‘Is there any way to knock it down? A spacious living room. Tools or situations that could hurt the armor knight…’

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It’s hard to make.

The empty living room was literally just the perfect environment for a fair 1:1 head-to-head match.

‘Then next. A weapon that only I can use. If there’s something special that was used at this time in the original novel…’

It’s not that I don’t have it.

However, it is necessary to consume a lot of Karma points that are somewhat saved in preparation for the upcoming future.

‘Now is the time to save Karma points. It may be better to bypass the general difficulty level promotion review.’

Condition 56%.

It seemed that the situation was naturally getting worse due to prolonged consideration.

‘Why make a monster that I can’t even catch? It’s a promotion evaluation.’

Of course, it may mean to suffer as much as the difficulty is high.

In the end, is it right to give up at this point?

You don’t have to risk your life to clear extreme difficulty.

It’s not bad to go back and choose normal difficulty.

Condition 48%.


Choi Yu Seong shook his head inwardly.

It’s ridiculous, but even “Prankster Who Likes Jokes” Loki intervened.

If you clear, the reward is certain.

There may still be opportunities left somewhere.

Condition 39%.

The numbers fell exponentially rapidly, and reflecting them, Choi Yu Seong’s brain rotation speed only slowed down.

30% condition again.

At that moment, Choi Yu Seong’s eyes, which had been agonizing over and over, sparkled for a moment.

‘Hold on. You’re not making this monster to catch, right?’

And he said that if he was lucky, he could find a hint.

Choi Yu Seong, who suddenly realized something, jumped out of place and escaped toward the open door of Sun Room and ran down the stairs on the first floor at a high speed.

A huge armor knight and a wide living room that is blocked on all sides.

After checking everything, the remaining condition is 29%.

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After recalling all the structures at a glance, he returned to his original place and checked the structure of the first floor of Star Room, and then Choi Yu Seong’s eyes shone.

Choi Yu Seong no longer continued his worries.

‘If my condition falls below 20%, I can’t afford to do anything anyway.’

It’s time to make a winning move.

On the stairs going down to the first floor of the Star room, Choi Yu Seong, who regained his breath, stood in front of the armor knight again.


As if waiting, red flames rise splendidly in the eyes of the armor knight screaming.


Actually, we are not in a relationship to say hello.

In response, a huge sword quickly hit the spot where Choi Yu Seong was standing until just now.

Looking at the large boom, dusty clouds rising, and slightly cracked ground, Choi Yu Seong clicked his tongue inwardly.

‘Even if it’s slow, it’s also close to avoiding it in front of my eyes.’

First off, it’s too big.

With one movement, Choi Yu Seong surpasses the distance he has to move more than 10 times, so it is not efficient to face it.

Therefore, Choi Yu Seong thought that even if he was in 100% condition, he could not knock down the monster.

‘I don’t know what would happen if I know its weakness clearly. I’ll eventually lose your stamina first while fighting.’

So even at this moment, Choi Yu Seong’s goal was clear.

I have no intention of fighting in person and knocking down the armor knight.

He narrowly avoids a series of attacks and continues to induce armor knight.

In the end, the wall touched Choi Yu Seong’s back.


As if looking at an unavoidable, cornered mouse, the arm of the armor knight who lifted the sword with both hands quickly swings.

‘Wind Stance, Illusion.’

Tired of the enormous pressure, Choi Yu Seong, who passed between the legs of the armor knight with maximum movement, turned his head and borrowed the force of gravity to clearly look at the power of the sword falling faster.

Choi Yu Seong then smiled at the moment the sword hung at the end of the wall.



Big explosion.

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Subsequently, the cracked wall collapses as if lightning had passed by.

‘It’s my specialty to break something with the strength of others.’

I can’t see beyond it because the dust cloud happened deeper than the fog.

However, I clearly saw an armor knight wriggling his shoulders, who was unable to easily pull out a sword due to the collapse of bricks.

‘As I thought, here…’

There will be another change.

Choi Yu Seong stepped back a little more just in case and prepared to fly his body to the side at any time.

As if waiting for the preparation move, the loud roar of iron and iron hitting rang throughout the room.

Then, right next to Choi Yu Seong, a giant armor knight flew in the air in a space less than 10m apart.


The sound of something breaking and collapsing.

Subsequently, a huge doll appears with red naturalization blooming in its eyes between the thick dusty clouds that spread out as the wall collapsed.

The second armor knight.

In a way, it should be dark, but Choi Yu Seong thought differently.

Rather, he looked around and quickly ran up the stairs on the second floor, paying attention to the movement of the armor knight who appeared for the second time.

‘According to the rescue, he broke the right wall, so he’s an armor knight in Sun Room.’

Since the right wall of the separate room on the left was broken, it must lead to the liberation in the center.

What matters is the following situation.

The rules of armor articles that have been confirmed so far are clear.

‘If you don’t feel movement in your area, you’ll return to your original position and solidify again.’

The question here is, does the armor knight work even if it is non-living, not living things?

It’s this part.

If it only responds to life, Choi Yu Seong has returned to the second floor, so if it is the same, he must return to his original position and stop.

‘Because I can’t feel the movement anymore.’

What will happen to the result?

Soon, the armor knight of liberation, who appeared for a short time, turns his back as if he had nothing to see and returns to his position.


Naturally, sighs flowed out of Choi Yu Seong’s mouth.

‘Operation name, is eating raw a failure?’

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However, there were still variables left. As if responding to Choi Yu Seong’s sad sigh, the armor knight in the separate room, who flew into the air first, seemed to be slowly raising his body, and soon began to thump and run.

Subsequently, according to the original rules, the armor knight of sun, who is trying to return to his place, is hit with his shoulders.


This time, there was an article about the armor of liberation.

“… What’s it?”

Wait, while Choi Yu Seong, who did not understand the situation, tilted his head, the armor knight of liberation, who rolled sadly in the middle of the room, jumped up.

Then, he holds his sword and charges toward the armor knight in the separate room.


The full-fledged clash of the two armor articles began, and Choi Yu Seong, who saw the spectacular view alone on the stairs, was excited with a seal clap.

‘Just in case, the armor knight is not an object made by assuming a specific goal.’

In other words, basically, when an armor knight enters his or her territory, he or she moves to kill the opponent, and fights back when attacked under the judgment that it is within the territory.

And it could be said that the area recognizes the entire open first floor space.

If the armor knight had recognized and moved Choi Yu Seong, he should have tried quite hard to induce the two to hit and receive, but there was no need for that.

-Prankster Who Likes Jokes blames Awakener Choi Yu Seong. Ask you to show your bravery to go out and fight!

At that moment, Loki’s message came into the air.

Naturally, Choi Yu Seong’s reaction to seeing him was simple.

“Hiya-! That’s a very wise idea. But I like it better when I’m sitting down and drinking honey.”

It is an operation to catch enemies using the enemy.

“Anyone please wins! I’m on the winning side!”

– Prankster Who Likes Jokes is regretful and clicked his tongue at Awakener Choi Yu Seong’s tricks.

Choi Yu Seong, who created the desired honey sucking situation and nicknamed the knight of the separate room a star knight and the sun knight with excitement, suddenly smacked his lips with regret.

“Oh, that’s good. But Loki. It feels like I’m watching a robot cartoon. Can I have popcorn?”

He responded with a pleasant look to Loki, who had suffered for him, but there was no answer back.

‘Are you upset? Well, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just have fun.’

It was Choi Yu Seong, who enjoyed it as if he had returned to his childhood after a long time.


The fight between the two armor knights, similar in specifications, no, and completely the same, lasted quite a long time.

Choi Yu Seong expressed admiration, feeling the passion and romance of the man in the appearance of armor knights who exchanged fists with each other even when their teeth were all broken and their whole bodies were in a state of exhaustion.

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“Wow, it’s not easy. Not easy.”

I really wanted to see who would win, but unfortunately, I couldn’t afford it.

‘Condition 18%.’

I have to organize it.

Above all, I can’t yield the last hit.’

They fought among themselves, but their experience is mine.

Choi Yu Seong, who had unconscionable thoughts, swung a counter punch at each other and approached the ‘Sun Knight’ first among the knights who went backwards with their heads bent.

He was struggling to force his upper body, but the speed was quite slow.

Thanks to this, Choi Yu Seong, who was quite comfortable and climbed over the knight’s head, asked.

“Are you Star Knight?”

To be honest, I couldn’t remember it properly because I was confused from the middle because it looked so similar.

“Anyway, this is my power now.”

Choi Yu Seong, who spread his palms toward the red pupils blooming in the black darkness, shouted quietly.

“Skill, Dancing Electric Doll.”

I was worried that it might not have much effect because it was a metal ball, but the moment Dancing Electric Doll inside the black pupil glazed at the light, the armor knight trembled all over, and soon the red flame shining softly in the pupil completely disappeared.

‘I got you.’

There was no doubt.

It lost all my strength because I used a skill that consumes a lot of mana in a little condition, but my physical strength quickly returned.

‘Actually, my condition level… 53%. Wow.’

I caught only one, but it recovered about 45%.

“As expected, last hit is the best!”

Excited Choi Yu Seong’s eyes are now directed at the second armor article that caused half the upper body.

“Hi. Sun Knight? No, is it Star Knight? Anyway…”

Choi Yu Seong, who jumped from a dead, perhaps Sun Knight’s body and approached the trembling star knight on the other side, opened his palm toward the black darkness under his helmet.

Perhaps because of his conscience, he was Choi Yu Seong, who felt that the armor knight shook his head from side to side, but he did not intend to stop what he was trying to do.

“Dancing Electric Doll, activate.”

It was when the second armor knight danced with shaking all over his body, and after that, a smile spread around Choi Yu Seong’s mouth, who confirmed the highest level of 98% condition.


Between the two fallen knights, a gray portal opened where one person could pass by.

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