Vol. 2 Chapter 23

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Let Me Show You

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


We use teleportation magic, Teleport, to go directly to the “Gynei Great Labyrinth.” Only Jessica, who aims to be an all-rounder, and Mike, the magic attacker, can use teleportation magic since they are members of the “Silver Wings,” an S-class adventurer party.


Mike didn’t want to consume MP before entering the dungeon, so I planned to transport everyone using my teleportation magic. However, Alan objected, saying he didn’t want to rely on my help, so in the end, Jessica and Mike used teleportation magic. It’s true that Mike was the correct choice, but I ended up being dragged into a conversation I didn’t care about.


The level of monster creatures in the “Gynei Great Labyrinth” increases drastically from the 150th floor. Around level 300 on the 150th floor, around level 400 on the 180th floor, and around level 500 on the lowest floor, the 200th floor. On the other hand, Jessica and the others are at around level 200 to 300.


But it’s not just about levels. The monsters that appear on the lowest floor of the “Gynei Great Labyrinth” are the highest-ranking demons known as Named Daemon Lords. They have vicious special abilities, making them formidable enemies even beyond their levels. Moreover, since they are dungeon monsters, multiple monsters with the same name appear in abundance.


“For now, make sure you never leave my barrier. I won’t guarantee your safety if you do.”


After teleporting to the 200th floor using the teleportation points inside the dungeon, I deploy the 10th-layer compound attribute magic, “Absolute Barrier.” 


“Um… That’s all well and good, but… Hey, Arius. There are so many points to nitpick. Why aren’t you even wearing armor, and that ominous sword… It definitely looks like a cursed item, right?”


I am currently dressed in just a shirt and pants, and it’s true that both of my swords are cursed.


“Well, the equipment doesn’t really matter. I fight in this style for training purposes.”


My immediate goal is to conquer the top-tier, solo-play dungeons. So, in preparation for battles against formidable monsters in high-difficulty dungeons, I save my attack and defense power. 


However, saving doesn’t mean I go easy on myself. If I slack off, I’ll develop bad habits. I adjust my attack power using cursed weapons and compensate for the lack of defense by not equipping armor.


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Well, this style is based on the assumption that I’ll be fighting in the “Dragon’s Palace.” It’s still overkill for the “Gynei Great Labyrinth,” though.


“Don’t mess around… Saving your power in the lowest level of the ‘Gynei Great Labyrinth’ is simply unthinkable! It’s just a bluff!”


Alan is making a fuss, but I ignore him. I transport Jessica and the others along with the “Absolute Barrier” and leap into the chamber.


The first monsters that appear are 12 Beelzebubs. So, just to make a mental note, why are multiple monsters with unique names appearing? 


Before the Beelzebubs can start their attacks, I quickly defeat four of them. With my speed, it’s probably invisible to Jessica and the others, but I don’t intend to slow down deliberately.


While narrowly avoiding the wave of magical power unleashed by the remaining eight Beelzebubs, I swiftly dispatch them.




Showing them my true strength, Alan becomes quiet. Well, it’s not my actual strength since I’m saving it.


“Hey, Alan, Jake. If


 you still doubt my abilities, want to fight alongside me?”


I’m the type who fights back when provoked, and I won’t show mercy to those who provoke me. Well, it’s different if the opponent is a girl.


“Sure. If you’re at a level where you can defeat them instantly, I can handle it too!”


“Hey, Alan… Hey, Arius-san. I understand your strength now. Please give me a break..”


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“Jake, don’t you dare get scared!” 


Alan and Jake are having a falling out. Ignoring them, I grab their collars and throw them outside of the “Absolute Barrier.”


“Well, I won’t interfere then. You two better do your best.”


“Hey, wait! W-Wait for me!”


“Jake, you better be prepared too!”


“Wait a minute, Arius! This won’t end well if we leave them like this…”


I grab Jessica’s arm as she tries to rush out to help them.


“Arius! I know it’s their fault. I’m not asking you to save them, but… they’re still members of my party!”


She still has some childishness in her, but Jessica is straightforward, for better or worse. That’s why I don’t dislike her.


“Yeah, I get it. I won’t let them die or anything. Let’s test if they have the courage to open the next chamber’s door. If they don’t, I’ll beat them up. If they do, I’ll just show them hell.”


“Are you… really not going to kill them?”


The next chamber’s door is right in front of them. If they open it, level 400 monsters that can be easily defeated will appear.


If they open it, it’s certain death. If they don’t, they admit to being cowards.


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“Arius, you’re actually a mean person. It’s good medicine for Alan and Jake, though.”


Marcia smirks.


“You’re just as mean. But I’m aware of it, so it’s not a problem.”


“I’m aware of it too. Hey, Arius-kun, want to bet if Alan and Jake will open the door? I’ll bet one gold coin on the opening side.”


“That’s not much of a bet. There’s no way they don’t have the courage to open the door.”


They can hear our voices, so of course they’ll open it if they’re provoked.


“…Y-You’re kidding! It’s obvious, isn’t it!”


“Hey… Alan, stop it!”


“Don’t be so noisy, Jake! We can’t back down like this!”


Yes, they made a foolish decision.


As soon as they open the door, ten demons resembling fallen angels with black wings—Lucifer, appear. So, it’s not really unique if ten of them appear.


The Lucifers quickly close the distance between them and Alan and Jake, mercilessly striking them with their giant black swords.


But I promised not to kill them. I activate my second “Absolute Barrier” at the last moment.


“Hey, did you do something unnecessary? Should I release the barrier?”

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Alan can’t say anything, his eyes wide with fear from the overwhelming power of the approaching swords. Jake is wetting himself. But I’m a mean person. I won’t forgive them that easily.


“Decide in the next ten seconds. Either you two fight the Lucifers alone, or you apologize to me. I don’t really mind either way. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…”


“W-Wait! Arius, I was wrong!”


What’s with this? They’re making a fuss over something like this. I instantly annihilate the ten Lucifers.


“Arius… I don’t want you as an enemy.”


Jessica is looking at me with an irritated expression, but it’s not a problem.


“Well, I’m just that kind of person.”


“Yeah. But… I don’t dislike you either.”


For some reason, Jessica’s face turns red. Hey, Jessica… where in this situation did you find something that would make your cheeks




※ ※ ※ ※

Arius Gilbert, 15 years old

Level: ????

HP: ????

MP: ????

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