I Dive Into <The Labyrinth>

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We are having a breakfast in the inn, and then after I took her to the bar to had a breakfast again because Yuel looks like not satisfied with the breakfast at the inn, we go towards the Labyrinth.

Yuel eats really well.

With this, the remaining money are around 500 Zeni.

If we don’t earn any money in the Labyrinth today, it will be quite bad.

It won’t last for a day.


T/N: ahahahaha, ganba shiki – indra13


If we don’t make any profit today, maybe I don’t have any choice but to sell Yuel.


If Yuel take a bath, she would became unrecognizable pretty.

Darkish gray of hair which is unique color for <Dark Elf> silver hair that grow until around her waist.

I don’t know whether it’s because the only thing that she does is eating or not, but her complexion becomes better and her lips is colored in scarlet just like a normal girl.

After she is cured from the injury, the feeling of dirtyness was dissappear from her so that it’s even fine to call her a beauties.

If it’s now, there will be even a demand for petting use on her so it seems that if I sell her back to the <Slave Merchant> it’s solid enough that I’ll get 1,000,000 Zeni from it.

T/N: I’ll frickin’ kill you if you do that – indra13

Although she is a little thin and still young, if we deduct that I think she’s still have some commercial value.

T/N: hm? She is still slim after eating that many? I’m soo~ jelly – indra13


――A, I wonder.... isn’t it better to just sold this child?

T/N: Try it, I dare you axehole (-_-). - indra13


If I were to have 1,000,000 Zeni, I calculate that if it’s an <Inn> without bath and with three meals a day I’ll be able to stay in it for 1250 days.

T/N: Not really because I’ll kill you the instant you do that (-_-*). – indra13

Yuel is still a kid so she isn’t my type and because I just bought her yesterday so my attachment to her is also thin.

There is no better time than now if I want to sell her.

T/N: Like I said, you’ll die if you do that (-_-#) – indra13

Moreover, with the money I get from selling Yuel I can even buy more guys that posses <Skill>. Perhaps living while focusing on gaining profits is also good.

T/N: Tsk – indra13


*glance* I look at Yuel who walk behinds me.


*smile* she is smiling happily, when Yuel is looking at me, our eyes meet.




When her eyes meets mine, Yuel expression is sparkling in joy.


I’m not gonna be able to do it if it’s me.


I mean, just how on earth this girl that have been hit and then fallen to despair able to make that kind of smile?

It’s such a pure smile just like a kind of smile that a child would make to their parents.

When I remember that a while ago I lightly considering to sell her, my conscience intensely denounce myself.

This smile is unbearable to me.

A strong sense of guilt is coming out from my conscience.

Just by making an eye contact, somehow I’ve become ashamed of myself.



We finally arrive at <the Labyrinth>, the center of <Labyrinth City>, while I was tortured by the guilt.

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This <Labyrinth> in this city is called <Labyrinth>, there is no special name given to it.

I wonder if I were to refer to it then is it fine to just call it <Mel Hertz Dungeon> then?


This <Labyrinth> is really like a thing that appeared in a <Game>.

In <Mel Hertz Labyrinth> there are more than a hundred <Stratum>, and on each <Stratum> there are monster loitering around.

TN: I use <Stratum> because I <3 “Eternal Poison” by ATLUS – indra13

The monster is, whenever you advance from one <Stratum> to the next one, became stronger and more diverse.

When you defeat a monster on it spot, a <Raw Materials> and <Magic Gem> will [Drop].

As soon as the monster dies its corpses is vanishes, a <Magic Gem> and occasionally a <Raw Materials> will remain.

T/N: I’m not double translating the sentence, it is like that from the ot, most likely the author double type a sentence and forget to delete the old one – indra13

“What a very convenient thing” is what I think about the <Labyrinth>, however there is various opinion about it like “the <Labyrinth> is a trial that was erected by the gods” or like “The truth is with an abundant fodder in it, the <Labyrinth> became a convenient thing to gather a lot of creatures*”, but it seems that there is no one that really know the real reason why it is existed.

T/N: just want to let you know that this sentence is me editing it to make it more comprehensible because the OT real meaning will give you say “huh?”, probably the author is typo-ing again – indra13

By the way, there is some talk about the various purpose of the <Magic Gem> like “it’s a <Raw Materials> for some <Magic Tools>” or “it’s a catalyst for a <Magic>”.


Oh well...., the only things that I need to knows are, if I kill a <Monster> I’ll get money.

The deeper I dive, the quality of the <Magic Gem> and the <Raw Materials> will improve and the more money I’ll get hold on my hands.

I must look the <Treasure Chest> with all of my power.

That’s all of its.



There was a moderate amount of people in the <Labyrinth> in front of me, or should I say a big box-like structure?, even though it’s in the morning.


That is this city <Adventure Guild> and there is an entrance to the <Labyrinth> inside it.

When I went inside, the <Adventure Guild> feels similar to a city hall, there are reception desk lineup, and on each of its teller window there were people lining up to buy/sell <Magic Jewel>, <Raw Materials>, etc.


First, I go to the opened reception desk counter to register myself as an <Adventure>.


Though I say it like that, the registering process are just writing my name on the registration form, receiving a brief advice, and borrowing <A Certain Bracelet>.

The advice is be sure to always sell the <Magic Jewel> to the <Adventure Guild>, do not have a fight with another <Adventurer>, and lastly please be careful so that I don’t die, it’s that kind of advice.


Next is the <Bracelet>

On this <Bracelet> there are [Item Box Magic], [Murder Sensing Magic] and [In Response to The Magical Power Inside The Labyrinth, It became Unable to be Unequipped Magic] applied to it.

T/N: yeah the magic name is ridiculous, but that’s the OT say – indra13


[Item Box Magic] is... just like its name, we can store things with that <Magic>. You could say that it’s a necessary magic for an <Adventurer> who collecting <Magic Jewel> or <Raw Materials> while fighting.


[Sensing Murder Magic] is a <Magic> that able to sense when someone commit a murder inside <The Labyrinth>. It seems that at the time when this <Magic> is not invented yet, things like an ambush to mug or kill someone is frequent to happen inside <The Labyrinth>.


Thus, I am required to wear this <Bracelet> at <The Labyrinth> entrance and can never take it off when I inside <The Labyrinth>.


This <Bracelet> is the symbol of an <Adventurer>, a handy <Item Box>, as well as a collar to discipline <The Adventurer>.


“Master, I really looking forward to <The Labyrinth Diving>.”

T/N: Our loli is itching to kill someone ^^ - indra13

Yuel say that with her whole face smiling as she putting on <The Bracelet>

It’s a smile that transmit a nervous and excitement kind of feeling.

I wonder what is this? This feeling that I have right now.....

I feel that I had seen this kind of smile somewhere before.

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Aah, it’s THAT.


It’s similar to the mood of a child when they are in front of an amusement saying “Hurry up, hurry up” while clinging to their parents hands.


Though the place that we are about to going to right now is <The Labyrinth> where an atrocious monster run rampant.

Though it’s a place where there is a possibility to die if one’s is careless.

For Yuel to looking forward to go to that kind of places, I wonder if she have a great confidence in her skill.

Or perhaps I wonder if “There is no way for THE amazingly kindhearted master to brought me into a dangerous place.”, is what she is thinking right now.

If that’s the case then I feel a great feelings of guilt toward her.

Soon, my mental won’t be able to take it anymore.

However, either way because a live is depend on this I must bring her with me.





It seems that she was really had a great confidence on her skill.

Yuel dash to <Mel Hertz Labyrinth> with knife on both hands while inclined her body forward till it almost scratched the earth surface.

T/N: Yuel the Loli Assassins – indra13

Before her is <Mel Hertz Labyrinth 3rd Stratum Monster>, <Goblin>, and there are 2 of it.

<Goblin> is a <Monster> that approximately have the same size with a human child and comparatively to its small stature, it has a strong physical strength. It’s a dangerous <Monster> even for a several adult as its opponent.


Yuel easily evades <The Goblin>’ <Club> that tries to intercept her, while she slips through <The Goblin>, she cut its hands like she just caressing it.

T/N: keul ^^ – indra13

<The Goblin> drop the <Club> from its hands.

Somehow, it seems that the inner part of the hands, the tendon, was cutted.

She also evades the other <Goblin> attack by twisting her upper body while running through.

T/N: Nice move – indra13

Yuel who went around the back of <The Goblins>, in away without receiving any injuries, is aiming at the neck of <The Goblin> that is on the right side of my point of view.

T/N: if you got confused, it’s Shiki “right” not Yuel “right”, it’s Yuel “left” but Shiki “right”, get it? No? Oh well – indra13

As expected she cut that <Goblin> neck in two with the <Short Knife>, was sadly not happens, but from its back, Yuel cut its neck arteries cleanly with one hit.

Yuel was not paying attention to the fallen <Goblin> that have blood gushing out from its neck and have light leaving it eyes, and went facing <The Goblin> that its hands were cutted earlier by her and thrust the <Knife> to its eyes from the front.


T/N: Agree – indra13

*collapse* Maybe because the <Knife> was reaching its brain, <The Goblin> was crumbled down.


“Even <The Goblin> got insta killed by her huh.....”

T/N: I wonder how she got injured if she’s that amazing? – indra13


Yuel, 12 years old.

Come to think of it, it seems that Yuel ages is just like her appearances, 12 years old.

‘Because she is a <Dark Elf>, her appearance might be a child, but her ages was actually several hundred years!’ are possibility that also I have thought about however, though it was said that <Elf> or <Dark Elf> life span is long, I’m told that until they reach an ages around 15 their growth are just like a normal human.

For THAT Yuel-san to be 12 years old.....


Amazing, So strong.


It’s not the movement of a child.

Her evasion, attack are really sharp.

<The Fang Rabbit> of <The First Stratum>, <The Short Puppet> of <The Second Stratum> won’t even become a threat to her, instead she will instant kill them, and even <The Goblin> of <The Third Stratum> was not an opponent to her.

Furthermore, though she is like that she is not in perfect condition1, because of that her bottom2 is not known yet.

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1.      It’s either referring to that she is still young so there will be improvement when she got older or she is not fully recovered from malnutrition – indra13

2.     Referring to her potential or talent – indra13



<The Goblin> corpse changed into a bead of light, it disappear like it’s dissolve into the air.


“Master! How was it?”


Yuel who pick up <The Goblin>’ <Magic Jewel> and <The Club> that its dropped is rushing here as if to say ‘Praise me, praise me’.

*flapflap* Her <Elf’s Ears> is shaking, She looks at me in full anticipation with upturned eyes.

T/N: Uwaaa~ where can I buy her? – indra13

Her atmosphere are like that of a dog when you ordered them to wait when that dog is dying for the treats.

If it’s like this then there is nothing else that I can do but to pat her, right?


“The~re, there, there, Yuel is so amazi~ng.”


*brushing lightly* I say that while caressing her silver hairs, Yuel is happily felt shy.

Somehow, I feel healed doing this.


As expected, Yuel was quite a good bargain.


Honestly, I expected that it will already good enough if she have an ability to not be defeated by monster of the weakest class, <The Fang Rabbit> of <The First Stratum>, but that’s not happening.

I’m thinking like that because she is still a child.

<Fang Rabbit> is a <Rabbit Type Monster> that have a sharp fang and for its <Drop>, it will drop <Rabbit Meat>.

T/N: there are 2 drop mentioned in here, in english and in Japan – indra13

In this <Labyrinth> it’s the most weakest <Monster>, compared to normal rabbit, its size is different.

It’s a monster where as far as your throat didn’t got bitten, you won’t get any fatal wound from that monster, but it has  nimble movements that it’s quite hard to land hit on it.

However, Yuel send a thrust toward the lower chin of a <Fang Rabbit> that jumped at her.

In all the fight against <The Fang Rabbit>, she ended it all in OHK.

Thus we breakthrough <The 1st Stratum> unhurt.


<The Salt Puppet> of <The 2nd Stratum> is a <Human Type Monster> that have a body made of salt, and it dropped <A Lump of Salt> as its <Drop>.

This fellow movement is slow, its strength is only to that extent not that strong. However, it’s a <Tough Monster> that don’t have a weak point-like weak point.

T/N: no, it’s not a typo from me, OT said “kyuushorashii kyuusho ga nai” – indra13

As I look at <The Salt Puppet> and thought that even Yuel would have take some time against these guy, <The Salt Puppet> swinging one of it hands, in between that attack Yuel was swinging <The Knife> on both of her hands five times.

Yuel was reminds me to a certain two sword user someone on a hunting game, *shkshk* <The Salt Puppet> was shaved off, in the end it’s not even take 20 second to end a single battle against it.

T/N: shaving of SFX

After various things happens we also breakthrough <The 2nd Stratum> uninjured.


And then, now is <The 3rd Stratum>, and <The Monster> in here is <Goblin>.

<The Goblin>’s power is strong, and it’s more agile than <The Salt Puppet>.

Moreover, there are times when <The Goblin> possess a weapon like a <Club> or <Knife>.

<The Goblin> is different than all <The Monster> that we have fight so far, it’s a monster that even if you fight one-on-one against it, you’ll die if you make some wrong movement.

However, even so, just now she crush it without getting injured. Moreover, there were two of them.


If I were to say about the problem that we have, it’s only that I don’t do anything at all.

Yuel is not injured.

No, it’s not that I want her to get injured, but from the time that we entered <The Labyrinth> I haven’t use <Healing Magic> even once.

I don’t have any significance meaning being in here.

T/N: Why don’t you just disappear then? – indra13

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And it’s not only about fighting. Searching for enemies and watching for the surroundings all of that were done by Yuel herself.

Though not to the degree of a <Therianthrope>, it seems that <Dark Elf> is reasonably sensitive to sensing presence.

T/N: Therianthrope is beastman, I don’t use that just because sumthin sumthin – indra13

I just follow around Yuel who walks ahead, gazing at Yuel brilliant battle, praising and praising her by patting her head when she rushing over me, that is the only role I have in this party.

T/N: whew, you are a leecher, huh – indra13


Because we have a <Master>/<Slave> relationship so there should be nothing wrong even with this kind of relation1, however when I look at it objectively from my self I feel like I have done something awfully wrong2.


1. he means where he leeching of Yuel – indra13

2. says someone who want to sell her -_- – indra13

Oh well, in case there are an occasion where recovery role is needed, I guess it’s fine to fulfill that role by using <Recovery Potion>, right?. With that argument I feel that there won’t be any change even if Yuel <Diving> just by herself.

T/N: I feel something ba~d will happens in near future, and isn’t that you feel bad making Yuel do all the works just a minute ago? Truly a jerk -_- - indra13

Thus all the profits will get into my pocket’s.

T/N: *tch* - indra13


Because as far as I look at Yuel face she is having a somewhat happy expression so maybe it’s fine like this, however I feel really ashamed or perhaps I should say that I am indebted to her? yeah that kind of feeling....

If the one that became my slave is not Yuel but instead an old man, perhaps I would abuse him without batting an eyelids, Yuel childish appearance is making my conscience *tremble* jolting.


However, I didn’t grasp any weapon.

Because if I swing a sword, I will hinder her movements and if I shoot with a bow, it’s very likely for me to hit Yuel’s back.

There were some occasion before when I was still working in the medical house that I asked a client to teach me <Attack Magic>, but I completely cannot use it.

There is no fighting measures come to my mind.

Besides, in the first place, I don’t want to stand in front of thing such as <Goblin>.

I have a confidence that even if I got fatally wounded, I can restore it immediately so I won’t died by it, but that and this is a different story.


Even while I was thinking things like this, *swishswosh* Yuel is cheerfully chopping up <The Goblin>, She collect <Magic Jewel> and other <Drop> like <The Goblin> weapon and bring it to a location where it will make it easier for me to pat her head.


The only thing that I can do is just to wholeheartedly caressing her.

Come to think of it, it comes to me that in some <Game>, when a <Monster> became our teammates and we grooming it, <The Monster> <Motivation> will went up and <The Status> will rising kind of system is exist.

Yuel <Motivation> is already full, however if I continue caressing her with heavy mind sooner or later her <Motivation> might fall down.

This is it.


Every single strand of Yuel’ hairs is thin and straight.

*flows smoothly* When I gently caressing along her silver flow of hair, Yuel twist her body like she is being ticklish by it.


“Yuel is really admirable~”


I squat down to match my line of sight with here and then I affectionately caressing the contour line of her cheek and chin.

When I moved my hands on her face like rubbing it, Yuel is bashfully closing her eyes in delight.

“Ehehehe.” Was what she returns cutely while being embarrassed when I continue to caress her minutely.

T/N: seriously where can I buy her? – indra13



Getting along well with Yuel is what my job is.

I’m feeling good with just doing this job.

Because it’s heal me.

Moreover somehow I became happy.


Author comment:


Revision: The darkish gray hair which extends till the shoulder → The darkish gray hair which extends till the waist.

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