Chapter 32

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Broken Engagement

Translated by GXYRU
Edited by GXYRU


With guidance from Hoshino, I planted a virus on Miku’s smartphone and kept a close eye on her exchanges with Ren. Well, seeing Miku’s phone filled with viruses is quite funny, to be honest.



《I’m sorry, Miku. I can’t make it today.》

《Something came up.》



《What’s wrong? Did something happen?》

《Was there an issue?》


《I’ve been set up!》

《They say I was involved in pillow talk.》

《But I didn’t do anything!》





I couldn’t help but chuckle at the messages arriving on Miku’s phone. He wasn’t set up; he was the one setting up others! Ren was a cunning guy, indeed. He showed no signs of remorse for his actions. Always spinning lies, charming girls with his smooth words, and making them cry.


But I have no intention of forgiving Miku. He called out Ren’s name even in his sleep, not just during intimacy or pillow talk. That’s enough evidence for me.

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By the time I finished work and returned, Miku and Ren were still being held for questioning at the company. Despite the darkening sky, Miku sat in the dining area without turning on the lights, staring blankly at her phone screen.


As soon as I got home, I gently approached Miku, whose expression was downcast, and spoke softly to her.


“Miku, what’s wrong? You seem upset. If something’s bothering you, try talking to me about it.”


“N-No… I’m fine.”


Miku seemed worried about Ren, and her response was sluggish even when I tried to talk to her. Well, of course, she was head over heels for Ren, so it’s natural for her to be concerned. But I have no intention of letting her go.


This is the perfect opportunity to set a trap for her. When she’s feeling down and unable to make a rational decision, that’s when I thought of doing it.


I should have been the one comforting the girl who was turned down, but at this point, I don’t care.


I offered the engagement ring to Miku, covered with blue cloth, and she looked flustered. However, I smiled at her and opened the lid of the small box, revealing the dazzling diamond engagement ring.


I had used the profit I earned to buy back the engagement ring from the pawn shop. I took Miku’s left hand and gently slid the ring onto her ring finger.


“Miku, I’m sorry for making you wait. I want to marry you. So, I plan to go and greet your parents.”


By now, Miku must be weighing her feelings for Ren and me. Maybe she’s worried that she might lose her social status if she chooses Ren, while I’m a serious guy with no outstanding qualities but won’t lose my job.


This is the perfect chance to set a trap for her. When her heart is down, and she’s unable to think clearly, that’s when I thought of doing it.

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So, I decided to take on the role of a male friend comforting a rejected girl. Wait, no, I was supposed to be her boyfriend, but at this point, it doesn’t really matter.


I put Miku in the passenger seat and drove her to my hometown.


Though she seemed to have cheered up a bit, Miku talked about childhood memories while I held the steering wheel. She was engrossed in her stories, but when I checked the rear-view mirror on the highway, I noticed a woman with sunglasses following us in a car.


My parents’ house was located close to Miku’s home, and we decided to stop there for the formal engagement meeting. We were warmly welcomed by Miku’s parents.


I refrained from mentioning the trip ticket, but thinking about what’s going to happen, it made me feel uneasy in front of her parents.


We were invited to the spacious living room, and all of Miku’s relatives gathered to welcome us. The adults enjoyed sushi and hors d’oeuvres, and my parents and Miku’s relatives exchanged laughter and conversation.


With an SD card labeled “Memories of the Two,” Miku’s uncle called out with a smile, “Miku, is it ready?” Miku beamed, handing the SD card to her uncle.


Miku and I had carefully chosen photos and videos of us from our childhood and put them in there. It was meant to be a precious collection of our memories.


Her uncle inserted the SD card labeled “Two People’s Memories” into the player and started playing the video files using the remote control. The room was filled with warmth as everyone watched our past captured in the photographs.


However, the time for the revelation had come. Miku’s uncle stopped looking at the images and selected a video file.


The file was labeled “Sports Day”…


And indeed, it was a sports day event. In the video, Miku was panting and moving vigorously… But the person she was with wasn’t me; it was a man her parents didn’t know, and they were engaged in intimate actions.

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After the first round, Ren embraced Miku, and she leaned against his chest while engaging in pillow talk.


“Ren, let’s break up with Rintaro and get married! You’re rich, and the sex is so much better!”


“Yeah, Rintaro is a nice guy, but he’s like air to me. There’s no excitement. Well, I’ll marry Rintaro, but the sex will be with you, Ren-kun.”


“Haha, Miku, you’re such a slut!”


“Ah! Don’t squeeze so hard!”


The explicit video was shamelessly displayed in front of everyone. Miku’s relatives were either petrified, foaming at the mouth, or in a state of despair, creating a chaotic scene. In her panic, Miku stood in front of the TV monitor, desperately trying to hide the scene of her bed activities with her affair partner.


My parents, who had taken my aunt to the bedroom, returned to the living room and confronted Miku.


“Miku, can you explain what’s going on? I believe our Rintaro has been sincere to you…” My mother said,


“It’s not what you think. It was just a moment of weakness with him… I-I was feeling lonely because Rintaro was always busy with work.”


“Then why didn’t you support Rintaro more? This makes our Rintaro feel betrayed…” My father added.


Unable to bear the blame from my parents, Miku started to shift the responsibility.


“I was raped by Ren! He’s the one at fault! I’m innocent!”


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Her excuses were too feeble. While all eyes were on Miku, I secretly operated the remote and played a specific video.


The file was titled “Baby’s Record”. It contained heartwarming scenes of me and Miku when we were babies. However…


In the video, a man far too big to be called a baby was present. It was Miku, engaging in indecent acts with another man.


Miku’s uncle trembled in anger and disbelief as he stared at the explicit scene. Miku’s relatives were too embarrassed to look at us and kept their heads down.


Miku’s face turned pale, and she seemed about to foam at the mouth, her mouth opening and closing in shock.


“Mr. Yuki… I’m deeply sorry. My daughter has caused you trouble…” Miku’s father apologized.


“Father, no! It’s all fake!”


“Miku… from today, you are no longer my daughter. I forbid you from setting foot in this house ever again. Go find comfort with your so-called affair partner.”


“Father! Listen to me!”


“Enough! Pack your things and leave right now!!!”


Miku’s belongings were thrown outside the front door, and her father forcibly kicked her out of the house.


“Father! Father! Please forgive me! I’ll break up with Ren! I won’t cheat on Rintaro ever again!!!”


Desperate and in tears, Miku pleaded, but her father clenched his teeth and locked the front door.

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