This question is also unexpected.

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However, it was not unexpected in a difficult sense.

‘I’m rather embarrassed because she’s been preparing too much.’

A lout and libertine Choi Yu Seong changed overnight.

It seems like it was just a simple whim at first, but it was not like that the more you see him.

Anyone would have any doubts.

And the most reasonable doubt that can be found, there is no choice but to lead toward the direction that he has been hiding.

He thought it was just the obvious and common cliché that appears most in the usual regression novels. But as Choi Yu Seong himself possessed a novel, it seemed to make sense.

‘Because no one has ever experienced this kind of soul possession or regression.’

Opening up possibilities with imaginary stories is impossible not only for common sense but also for smart people.

Therefore, he was always on the lookout for someone who came to this conclusion and would ask him a question someday.

However, it was definitely unexpected that the first target was Choi Mi Na.

“Don’t think about passing it over because there’s a reason why you can’t talk. I didn’t mean to, but I’ll be in charge as your nanny for a while so I need a convincing reason for that. Otherwise, it’s bound to be quite insincere even if I keep the promise. You know, I never do what I don’t want to do, even to death.”

Choi Yu Seong sighed deeply deliberately toward Choi Mi Na, who showed a confident smile.

“There is nothing I can do when noonim says it like that. I will be honest. I am… afraid of dying.”

Start sincerely.

As always, scams work only when truth and falsehood are half mixed.

Choi Yu Seong spoke his words while acting with a sentimental voice and eyes regretting the past as much as possible.

“As you know, my mother passed away early in an accident. Honestly, I cannot even remember my mother’s face now. But suddenly, I had that kind of question. Was my mother’s death really an accident?”

Choi Mina’s mother also had a sudden death due to the attack of Villains.

She will be able to reach some consensus.

In fact, her eyes have become quite serious at a different level than before.

“I was born in the owner family of the Hyesung Group. It may be a very envious realm for some but from my viewpoint inside of it… It felt like I was alone in the jungle.”

“So, you hid yourself to survive? If it’s like that, you should have been stuck somewhere without even thinking about breathing.”

“Because I am a coward. I had no confidence to let go of everything I already had and live a normal life. In a way, I become more defenseless when that happens, right? It was the same with attracting people’s attention in a rather bizarre way. I am just a useless good-for-nothing at home, but everyone knows me outside. If someone tries to harm me, wouldn’t they have no choice but to pay attention to those gazes? I think noonim will understand my way.”

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“Then, why did you suddenly change your attitude?”

It worked.

Choi Yu Seong raised his head as he sensed that Choi Mi Na, who is called a nutcase throughout the family, was quite sympathetic to him.

Cold and calm eyes.

In a way, she seems to resemble Choi Wu Jae endlessly, but the emotions reflected between them are not just fierce.

“I have been thinking about the days after Father passed away that will come one day.”

Choi Wu Jae is an absolute ruler that encompasses the whole family and is respected by many powerful people around the world now, but he is also a person.

No one thinks his life will last forever unless he finds an elixir plant.

“The ninth, who is far from the family, a lout who only makes accidents. Even if I say I don’t want wealth or power, there are probably more people who won’t believe me than people who will.”

“Is that why you suddenly changed your stance?”

“Yes. Because I do not want to die. A limited life where I just hung in there, that wasn’t something to do for a long time.”

Choi Mi Na quietly looked at Choi Yu Seong, who calmly finished his sentence.

Soon after, she suddenly got up with an unknown expression, whether she was angry or sad, and threw something at Choi Yu Seong.

As he reached out and received the object dazedly, Choi Yu Seong’s eyes grew bigger.

An unknown object in the form of a bracelet worn on the arm.

Unless he was an idiot, he had no choice but to know the answer quickly.

“An ancient relic?”

“It’s not that you don’t have the eye to see.”

Choi Mi Na did not deny that fact.

“But actually, I also don’t know what it’s for.”

Choi Mi Na’s following words were somewhat absurd.

“…Does it mean that noonim don’t even know what kind of ancient relic this is?”

“Yeah, I wasn’t that curious.”

Choi Yu Seong stared at Choi Mina.

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Can he take her word as it is and believe it?

‘Probably not.’

It’s an ancient relic no matter what.

When it’s not enough to figure out how to use it by any means if she has it, but she left it alone because she wasn’t very curious? It didn’t make sense.

It would be better to believe in the word that people made soybean paste with poop.

In other words, two speculations can be thought of here.

‘Research is done, but even Choi Mi Na doesn’t know how to use it.’

Or she already knows but pretends not to know.

Either way was good.

It’s an ancient relic, so it will be enough to think about the use later and just rejoice for now.

“Thank you. Noonim.”

“I can hear the sound of the brain running all the way here. Don’t pretend to be innocent, Kkomaengi1.”

The smirking Choi Mi Na continued to talk with her arms folded.

“The matter of dropping interest in you within the family, the limit is a year at most. No matter how aggressive I am, the rest of them are not idiots. That is if I had done it roughly, it wouldn’t last a month. Also, I can’t block everything. How can I cover the sky with one hand? I’m sure there’ll be some loose guys.”

To interpret Choi Mi Na’s words, it means that she liked Choi Yu Seong quite a bit.

It was a short conversation, but what was supposed to take about a month increased to a year because of that.

Her last words were also not so light.

No matter how outstanding Choi Mi Na’s ability is, she is not Choi Wu Jae after all.

She doesn’t hold and wield all the power of the family, so it is impossible to block all the actions of the siblings.

That’s why the best thing that Choi Mi Na can do is to avert attention.

Of course, it would be nice if she could block all threats that come like a real nanny, but if she did that, she would go against Choi Wu Jae’s nerves.

Since it could cause a bigger problem, Choi Yu Seong also did not want that much protection.

Anyway, just by what Choi Mi Na promised now, the intensity of interest and checks that should have been directed to Choi Yu Seong would be reduced several times.

In other words, he will be able to use time much more leisurely.

Is there any reason to express dissatisfaction?

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“That is enough.”

At the words of the smiling Choi Yu Seong, Choi Mi Na nodded and said.

“And in the future, stay around Itaewon when you go outside if possible.”


“I often go there to play, you know.”

What kind of random words do those mean?

Choi Mi Na, who turned her head hard whether Choi Yu Seong was flustered or not, strode toward the door with her cheeks dyed red.

“Father has already come here. So, you don’t have to be unnecessarily nervous. Kkomaengi. Noonim is leaving.”

Like that, Choi Mi Na left the hospital room.

Left alone, Choi Yu Seong looked at the blackish gray bracelet that seemed to have been burned for a long time.

‘A gray bracelet… I’m sure there was a mention of similar words in the original novel.’

He can’t remember well.

After tilting his head over and over again, Choi Yu Seong ruffled his hair randomly and lay on the bed.

‘Oh, whatever. I’ll remember it.’

If you can’t think of it even if you try it forcibly, it’s hard to find the answer no matter how hard you try.

Rather, there are times when an important memory comes to mind while being absent-minded.

‘Let’s rest for now.’

Choi Yu Seong needed a break.


After leaving Choi Yu Seong’s hospital room, Choi Mi Na briefly met and greeted Jin siblings then left the hospital alone.

There was no such thing as a fancy procession or a limousine that other family members would be waiting for.

Some may enjoy such scenery and treatment, but Choi Mi Na found all of it cumbersome.

‘Honestly, it’s faster to run if you make up your mind and move. I don’t understand why people drive cars.’

No matter how great a Hunter is, they commonly prefer the use of transportation to keep out of people’s eyes.

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However, for Choi Mi Na, who values efficiency above all, all of those thoughts felt cumbersome and useless.

However, today’s Choi Mi Na did not run fast toward her next destination contrary to that thought.

She chose to get on a bus although it is public transportation, sat down, and thought deeply.

There was no need to pay much attention to people’s attention.

As mentioned, Choi Mi Na has never appeared in public events officially.

Thanks to this, only people in the family, a small number of political and business giants, or a few fearless reporters knew her face.

The probability of the former two groups getting on a bus was extremely low.

No, there is no one.

Fearless reporters?

Sadly(?) they are all scared now.

In the name of social experience, Choi Mi Na directly informed them what is the fear of the world.

If not, how can she openly operate a lounge bar then?

Anyway. She doesn’t know if he did it consciously or not, but Choi Yu Seong said a lot of pretty shocking things in his conversation with her.

To organize all those things, she couldn’t afford to walk or run as usual.

‘It’s clear that he’s hiding something about Rachel.’

Choi Mi Na was not stupid. It could be a weakness for himself, so it was passed on somewhat sloppily, but she did not completely dispel her doubts about Choi Yu Seong.

Rather, she felt suspicious of Choi Yu Seong’s confident attitude, but most of the reasons that came to her mind were absurd.

‘There’s no way that Kkomaengi guy knows that I belong to the Martial Guard Corps.’

Choi Ji Ho seems to like Choi Yu Seong, but he would not have even told Choi Mi Na’s secret.

In the first place, Choi Ji Ho is not that light-mouthed man.

‘If he made fun of me cheaply, I should chase him tomorrow right away and pull out his tongue so that he can’t talk again.’

Having a terrifying imagination in her mind, Choi Mi Na’s eyes became sharp.

In fact, she could find the answer roughly through investigation if she spent a little time on this part.

What complicated Choi Mi Na’s head and heart was none other than the story of Choi Yu Seong’s mother.

‘Kkomaengi’s mother… It was that woman, right? Baek Yu Ri.’

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