Chapter 7

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Two Years Later

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


After my achievement of conquering the first high-difficulty dungeon, I was certified as an S-class adventurer.


“You… You’re just a burden, sticking with Gray-san and Serena-san. How dare a kid like you become an S-class adventurer!” 


Adventurers started picking fights with me all at once, using the excuse that I was just a child.


“So, what’s your point? If you have nothing to say, I’m leaving,” I replied.


And so, today, I ended up beating up six A-class adventurers and leaving them lying in the back alleys.


Serena appeared out of nowhere, wearing an enchanting smile, as the bewildered adventurers looked on.


“Well, if you don’t understand Arius’ true abilities, I guess it can’t be helped. But let me give you a word of advice. If you don’t want to die, don’t mess with Arius,” she said.


“Um, Serena-san, I’m not that aggressive, you know,” I interjected.


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“No, it’s fine to kill those who bother us. Right, guys? Don’t you think so?” Gray’s eyes were filled with killing intent, and the A-class adventurers fled in fear. Well, that doesn’t really matter.


Over the next two years, we continued to conquer high-difficulty dungeons all around the world.


Although we call them high-difficulty dungeons, the difficulty level varies greatly from dungeon to dungeon.


There are four categories of dungeons: low difficulty, medium difficulty, high difficulty, and the most challenging top-class dungeons. However, any dungeon with a difficulty level above a certain threshold falls into the high-difficulty category.


Only the most challenging dungeons are special and there are only seven of them in this world. Conquering these top-level dungeons is my current goal. Well, that’s a story for another time.


“Fortress Golem is too tough, and Fenrir and Phoenix have unbelievably high attack power,” I said.


Fortress Golem is a massive armored monster with a thickness that easily exceeds 1 meter, while Fenrir is the strongest ice attribute monster, and Phoenix is the strongest fire attribute monster.


Moreover, these monsters appear in up to six groups simultaneously.


Currently, we are tackling the lower levels of the “Gynei Great Labyrinth.” The “Gynei Great Labyrinth” consists of a total of 200 floors and is one of the most difficult high-difficulty dungeons.


“Well, Arius should be able to defeat them,” Gray said confidently.


“That’s right. It would be strange if Arius couldn’t defeat them,” Serena added.

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While Gray and Serena speak as if it’s obvious, just to give you some context, the recommended level for the first high-difficulty dungeon I conquered was 250, while the “Gynei Great Labyrinth” has a recommended level of 500.


Because of such a level difference, I am struggling…


“I know. If I can’t defeat them, I can’t move forward,” I said.


I concentrate my mana and challenge the stronger monsters. Refined mana cuts through the necks of the monsters.


If the monsters are stronger, I can become even stronger myself. That’s become the norm for me, thanks to fighting alongside Gray and Serena.


They weren’t strong from the beginning, just like me. They became stronger by continuously fighting against monsters, just like me.


“I’m really hungry. Gray, Serena, let’s go get dinner quickly,” I said.


While we are conquering the “Gynei Great Labyrinth,” we are staying in a city called Carnel in the Crista Kingdom. The reason is simple: it’s the closest city to the “Gynei Great Labyrinth.”


Chapter 2: Gathering Information


I can use the teleportation magic, so distance doesn’t matter to me. The city of Carnel is a gathering place for adventurers who are also challenging the “Gynei Great Labyrinth,” so information naturally flows in.


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Gray and Serena have already cleared the “Gynei Great Labyrinth,” so they don’t need any information. But for me, gathering information is a valuable experience.


Another characteristic of the “Gynei Great Labyrinth” is that while the lower levels are among the highest difficulty in high-level dungeons, the upper levels are not much different from medium difficulty dungeons.


That’s why there are even D-class adventurers among those who challenge the “Gynei Great Labyrinth.” It may be easy to attempt, but only a handful of adventurers can actually clear it.


“Hey, Gray-san! Let’s have a drink together,” someone called out.


“If you don’t mind, Serena-san, please let me treat you,” another person added.


When we went to the adventurer’s guild, other adventurers approached us one after another. Gray and Serena are well-known, so there’s not a single adventurer who doesn’t know them. They’re friendly and loved by everyone.


“I’ll join you for a drink. I’m starving, so feed me first, will ya? Right, Master? Let’s order some drinks and food,” Gray said.


“I’ll have a white wine and a cheese platter. Anything else is fine. What about you, Arius?” Serena asked.


“I want some meat. Master, bring me whatever meat dish you can prepare quickly,” I replied.


I’m currently 10 years old, but I’m over 160cm tall, so I might look like a middle school student. Appearance-wise, I look like an age-appropriate adventurer, so being in the adventurer’s guild doesn’t feel out of place. Well, there’s no one else in my age group challenging high-level dungeons, though.


By the way, the person we call “Master” is the head of the food and drink department of this adventurer’s guild. It’s not just us, everyone calls him Master.

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“I’ll go exchange the magic stones for money before the food arrives,” I said.


“Arius, you’re always causing trouble,” Serena scolded.


“Well, it’s only natural since they adjust things for me based on my level,” I replied. If I don’t do some chores, it wouldn’t be fair. We’ve defeated a large number of monsters today, so there are plenty of magic stones in my storage.


As I was about to head towards the counter where the guild staff was, my eyes met with a girl approaching our table.


She had ash-gray hair in a short bob, and she looked like a 14 or 15-year-old girl. Objectively speaking, she could be the rival of the main character in a romance novel, as she was a beautiful girl.


But for me, who is now the same age as my previous life at 25 plus my current age, which is 10, I have no interest in pre-teen girls.


However, it seems that the feeling is not mutual. For some reason, she gave me a glare.


※ ※ ※ ※


Arius Gilbert, 10 years old

Level: 438

HP: 4,492

MP: 6,701

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