If it's Your Will

Chapter 12

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*Huff huff*

How long do I keep on running what happened to her, how I hope that she is alright I want to know her name and also to know everything she knows about me.

I have been running for minutes but I still can't reach the end of the forest and I can already feel the fatigue. I blocked my eyes because of the rays of light that suddenly went through but still I didn't stop running.

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When the light is in reach that can almost make me blind I suddenly bumped into something.

I got stumbled because if the sudden impact and I immediately got in the floor.

The impact has caused a little bump to form in my head it seems like what I have bumped into is something that is so hard that can cause this kind of result.

"Your highness! Finally" When I heard a familiar voice I lit up my face and then I suddenly got up but still I'm holding my head because of the pain. So it is a hard thing that I have bumped with. It is the armor that general wore. The general looks like he has not gotten a sleep and the one next to him seems to be the one who bawl earlier.

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"Your highness we apologize for the sudden happenings we really am responsible to what happened" So it seems like he is not the one who instigated the assassination because of the sincerity that I saw in his eyes.

If he's not the one it seems like it is the home country that I came from. So they really want to kill me already to even use a mysterious people who uses mysterious techniques.

"You don't need to worry about anything general it is also my fault for not realizing the situation that have resulted to this incidence." I persuade him but from his expression it seems like he had done a great mistake.

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"Your highness where is your personal maid?" Asked by the royal guard from earlier.

"Sh… she didn't make it" I said while lowering my head so that they won't see the sadness that I have for her death.

I was dumbfounded when the general suddenly kneels in front of me.

"Your highness please give me a punishment for what you have lost, I shouldn't have let this thing happen in the first place. If only I…" He didn't continue what he wants to say because I hold him up. I don't want anyone to kneel for me, I don't want them to feel to feel little in front of me.

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"I just want everyone to be fine and happy. I don't want this kind of treatment the most. You can abuse me but you cannot worship me to the point of kneeling in front of me"

I really don't want it. I don't want to go to a position so high you can't be with anyone just because they can't reach you. Just like how my father look down to everyone below his seat, his arrogance have a great effect on me.

There I promise I won't become like him, a person who have it all but at the same time he doesn't.

A suivre…

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