Vol. 3 Chapter 62

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Academy Dungeon

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


In the end, Marsha didn’t admit it, but maybe she’ll quiet down a bit now.


“I heard rumors that Arius-kun has been skipping classes like crazy. The exams are coming up soon, are you alright?”


When I went to the library on Wednesday, Noelle expressed her concern. It’s quite something to become the subject of gossip just for skipping some classes; it seems like everyone has too much free time.


“I’m fine with the exams. I study through practical experience.”


If the academy’s classes were more hands-on, I might not skip them.


Well, maybe not. My current focus is on conquering the extremely challenging top-class dungeon, the “Prison of the Demon God.” So, even if the classes are interesting, I’ll probably still end up skipping.


“Are you sure you’re okay, Noelle? You seem to have your own struggles with math and swordsmanship.”


Noelle is scholarly, excelling in magic and liberal arts subjects, but somehow struggles with math.


Well, she’s not good at physical activities, and considering that, her trouble with swordsmanship makes sense.


“Uh… Arius-kun, please don’t say that. If I could learn from someone who’s good at teaching, like Arius-kun, I could become good at math too.”


“Well, math requires practice and understanding patterns of solving problems. Noelle, you’re just not dedicating enough time to it.”


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“So, for me to passionately focus on math, I need someone who’s good at teaching to come to the library more often and help me…”


Somehow, Noelle has become quite a troublesome person.


“Come on, Noelle. Get your textbook out. We don’t have much time, but I’ll help you with the parts you don’t understand.”


“Arius-kun, thank you! You know… I want to—”


In the end, that day I ended up staying with Noelle after school.


Well, Noelle is a friend, but I can’t spend as much time with her as I’d like.


I’d like to introduce Noelle to everyone, but considering her personality, she might push away overly enthusiastic people.


※ ※ ※ ※


Thursday and Friday have passed, and today is Saturday.


Although I haven’t been attending classes much, these past two days have been fulfilling.


Today, I’m scheduled to challenge the academy’s low-difficulty Rogue-class dungeon with Millia and Burn.


The academy’s low-difficulty dungeon has a total of 10 floors. Only monsters below level 5 appear on the first floor, but on the bottom floor, monsters around level 50 appear.


Last time, we only fought the “Cleaner” on the bottom floor and didn’t battle any monsters.


Except for Erik, both Millia and Burn have relatively high levels among us, so starting from the 4th floor should be manageable.

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We’ve only gone into a dungeon together during dungeon practice, so to gauge our abilities, we decided to start from the first floor.


“Arius, sorry to keep you waiting.”


Meeting up in front of the dungeon, Millia arrives first.


She’s wearing chainmail with breastplate, gauntlets, and leg armor. Hanging from her belt is a slim longsword and a tin staff.


Millia may be of commoner origin, but she’s armed with gear that rivals that of some adventurers.


“Hey, Millia. I’ve been thinking about this since dungeon practice, but have you ever gone into a dungeon in the town where you’re from?”


“Well, to some extent. I did it to improve my skills and earn a living after entering the academy. Going into dungeons is the quickest way to make money.”


Although it should have been the main character of “Love Academy Koigaku” who had experienced dungeon diving before entering the academy. But even in the game, Millia starts with a high level. Maybe there was an underlying setting like that.


Well, if Millia has dungeon experience, we can expect something. Millia did say she wants to become stronger. But in a dungeon, the first priority is survival.


“Hey, Arius. What are you planning for lunch today?”


“Well, I haven’t really thought about it. But I have some emergency food stored in my storage, so if we don’t have time to leave the dungeon, I can provide that.”


“No, not that. Um… I made some bento, but I made a bit too much. If you don’t mind, Arius, would you eat it?”


“Millia, is that okay? Of course, I’d be grateful for the treat.”


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“Yeah! But don’t expect too much, okay?”


For some reason, Millia’s face turns red. I don’t understand what in our conversation just now would make her blush.


“Yo, best friend. Looks like you made me wait.”


Finally, Burn makes his appearance here.


Burn is wearing black iron-colored plate armor with the empire’s crest on the shield and a broad longsword.


The Grandblade Empire is a country of simplicity and robustness, so Burn’s equipment is all magic items, but it lacks flashiness.


“Your Highness Burn, are you sure we shouldn’t accompany you?”


Burn’s two escorts look worried. The long-haired man in his late twenties is Gatou, and the short-haired one in his mid-twenties is Jean.


The two who accompanied us during the Duke Yordan attack are of a level comparable to Erik’s knights.


“Hey, you two. You should know Arius’s abilities, my best friend. There’s no need for escorts.”


“Well, in that sense…”


Jean and Gatou exchange troubled glances. It seems they’re worried Burn might run wild on his own.


“Leave Burn to me. I won’t let anything happen that you’re concerned about.”


“It’s reassuring to hear you say that, Sir Arius.”

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“Please take care of His Highness for us.”


Both of them bow. Really, Burn is giving them a hard time.


“Well then, shall we get going?”


We ask the academy staff to open the door to the dungeon.


To prevent monsters from coming out of the dungeon, the entrance to the academy’s dungeon is equipped with magical doors.


“Arius, which floor are we starting from?”


Since this is the first time the three of us are going into a dungeon together, we decide to start from the first floor.


“What? Starting from the first floor is going to be so boring.”


“Well, don’t say that. I want to check your abilities before we go deeper.”


“Your Highness Burn might find it boring, but please refrain from acting recklessly.”


Burn is being firmly scolded by Millia.


“Millia, you said it. But I’ve entered the empire’s dungeons many times. I can take care of the monsters on the first floor without a problem.”


No, I’m telling you not to do that.


Well, it seems talking won’t get through to him. As I thought, Burn will probably have to learn the hard way.

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