end to this if you keep calling more monsters, you know?” I asked.


“Oh, that’s not the end just by wiping out the monsters in the forest,” Serena said. 

Well, there’s no other choice but to do it.


It seems they thought I was too weak if it was just black wolves. They kept summoning more and more large-sized monsters like Killer Bears and Mad Tigers, which was quite troublesome. 

But even so, I can defeat them with ‘Flame Bullets.’ It’s just a matter of blowing their heads off with a headshot or creating a hole in their chest by aiming for their hearts.


In the end, I ended up annihilating over 300 monsters. Normally, my MP would have run out by now, but I still have some leeway. 

Not only because I have a lot of MP, but also because my magic never misses, there’s no wasted magic, and the magic efficiency has increased. As a result, the MP consumption has decreased even when using the same magic.

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And so, I found myself fighting hordes of monsters every day.


With each battle, I faced stronger monsters, but they were never opponents I couldn’t defeat. It’s probably because Grey and Serena are carefully selecting opponents that I can barely win against, considering my growing strength.


“It’s about time,” Grey said.


About a month had passed since Grey and Serena became my private tutors. I was taken to a wilderness area.


There was a cave in a slightly distant place, and when I took a closer look, there were two rough-looking men acting as guards at the entrance.


“That cave is occupied by a notorious bandit group that has recently been causing rumors. They even attacked a caravan and killed everyone. It’s okay to kill them since there’s a subjugation request,” Grey explained, while Serena and Grey looked at me with serious expressions.


“Arius, if you want to become an adventurer, you can’t survive without being able to kill people. It’s harsh to say this to a five-year-old, but you’re not just an ordinary kid. I’ve been watching you for this past month and decided it’s the right time,” Grey said.


“I’ve received permission from Darius and Lea, but you don’t have to push yourself. Arius, you have the option to live as a noble, so I don’t intend to force you,” Serena added.


In my previous life, I had never killed anyone, and even though this is a game world, it feels real to me. I may be five years old now, but my mental age is around 30 since I died at the age of 25 in my previous life. I understand the meaning of taking someone’s life.


I’m not foolish enough to think it’s okay to kill someone just because they’re evil. And I know that if I were to kill someone, I would regret it because of my personality, but…


“Grey, Serena, I’ll do it,” I said.


I had made up my mind when I was reincarnated into this world. I will become stronger, not just live as a capture target in “Love Study Koigaku.” 


I feel sorry for the bandits, but I’ll use them as stepping stones.


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Since there might be people kidnapped inside the cave, I entered without using area-of-effect magic. 


I activated “Invisibility” and “Silence” and silently approached the guards. Without saying a word, I decapitated both of them.


It was the first time I killed someone. But for now, I’ll try not to think about it.


There were nearly 100 bandits inside the cave. I used single-target attack magic and my sword to systematically take them down.


Some of them wore metal armor like bodyguards, but most of them were only wearing leather armor.


 Some had crossbows as weapons, but the rest mainly had axes or short swords.


Since I had defeated stronger monsters before, there was no problem in terms of strength.


When no one else was left moving, I realized that I had wiped out the bandits. There was no one who had been kidnapped, so in hindsight, using area-of-effect magic would have been easier.


But more than that, the feeling of taking the lives that still remain… the regret of killing someone is something I have to accept since it was my own decision.


Even after the battle ended, Grey and Serena didn’t say anything. They want me to think and find the answer on my own.


It seems like I’ll have sleepless nights for a while… but I’ll definitely overcome it.


※ ※ ※ ※

Arius Gilbert, 5 years old

Level: 42

HP: 434

MP: 585

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