Vol. 3 Chapter 58

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A Day That's Not Over Yet

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


After finishing the post-incident cleanup, Erik’s knights and the intelligence members take turns resting. There is still some time until morning, so everyone decides to rest in their respective rooms. Arius, however, chooses to stay awake until they return to the capital. He wants to remain vigilant, ensuring he doesn’t regret anything due to carelessness. After all, the trip won’t be over until they reach the capital, and they might encounter unexpected situations.


The next morning, they wake up a little later than planned and have breakfast together before departing for the capital. Despite some concerns about her health, Zeke is still cheerful and seems to enjoy chatting with Sofia and Sasha. Both Sofia and Sasha are aware of Zeke’s condition, but since Zeke insists she’s fine, they gently watch over her without pushing her.


On their way back to the capital, they aren’t attacked again, and they reach the academy on their carriage. They bid farewell to each other before heading to their respective dormitories.


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“Hey, Zeke, since we returned a little early, do you want to come to my room for a chat? Sasha, would you like to join us too? Let’s have a sleepover at my room tonight,” Sofia invites.


“Yes, I’d love to chat a bit more. Zeke, please come with us,” Sasha adds.


Zeke hesitates for a moment but then smiles shyly. “Well, I guess it’ll be okay. But remember, we have classes tomorrow.”


“If you bring your change of clothes and what you need for class, there won’t be a problem,” Sofia assures her. “And we’ll need some delicious snacks and tea too.”


Zeke seems to understand Sofia and Sasha’s intentions, and she shyly agrees. “Sofia, Sasha… Thank you. You’re worrying over me, but I’ll be fine.”


“We’re just interested in chatting. Don’t worry,” Sofia says.

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“Yeah, we only want to chat with you,” Sasha adds.


“Okay, then I’ll go to my room and get ready. I’ll be right there,” Zeke says.


Arius realizes he was eavesdropping a bit on their conversation, but he had been concerned about Zeke too. Seeing Sofia and Sasha taking care of her, he feels reassured.


“I’m going to head back and sleep. See you all at the academy tomorrow,” Arius bids them farewell.


“Thank you, Arius. You can rest easy now, and I’ll take care of the remaining political matters,” Erik says. There are still matters to deal with concerning the Jordan Duke’s family members, territory, and assets, but that’s Erik’s responsibility.


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The issue with Mars being used as bait is yet to be confirmed, but Arius trusts Erik to handle it well.


Walking through the academy grounds alone after parting ways, Arius thinks about eating something since he’s hungry. The cafeteria isn’t open on Sundays, so he decides to find a place in the city to eat.


When he passes through the academy’s main gate…


“Oh, what a coincidence. I never dreamed I’d run into you here, Arius,” Alisa Kusunoki, a petite girl with white hair and golden eyes, dressed in a bright red reptilian-style leather robe adorned with numerous large gemstone necklaces, says theatrically.


Arius chuckles, aware that Alisa suddenly appeared in front of him even though the effective range of his “Search” skill is over 5 km. She must have used multiple short-range teleports to get here.


Ignoring Alisa’s theatrics, he takes her to a simple eatery frequented by commoner students. They are quickly served recommended set meals and a complimentary skewer of meat.

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“So, Alisa, what brings you here this time?” Arius asks while eating. The recommended set meal plate is empty within a minute, and he’s now enjoying the skewer.


“Well, Arius, there’s a slightly bothersome matter and a really bothersome matter I wanted to discuss with you. Which one do you want to hear first?” Alisa grins mysteriously.


“Neither, if I had a choice,” Arius replies.


Alisa came here with a bothersome matter in mind, and Arius knew that already.


“Well, don’t say that. You’ll want to hear about both since they concern you,” Alisa says, her smile enigmatic.


With that, Alisa begins her story.

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