Vol. 2 Chapter 25

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Thoughts *Milia's Perspective*

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


“Don’t jump to conclusions about someone. If you don’t consider why the other person acted that way, you won’t be able to understand them.” 


At that time, I couldn’t figure out my own feelings… Even now, it still bothers me when I recall it.


But leaving that aside, I think what Arius said is correct. I had assumed that everyone was a character from “Love Studies” and never even tried to imagine what they were thinking.


Even if my memories from a past life were just delusions, and even if this is the world of “Love Studies” where I am a reincarnated person, it doesn’t matter to everyone else. They are all living in this world for real.


So, from now on, I want to see everyone as individuals, not as characters from “Love Studies.” I will also stop pretending to be Milia myself.


But I won’t thank Arius. It’s frustrating to be told something like that by someone who just met me and doesn’t know anything about me.


The morning after the incident with Sophia and the others, as promised, Sophia came to my classroom to apologize.


She entered the classroom with the noble students who had restrained me, and without hesitation, she deeply bowed before me.


“Milia-san, I sincerely apologize for what we did yesterday. What we did to you is something to be ashamed of as human beings. Please tell us anything we can do to make amends, and we will do it.”


The noble students that Sophia brought with her also bowed, looking embarrassed. Yesterday’s incident had become the talk of the academy, and there wasn’t a single student who was unaware of it.

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However, Sophia and her companions couldn’t be punished by the academy because they were nobles and I was a commoner.


But it seemed that Sophia didn’t intend to leave it at that. I could sense her determination to accept any punishment.


It was unheard of for the Duke’s daughter, Sophia, to bow before a commoner like me. The surrounding students watched with curiosity, and the noble students were simply being forced to apologize.


I didn’t like the feeling that Sophia alone was being treated as the villain and made a public spectacle of.


“Wait a moment, Sophia-san. I appreciate that you came to apologize, but it’s not appropriate to do it here in the classroom. Can we talk privately after school, just the two of us?”


Even if I said I would forgive her easily, I didn’t think Sophia would be satisfied. So, I decided to have a private conversation with her.


After school. I had intended to talk in the empty classroom, but since the students who heard the rumors kept lingering, I invited Sophia to my dorm room instead.


My small room for commoners probably looked like a doghouse to Sophia, who was from a prominent noble family. But she didn’t show any sign of such an attitude.


“Milia-san, if you can forgive me, no matter what I have to do… No, I understand that what I did cannot be forgiven. Still, please let me make amends.”


I believe there was no falsehood in Sophia’s words. She genuinely wanted to make up for what she had done. Even though she hadn’t directly harmed me or given any orders, she truly felt responsible.


Sophia… She really is a good person, isn’t she?


“Hey, Sophia-san. You keep apologizing like this and scolding the other noble students for me. That’s enough for me.”

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“That won’t… be enough to make up for what I’ve done.”


“Then, Sophia-san, would you be my friend?”


“Huh… Why…?”


Sophia was taken aback. It seemed she had


 never imagined I would say something like that.


“I want to be friends with you. If we’re friends, there’s no need for you to make amends or worry about such formalities, right? It might not be a balanced friendship between a commoner like me and Sophia-san, but…”


“That’s not true! But… for me, who hurt you, to be your friend…”


“Friendships can start from arguments, you know? After talking to you, I realized that. I love your straightforwardness.”


These are my honest feelings. I am grateful for her help, but I genuinely like Sophia’s straightforwardness. That’s why I want to be friends.


“On my part… Thank you, Milia-san. If you’re fine with someone like me, let’s be friends.”


“Hey, Sophia… No, from now on, I’ll call you Sophia. Don’t deny my love for you like that.”


“Please don’t keep saying things like ‘love’ over and over again. It’s… embarrassing.”

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Sophia’s face turned bright red.


“Hehe… Sophia, you’re cute! Hey, Sophia. Would you call me Milia too?”

“Yes… Milia, nice to meet you.”

“Yeah. Let’s get along!”


And so, Sophia and I became friends. I started seeing others as individuals rather than characters from “Love Studies.” It’s something that should be natural, but I had forgotten about it.


As I started paying closer attention to the people around me, I naturally became able to act accordingly.


The next day after school, I saw a girl from my class struggling with a heavy stack of handouts in the hallway.


“Emma, let me help. It’ll be faster if we carry them together.”


“Thank you, Milia.”


This is also an event from “Love Studies.” Emma and the others were asked by the teacher to take the handouts to the staff room, but the noble students who were with her left everything for Emma to carry and went back.


Unable to ignore the situation, Milia lent a helping hand, and as a result, Zeke’s favorability increased. But that doesn’t concern me. I just wanted to help Emma.


“Here, let me take them. I’ll carry them for you.”


“Your Highness Zeke…”

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As expected, Zeke appeared as the event dictated. Emma’s eyes were filled with hearts.


In the event, Milia would refuse here, and Zeke would forcefully take the handouts. It’s a scene where his forcefulness is charming and makes your heart skip a beat.


“Thank you, Your Highness Zeke. You also have some good qualities, don’t you?”


I handed the handouts to Zeke sincerely. It’s in my nature to accept people’s kindness without hesitation. Zeke’s face turned red.


“What’s with that ‘good qualities’? What does that even mean?”


“It means that even though you try to act cool, you’re actually a kind person.”


“What… are you talking about! You’re really cheeky, aren’t you?”


Zeke’s face turned red. It’s a bit fun. If I don’t think about events or character roles, life at the academy is enjoyable. Arius made me realize that…


But still, I absolutely don’t want to thank Arius. His ice-blue eyes that see through people and his confident smile… When I remember his face, it makes me feel a bit unsettled.


※ ※ ※ ※

Milia Rond, 15 years old

Level: 22

HP: 92

MP: 128

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