Standing on the watchtower, Ivan pulled out his retractable telescope. “There, the last gold bullion from the Isles is trailing down the mountain! It’s fantastic. Are you sure you are not going to see this, Chief Administrator?”

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Hans was seized with the urge to push the only high priest in the territory down the wall.

He muttered sadly as he lowered his hand and had his head raised to the wall, “The Isles went against the rules planted by the lord. He told me to throw away everything that could be replaced…”

Ivan whistled. “I’m sure he’ll be ordering the same thing again soon. Anyways, they were just his wife’s dowry.” He slammed the telescope shut and looked back at Hans with a bright smile. “Don’t those people feel like junk? Those avaricious men who have never had any petty worries about tomorrow.”

Hans was deep in thought.

No matter how wealthy one was, it was heartbreaking to run out of money. He had to know that much, especially as someone who worked on money management.

He just pushed the thought away, clenching his teeth. “…I think some are different….”

“People live by what they hear and believe. If their family doesn’t follow the Conde Sect, they will lose their wealth.”

Hans was skeptical, but then rubbed his temple.

Ivan handed him the telescope. “Anyway, this is working well.”

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Hans was about to take it, but Ivan’s grip didn’t let him.

“I heard that many of the administrators plan to leave the estate. The lord…  What is he planning to do?”

Instead of answering, Hans tightened his hold and pulled the telescope. A tendon rose up on the back of Ivan’s hand, who smiled slyly.

Hans finally gave up and rolled his eyes. “How about you ask the lord directly regarding any questions you have?”

“Is that so? Then how would you say, ‘They are going out on a vacation to leave this country since you are troubled by the problems of the princess! It’s also known that you have to travel as much as you can!’”

“Hey…!” Hans groaned and grabbed his neck as if to protect it. After confirming that Vlad was not near him, he released his hand with a sigh of relief.

His legs trembled. “Priest, really… My throat will fly out this winter. And then… You know. What the lord did to the man named Tristan…”

“I know.” Ivan shrugged his shoulders indifferently. “Probably… Will my hand be cut off? I stole something from that third wagon yesterday.”

“What… did you say?!” Hans literally jumped.

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“A box full of strong liquor from Riomet across the sea. It’s worth risking your life for.”


“After all, the lord doesn’t drink, so he doesn’t know how to enjoy it. I don’t think Madam will really enjoy it either. So….” Ivan smirked. “Would you like to go see the lord with me?”

Hans, who had already become as pale as a dead man, trembled. “I… dare not… I don’t wish to die like that… Well, I have to go back to work. Goodbye, then…”

Ivan followed Hans down the spiral staircase, blabbering the entire time. “Did you know what Madam asked me about her brother last time? I didn’t answer when she asked. Just…”

“Oh, I’m not curious. I’ve completely forgotten about it now. So stop… Ouch!”

For a moment, Hans stumbled. Ivan quickly grabbed him by the back of his neck.

“You just owed me your life,” he said sarcastically.

“T-thank you. But, Priest…”

“You must pay off this debt with information, okay? Chief Administrator?”

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“More than that, over there… Look over there, Priest.” As Hans frantically pointed in front of him, Ivan turned his head in curiosity.

His eyes widened. “What are you doing here, Madam?”

At the bottom of the stairs stood a woman who looked like she was wearing winter clothes from all over the world.

A round cylindrical hat made of gray fox fur and a wool scarf. Rabbit fur gloves to a sheepskin coat. Her small, pale face poked out with difficulty between the coats of fur.

Lily smiled pleasantly at Ivan. “Hello, Priest.”

When Ivan let go, Hans hit the stairs, yelping in pain.

Ivan ignored him and ran down the stairs two steps at a time. “Yes. Nice to meet you. Seriously, I swear to God, I’ve never been this happy, Madam.” He politely greeted her with exaggerated manners. “How have you been? I’m really curious!”

* * *

That morning was surprisingly quiet. Lily woke up peacefully.

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Buried in a cloud-like bed, the commotion that occurred yesterday seemed like a distant fantasy.

The gloomy regret that creeped up quickly restored her sense of reality.

Rather than pulling Tristan out of her life, she was terribly ashamed that she had exposed her shameless side to Vlad.

“Dummy… What were you trying to do?” Lily covered her face with her hands.

She had never exposed herself like that to her two ex-husbands.

This time, why…?

Hearing her own story, he seemed quite surprised too.

“…I’d rather have you pity me…”

Scared of speaking, Lily laughed at herself. She hoped that she would be forgiven for keeping a secret.

“I am really selfish.”

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