Chapter 19

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Longing Classmates

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


Star Grace Detective Agency…


That was the name of the detective agency I was referred to. I didn’t realize it before, but I wonder if it’s because Megumi Hoshino’s name, “Hoshi-no,” has the grace of stars?


I couldn’t hide my surprise at the transformation in front of me, so I honestly expressed my thoughts to her.


“When I saw you, I didn’t recognize you at first.”


“I knew right away it was Yuzuki-kun.”


“Indeed, I guess I haven’t changed much.”


As Megumi silently brushed her hair away from her ear, I couldn’t help but feel a certain allure from this classmate who used to be plain. It was as if she was showcasing beautifully transformed wings, like a butterfly undergoing metamorphosis.


“How about it? I tried changing my image…”


“Yeah, it looks really nice. You had good features to begin with, Megumi, so I think you’ve become even more beautiful.”


“Huh? Really?”


Although Megumi doubted me with a squinting gaze, I genuinely believed she had great potential.


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“If only I had heard from Yuzuki-kun back when we were students that I had good features.”


“Well, that would’ve been impossible… I couldn’t say you were beautiful or cute when I wasn’t even your boyfriend, Megumi.”


Ren would probably say something like that without hesitation, but during our school days, I was shy and just confessing to Miku, my childhood friend, was a big deal for me.


“Yeah… It seemed like Yuzuki-kun was only interested in Miku.”


For some reason, when I honestly answered her, Megumi let out a sigh as if she were sulking about something.


“Are you mad?”


“I’m not mad. I’m an adult now.”


I was worried that I had upset Megumi, so I asked, but she chuckled and laughed at my flustered manner. Somehow, it felt like we had returned to our student days, just in this space.


Back in middle and high school, Megumi had a plainer appearance, and the term “introverted” perfectly described her. But I vividly remember that she used to read detective novels and such.


Whenever someone lost something, many classmates would consult her, and she would give them hints about the location, which often led to successful findings. She was highly appreciated for it.


Megumi’s office was conveniently located on the ground floor of a building near the train station, and if it were a rental agreement, it wouldn’t be surprising if they charged several hundred thousand yen per month.


“Is it possible that Megumi is the director here?”


“Well, um… originally, my grandfather was running it, but he’s in a semi-retired state now, so I took over. Well, the office is still under my grandfather’s name, though.”


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According to my lawyer, this detective agency has a reputation for infidelity investigations and high client satisfaction. Megumi’s appearance matched that reputation, especially with her glasses, giving off an intellectual atmosphere.


Though we were just reminiscing a moment ago, creating a harmonious atmosphere with our memories from our student days, Megumi suddenly averted her gaze from me and opened her mouth with a heavy tone.


“Coming here… Does that mean, Yuzuki-kun…”


Megumi knew that Miku and I were dating. However, since becoming working adults, we hadn’t seen each other since the post-graduation ceremony at the end of high school.


“Yeah, it’s just as you think, Megumi. I want you to investigate Miku because I suspect she has another man. I came here for that reason.”


I already had overwhelming evidence of Miku’s affair with Ren, and there was no way to cover it up. But I wanted to keep it a secret from Megumi. Of course, that includes my live streaming activities.


“No way! They were so close! At the graduation ceremony, Miku even said she wanted to marry Yuzuki-kun…”


“I want to believe in Miku too. That’s why I want to ask you, Megumi. I want to know if Miku’s heart has completely drifted away from me.”


“I’m sorry… Taking sides with the person being investigated is unacceptable for a detective.”


“It’s fine.”


“Yuzuki-kun is still kind as ever. Wait here a moment, I’ll bring you a guide that summarizes the plan and costs for the infidelity investigation.”


Saying that, Megumi stood up and went behind a folding screen, but I could hear murmuring in a low voice, as if talking to herself.


“Miku betrayed me. Miku trampled on my feelings. I’ve always… Miku was putting off Yuzuki’s confession, but when I told her that I wanted to confess, she had already started dating Yuzuki without me knowing… I stepped aside so that the two of them could be happy, but it’s terrible…”


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I felt some kind of dark aura rising above the folding screen, but I couldn’t make out the words clearly.


Within minutes, Megumi returned and leaned forward, making a proposal to me.


So close, so close! I could hear Megumi’s breath as she leaned in, pointing at a brochure for the investigation course. She was indicating the section labeled “Thorough Investigation,” which had the highest price but almost guaranteed evidence.


“This is my recommendation.”


The success fee was 300,000 yen, which was quite expensive, but I wanted to thoroughly expose the truth, so I asked Megumi for her help.


“I’ll go with that. Can I pay here?”


When I tried to hand over 300,000 yen in cash from my wallet, Megumi was surprised.


“It doesn’t have to be right now… Besides, I’ll give you a friend’s discount, so it’ll only be 30,000 yen.”


“No, no, that’s not enough to cover even the travel expenses.”


Even if we were friends, I couldn’t accept doing the job for a tenth of the price. I strongly insisted on giving Megumi 300,000 yen, but she pushed my hand and the bundle of bills away.


“I’m sorry!”


“It’s fine. It’s my decision!”


“In that case, I’ll give you a 10% discount. I’m not in financial trouble right now.”


“No way! I want to investigate!”

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As Megumi and I became more heated, our pushing and pulling intensified.




When I stubbornly pushed back against Megumi, she lost her balance and instinctively grabbed my wrist, causing both of us to fall onto the sofa.




Naturally, I was pulled in along with Megumi, and we both fell down. But our faces were enveloped in something soft.


Trying to regain our composure, I reached out toward that soft thing… and what I saw was a scattered bundle of bills around Megumi. Blushing, she turned her face away from me in embarrassment, pleading in a sweet voice.


“Ah! Yuzuki-kun… Don’t squeeze so hard…”


“What!? I-I didn’t mean to…”


As for me, I couldn’t deny that I had both hands full, unable to escape from Megumi’s breasts.


“I’m really sorry! I’ll let go right away!”


“It’s okay, Yuzuki-kun. You must feel lonely after being cheated on by Miku, right? So I’ll comfort you…”


Even though there were people hired by Megumi behind the folding screen, she looked at me with moist eyes as if seeking me.


I came here to ask for her help in obtaining photos and videos of Miku and Ren under the pretext of an infidelity investigation, but now, with this beautiful classmate who has transformed… What is happening?

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