Despite feeling the effect of Cold-Headed Skill, his head spun immediately.

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After taking several deep breaths to calm down, Choi Yu Seong transformed Pharaoh’s Caprice into the form of a battle suit.

“Oh my, that’s amazing. I was wondering what that ring was…”

It’s urgent, but things shouldn’t be done in haste.

Choi Yu Seong was planning to slowly prepare as much as he could one by one.

He glanced at the Gate of Life, with Barrier Scroll1 inside, behind Rachel.

As mentioned, Barrier consists of quite complex forms.

Even if only a part of the pattern drawn in the scroll was distorted, problems would arise throughout the Barrier, and the Gate of Life would open the way.

‘It would be better if it could be completely crushed.’

But likewise, the possibility of him being able to do it is extremely low.

It was an area of impossibility to reach the Barrier Scroll past Rachel, who proudly blocked the way.

‘The only way is to use the Blink Ring, the second ancient relic I received from Ji Ho hyung.’

Blink Ring is one of the gifts from Choi Ji Ho.

An ancient relic containing the ability to take a short leap of about 10m, which can only be used once.

If this is used, even Rachel won’t be able to prevent Choi Yu Seong from reaching the Barrier Scroll.

Unfortunately, however, the probability of opening the Gate of Life was extremely low even if he arrived at the Barrier Scroll.

‘Considering Rachel’s abilities… Likewise, it should be seen as impossible.’

As if reading Choi Yu Seong’s thoughts, Rachel shook her head.

“Don’t think about useless things. If you aim for that, I might get a little angry.”

“It’s all ready. Let’s start.”

Along with that, Choi Yu Seong grabbed the bunch of spears gathered on the floor and threw them at Rachel as vigorously as possible to scatter them.

There was no significant offensive meaning.

It was literally work to spread weapons all over the place.

After repeating the above work several times in a row, Choi Yu Seong ran to the front.

No. He pretended to run, picked up the closest fallen spear, and threw the spear toward the Gate of Life behind her.

Rachel, who lightly hit him with the tip of her index finger and floated him into the air, smiled at Choi Yu Seong, who was throwing out a spear at her.

“Are you scared or are you not scared. Well, shall I look forward to seeing how much fun you’ll make for me?”

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Rachel lightly received Choi Yu Seong’s attack with one index finger.

She didn’t use any strength.

First of all, it was due to her curiosity to see Choi Yu Seong’s skills.


She confirmed that Choi Yu Seong immediately gave up the spear and touched the floor, then she stretched her index finger.

It was an attack aimed at Choi Yu Seong’s shoulder.

However, Choi Yu Seong’s body, which was stabbed in the shoulder, was blurred.

It was Wind Stance, Illusion.

“Oh my.”

Rachel’s eyes became round as she received the attack leisurely and made her first counterattack.

On the other hand, Choi Yu Seong couldn’t afford that.

‘Although it’s good to save Illusion of Wind Stance as much as possible…’

Speaking of it, that was one of Choi Yu Seong’s groundworks.

However, there was no room to fight against the S-Rank monster Rachel while hiding that.

And, Choi Yu Seong expected her to watch his skills with some ease at first.

For Rachel, this game was just a game, something she could enjoy while Ghost doing the mission.

Thanks to that, he was able to do it easier than expected.

‘Like the first plan…’

The positions of Rachel and Choi Yu Seong have changed.

While she was focused on the Illusion, Choi Yu Seong once again used Wind Stance to pass her side at once and took the back.

Now Rachel can’t guard the Barrier Scroll behind her back.

‘Up to here.’

Nevertheless, Choi Yu Seong did not run toward the Barrier Scroll.

No, he couldn’t run exactly.

Rachel’s hatchet, which was unknown when it was taken out, was above Choi Yu Seong’s head and even passed right in front of his forehead.

If he had taken even one more step, his head and the whole body would have been split in half and died instantly.

The line was well kept properly.

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While Choi Yu Seong, whose forehead was drenched in cold sweats, sighed with relief, Rachel smiled with cold eyes.

“Gold nugget, that was dangerous. You know, right?”

Instead of answering, Choi Yu Seong took out an index finger and waved it in front of Rachel’s hatchet.

“You just broke a rule.”

“Oh no, I’m a little sorry. Instead, I’ll also close my eyes as a penalty.”

Before Choi Yu Seong said anything, Rachel closed her eyes tightly immediately.

‘How cunning…’

How can a skilled person like Rachel not be able to read Choi Yu Seong’s movements just because she closes her eyes?

Rather, even the mistake of confusing Illusion as before would have disappeared.

She even naturally melted it into the game as if it were a penalty.

“And hereafter, I will swing this ax whenever you try to cross the line. Anyway, I still promise to use only one finger in the sparring game with you.”

“That’s okay. But how about something like this? For example…”

Choi Yu Seong swiftly picked up a spear on the floor, rotated his body, and threw it away.

At the same time. No. Even faster than that, Rachel’s hatchet flew, halving the spear thrown by Choi Yu Seong, and stuck to the ground.

A surprising thing happened right after that.

Kwajik-! With a destructive sound, the hatchet stuck on the floor of the rooftop returned to Rachel’s hand when she lightly reached out her hand.

“This is what happens.”

Rachel smiled and said. Choi Yu Seong swallowed his saliva.

‘I knew it, but it’s like Thor’s hammer.’

Mjolnir, the hammer used by the battle god in Norse mythology, Thor, has the characteristic of returning to the user’s hand like a boomerang.

Unfortunately(?) Rachel’s ax was not a special weapon like Mjolnir.

‘Specialization Skill, Thread of Destiny.’

Many people think that the Slaughterer Queen is a physical-type Awakener because she engages in intense melee combat. But surprisingly, she was a flair-type user who led the battle based on Thread of Destiny Skill which deals with transparent threads that could not be seen with normal Skills.

Of course, no one in the world knows this truth except Rachel herself.

Excellent Hunters hide more than 30% of their abilities.

This is to draw the opponent’s oversight and cut the opponent’s life using a trump card at the decisive moment.

The more similar the Skills, the bigger the difference between knowing the opponent’s abilities or not in determining the life-or-death outcome. So, it was a matter of course.

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In that sense, Rachel’s fighting style was very useful to confuse the opponent.

‘Basically, it makes people mistake her as a physical type. And it doesn’t matter if someone is lucky enough to find out about the thread.’

It is not just inanimate objects that Thread of Destiny can control.

As the Skill name suggests, Thread of Destiny can control even human movement.

However, if you think of her wielding the ax, you can’t even imagine that Thread of Destiny has such ability.

‘She is a scary woman the more you know her.’

She is cunning enough to make people creeped out.

Rachel enjoyed the nickname Slaughterer Queen to deceive her Specialization ability, the most powerful weapon she owns, and set up most of her Normal Skill composition into physical reinforcement type.

Therefore, Choi Yu Seong thought it was useless to approach the Barrier Scroll.

‘I’m already lucky if I don’t get caught by Thread of Destiny and taken back to this position.’

Perhaps Rachel, offended by Choi Yu Seong crossing the line, will cut off his neck right away.

Rachel is different from Kim Do Jin.

She doesn’t have a strong sense of pride and she is not very competitive.

She enjoys playing games but considered breaking the rules insignificant.

Excluding the fact that Kim Do Jin receives buff thanks to his position as the main character, she might be a more demanding enemy than him.

‘Nevertheless, the first goal has been achieved, so all I have to do is just to safely complete the next step.’

Choi Yu Seong swallowed his saliva and picked up a fallen spear again.

Rachel leisurely waited for his movement with her eyes closed and even arms folded.

“Gold nugget. Shall this sister give one piece of advice? Sometimes too deep thoughts are rather poisonous.”

At the same time, Rachel’s hatchet flew through the air once again.

The target this time was Choi Yu Seong, who had stopped trying to organize his mind.

The hatchet narrowly cut the tip of Choi Yu Seong’s ear as it passed.

The moment blood splashed into the air, Choi Yu Seong felt his heart frightened and bowed his head.


The hatchet, which cut Choi Yu Seong’s hair just before, flew back to the opposite direction by Thread of Destiny and returned to Rachel’s hand.

“Adding the third rule. If you bore me from now on, this ax will keep flying.”

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Rachel smiled brightly as she spread three fingers exactly in the direction Choi Yu Seong was standing with her eyes closed.

There is no more time to think.

Choi Yu Seong did not hesitate and rushed toward Rachel, picking up a spear and aiming at Rachel’s ankle.

Jumping lightly and turning over in the air, Rachel held out only one index finger at the end of the spear that Choi Yu Seong wields and said.

“And from now on, I’m going to use some strength too.”


Along with those words, a direct breaking force came into the wrist of Choi Yu Seong who was holding the spear.

Choi Yu Seong did not hesitate again this time, put down the spear, and picked up another.

Then, he stabbed in the middle of Rachel’s forehead as she fell back to the floor.

The spear seemed to dig in between, but there was no feeling of getting caught in her hand or digging into the flesh.


No. He just felt that way because she was moving too fast.

“Our gold nugget, it’s going to hurt a little.”

Standing upright again, she used the tip of her index finger to flick the end of the spear.

The vibration flowing through it shook Choi Yu Seong’s whole body.


In the end, a handful of blood burst out from the mouth of Choi Yu Seong, who couldn’t bear it.

“Ah, I’m bored.”

At the same time, Rachel let out a sullen voice.

Choi Yu Seong intuitively felt what those words meant.

Choi Yu Seong turned his head sideways even in a dizzy state, and he could see a hatchet tearing his shoulder and passing by right next to him.

There was no time to hesitate.

Choi Yu Seong rolled on the floor without hesitation and threw out a spear.

On his back, a cool yet hot feeling swept fiercely and passed.

Holding the hatchet that returned after tearing Choi Yu Seong’s back with her left hand, Rachel removed his spear with an index finger and nodded with a gaze full of madness.

“It’s a bit more fun now!”

“You’re the only one having fun! Damn it!”

Feeling the adrenaline rush into his head as the battle reached its extreme, Choi Yu Seong even forgot his fear somewhat and cursed.

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