Vol. 2 Chapter 28

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Marus's Aim

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


The members gathered for today’s lunch meeting were quite significant in political terms. There were Prince Erik, the first prince of the Ronaudia Kingdom, Prince Zeek, the second prince, Prince Baan, the third prince of the Grand Blade Empire, and Marus, the son of a cardinal who held power comparable to the royal family. In addition, there was Sofia, the daughter of the Victornio Duke, one of the three major ducal families of the kingdom, and myself, Arius, who is the son of the Prime Minister and dare I say, a power to rival the royal family.


“Prince Erik, the food is splendid. It truly lives up to being prepared by the royal chef,” I complimented.


“Thank you, Lord Marus. I’m glad you think so,” Erik replied.


The power of the king, who is the top authority in the kingdom, and the substantial influence of the cardinal, who also wields influence beyond the country, are evenly balanced, and they are in a political opposition. Erik and Marus are engaging in seemingly harmless conversation, but it feels like they’re probing each other’s intentions. Well, Erik seems as usual, but Marus’s demeanor is subtly different from during the practical magic class.


“This is truly delicious. It’s my first time having such a luxurious meal,” Millia commented.


“Thank you, Millia. I’ll pass on your words to the chef,” Erik replied.


Millia seems unaware of the atmosphere or simply doesn’t care. She talks with Sofia, Zeek, and everyone else in a natural and unaffected manner. It feels easygoing, and the meal progresses in a pleasant atmosphere.


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By the way… It’s different from what I expected. The academy these days doesn’t really feel like a world from an otome game. Well, the other students are still as lovey-dovey as ever, but the protagonist, Millia, and the capture targets don’t seem to be particularly interested in romance.


Unlike me, who spends most of my time in the dungeon, they should be interacting even after school. Perhaps there haven’t been any events related to romance because Millia isn’t in romance mode.


Well, it’s a real world, not a game. Relationships change with the situation. Personally, I find it more enjoyable and less troublesome this way.


“Millia, you also know proper table manners,” Prince Zeek remarked.


“Prince Zeek, are you making fun of me by calling me a commoner?” Millia retorted.


“No, that’s not my intention…” Prince Zeek stammered.


“Oh, please. You should stop pretending to be bad on purpose, Your Highness. You’re actually a good person,” Millia said.


“Zeek, you become a mess when you’re around Millia. I think it would be better if you were more straightforward,” Erik chimed in.


“Even my big brother… I’m not a good guy, you know!” Zeek protested.


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“That’s not true. Prince Erik, Prince Zeek secretly brags that he has a good older brother in Prince Erik,” Millia revealed.


“Hey, Millia! Stop it! What are you saying!” Zeek exclaimed.


“Well, well, I’d like to hear that story too. It’s quite surprising. I’m interested,” Marus interjected.


“Hey… wait a minute…” Zeek tried to intervene.


Thanks to Millia, Zeek has become a complete comic relief character. The conversation revolves around Zeek, and Marus is completely overshadowed. Marus is smiling, but his eyes don’t show any signs of laughter. Hey, Millia, you’re not doing this on


 purpose, are you?


Dessert and post-meal drinks are served at the end of the course. Millia’s eyes light up at the tart topped with plenty of whipped cream and fruits. Girls really do love sweets.


“Lord Arius, you always have that expression as if none of this concerns you,” Millia remarked, glaring at me once again.


“Hey, Millia. Call me without honorifics and formal language. It’s awkward being spoken to with honorifics in the same year. But, more importantly… you seem to have changed. You look more lively than when we last met,” I said.


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During the incident with Sofia’s entourage, I felt a forced awkwardness between them. But now, things are completely different, and she seems genuinely happy.


“It’s not like… I owe it to you, Arius!” Millia replied, blushing for some reason. But I didn’t say anything like that.


“Hey, everyone. I have a suggestion,” Marus suddenly spoke up, catching everyone’s attention. It seems like he’s finally making his move.


“We were placed in different A groups for the practical magic class, right? But since we all entered the academy as first-year students, I thought we should deepen our friendship. As a token of gratitude for this time, I’ll invite everyone to a meal next time. How about we also go out together with this group?” he proposed.


It’s a simple invitation, but the people here aren’t particularly close to Marus, except for Millia. Without her, it’s just a group of faces.


“Lord Marus, I’m glad you’re inviting us, but how about we do it another time? Besides, you don’t mean to invite everyone here, do you?” Erik politely declined. Well, Erik isn’t a fool who can’t see through someone’s intentions.


“What do you mean, Prince Erik? I just want to get along with everyone,” Marus looked confused, and Erik gave a wry smile.


“Then let me be clear. You’re expecting political backing from all of us, except for Millia, right? I’m aware that a counter-faction within the church is gaining power,” Erik stated.


“Oh… if it’s already that obvious, then there’s no need to beat around the bush,” Marus’s attitude suddenly changed. He wore a cunning smile on his androgynous face.


“Erik, you’re right that I want everyone’s support as my political backing. I promise to cooperate not only in my one-sided requests but also when everyone needs to confront political enemies. If I were to become a cardinal and wield power within the church, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to build a cooperative relationship from now on, considering that everyone has their own political enemies,” Marus explained.

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“Indeed, if the cardinal can maintain power… there would be benefits for us too. But your approach seems too hasty, and it might backfire. Even though I invited Millia to a meal before you did, I find it inappropriate for you to ignore her and have this conversation,” Erik said, unusually angry. The fact that he specifically pointed out the possibility of another faction rising within the church is evidence of that.


Well, Erik is smarter and more skilled than Marus. He probably already has a plan in motion without waiting for Marus’s invitation. Erik’s bargaining partner isn’t Marus, but the current cardinal.


Marus, who was treated dismissively, clenched his teeth and glared at Erik.


“Prince Erik. Since I seem to be in the way, shall I excuse myself?” Millia interrupted, unfazed.


“No, Millia, there’s no need for you to worry. Right, Lord Marus?” Millia, you’re intentionally doing this, aren’t you? If Marus denies it here, it would mean he’s only thinking about himself.


After that, Marus became completely invisible, and the lunch meeting came to an end.


※ ※ ※ ※

Arius Gilbert, 15 years old

Level: ????

HP: ????

MP: ????

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