Vol. 3 Chapter 42

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Annoying Matters

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


Annoying things tend to happen in quick succession. A few days later, when I went to the academy, I was called by Erik because he had something to discuss.


I went to Erik’s salon during lunch break, and although the food was prepared, there were no cooks or maids present. It was just Erik and me. I have a bad feeling about this.


“Arius, we’re planning a trip to the royal villa next weekend with everyone. Can you keep your schedule free?”


The members are Erik and me, Zeke, Lord Burn, Lord Mars, and also Sophia, Miss Sasha, and Milia-san.”


“What the heck? That’s out of the blue. I don’t really want to know, but Erik must have some ulterior motive, right?”


Erik wouldn’t come up with such a plan without any purpose in mind.


“Yeah, I want to lure Duke Jordan out.”


The Jordan Ducal family is one of the three major ducal families in the Ronaudia Kingdom.


Well, I don’t really care about that. But the current head of the family, Duke Victor Jordan, is the true mastermind behind the incident during the Dungeon Practicum.


We couldn’t capture him due to the lack of evidence, but there’s circumstantial evidence that he was providing money to the nobles who were punished in this incident.


The Intelligence Agency also concluded that Duke Jordan was the mastermind, as Darius mentioned.


“I also believe that Duke Jordan is guilty, but he wouldn’t be foolish enough to make a move at this timing.”


It’s only been two weeks since the incident. It’s unlikely that he would make a move when we are on high alert.


“It’s precisely because you guys think that way that Duke Jordan will make a move behind the scenes. That’s the kind of person he is. Besides, I’ve been scattering various baits, so it’s easy to manipulate him.”


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Recently, Erik no longer hides the fact that he loves strategizing, especially when it comes to me. It’s like he acknowledged me as his accomplice. Well, I’m not happy about it at all.


Erik is still a good guy, but I don’t think it’s right to use people as pawns.


Well, he must have absolute confidence in protecting everyone and has made the necessary preparations.


There’s no need to involve Lord Burn and Milia. They are completely unrelated.


I included them in the same group just for the convenience of protecting them during the Dungeon Practicum.


“I’ll let them know all the details and let them make their own decisions, but I think they will probably come. The main goal is to lure Duke Jordan, but I also plan to enjoy the trip normally. It shouldn’t be a problem since you’ll be there, right?”


If the attackers are at the same level as last time, Erik’s guards and the Intelligence Agency can handle them without any problem.


But since Duke Jordan failed once, he will probably prepare more skilled individuals this time.


Well, I’m sure Erik is well aware of that and has made countermeasures.


“Got it. But this is just for this time. I’m busy on weekends, you know.”


“Yeah, I understand your situation, Arius. We’ll definitely put an end to this after this… so you can rest assured.”


When Erik says it’s definite, it must be truly definite. And even if Duke Jordan doesn’t make a move, there seems to be a means to make him move forcefully.


“Erik, assassination would be the last resort, right?”


“I don’t like that idea, Arius. I’m not thinking about that.”


Erik immediately answered without hesitation, but I’m convinced he’s lying.


※ ※ ※ ※

I finished all the lunch that Erik had prepared, but I didn’t feel satisfied with the refined cuisine. After parting ways with Erik, I headed to the cafeteria.

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I ordered a regular meal and sat at a vacant seat casually. I still feel the intense gaze of girls and the jealous looks of boys. I’m used to it, so it’s just like the air to me.


I sometimes wonder if there’s anyone who would come and pick a fight with me openly. I’m the type to fight back if a fight is offered.


But ever since the Dungeon Practicum, more people avoid making eye contact with me.


Well, it’s probably because of the rumors Erik spread. The girls started to approach me more, though.


Plus and minus, no, both are negatives.


“Arius… um, if you don’t mind, would you like to join me?”


Sophia approached me while I was chatting with her entourage.


Chapter 42: Annoying Matters


The large table at the far end is still occupied by Sophia and her group, but other students are also mixed in as usual.


“I don’t mind, but I guess Sophia and the others have already finished eating. I don’t feel like joining in their girls’ chat.”


“I want to talk with Arius. Is that not allowed?”


Sophia smiled mischievously. Truly, Sophia is a perfect beauty.


“Ah, I see.”


As I was about to stand up, Sophia sat down in the seat next to me.


“I invited you, so there’s no need for you to change seats.”


“But what about them? Is it okay with them?”

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Her entourage was looking at us and whispering something in hushed voices.


Well, I can imagine what they’re talking about. It’s mostly predictable.


“Oh, don’t worry. We’ve already finished eating, so there’s no problem.”


I talked with Sophia about trivial things. Like our classes and how Sophia and Milia hang out together after school.


Lately, it seems that Sasha has started joining them more often.


“Arius, you always go home right after school, don’t you? How about coming to hang out with us sometimes?”


That’s a pretty straightforward invitation.


“Well, Sophia is Erik’s fiancée, so it wouldn’t be good for me to hang out with you.”


“It’s not like it’s just the two of us. Going out with friends… there’s no problem with that.”


Sophia emphasized the word “friends.” Could it be that she heard about the conversation I had with Burn at the ball?


Well, thinking that going out as friends is embarrassing is childish when I consider it rationally.


“Yeah, if you invite me, I’ll come hang out. I’ll keep my schedule open, so let me know when you decide on the date.”


“Eh… you’re not joking, are you?”


“What, you think I’m joking?”


Well, going out to play with Sophia, it’s definitely a joke.


“N-No! That’s not it! I just thought Arius would never come even if I invited you!”


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Sophia hastily denied it. It’s not something to panic about, really.


It’s understandable to think that I wouldn’t come even if invited. We haven’t spent time together at all before, after all.


“It’s a promise, so please keep it!”


“Yeah, I got it.”


It’s strange even to myself, but I wasn’t interested in going out as friends at all.


But lately, I’ve started to think that it’s not a bad idea.


“By the way, Sophia, have you heard about Erik’s plan to go to the villa?”


“Yes, I have. It’s going to be fun to travel with everyone, isn’t it?”


“No, that’s not what I meant. What about the hidden plan?”


I asked in a low voice, and Sophia nodded.


“Of course, I know. But it’s Erik’s plan, and you’re here, Arius. There shouldn’t be any problems, right?”


I find this mysterious trust a bit puzzling, but it’s not a bad thing.


I want to protect Sophia and the others. They’re good people.


“Well, I’ll do what I can.”


“In that case, I can rest easy.”


I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by her unwavering smile.


No, Sophia is Erik’s fiancée. It would be inappropriate to think of such things.

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