If it's Your Will

Chapter 14

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Today my brother's bride will arrive and I can't believe that he's  doing this even though he knows everything. If it will make that woman cry I will never forgive him anymore. I'm sick of seeing her cry and before that happens I'll find her first before him. 

I'll let him see that I can give her much more happiness.

"Wangye the emperor's bride and general Chen is already at the border do you wish to see them?" This servant really knows what I'm thinking. 

I want to see the woman who will met big misfortune in the castle now that he have given a huge courage to become that person's bride. 

"Ready my carriage we will meet them on the way to the castle" The servant rushed his way while I ready myself.

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After the preparations I immediately went outside to enter the carriage.

The streets are  on uproar, they know that today their emperor's bride will arrive and they also know that she's from an enemy country that is why they are all against it. 

When we're on the gates of the castle I ordered the coach to stop and wait for the carriage where the bride is and since no other carriage can enter the castle without the consent of the emperor. I'm sure that she'll need to go down from her carriage to enter the palace. 

My brother knows that her little bride is coming today but still she insist on going to the war so that she won't be seeing her face, still why does he take a concubine if he's finding that person? 

Even his excuse of going to the war is only fabricated, I know that he is managing his own sect in the borders of the Yun empire which he invade.

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"Wangye the carriage has arrive" I turn my attention to the carriage that just arrive and following it is the muscle head of a general.

"Bitch from the enemy country leave our territory, you don't deserve our mighty emperor"

The people creates more havoc and tried to throw everything they've grab. Tss what a barbaric citizens, but you can't blame them for being overprotective to their emperor.

My brother is the person who gave them the peace and prosperity that they have wanted. That's the reason that they are grateful.

The havoc was stopped by the muscle head general. He's also someone who the citizen feel grateful for so they Immediately stop throwing objects to the carriage. 

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The muscle head general then ascend from the horse to open the carriage and order a palace maid to assist the woman inside. 

I take a sip on my tea and enjoy the scenes that is enfolding before me. 

When a hand was outstretched her hand and what was shown was a very delicate and pale hand after that she finally got out of the carriage.

Everyone in the area are focusing on the bride of their emperor. She looks kind of weak and fragile woman and I know she won't last in this chaotic palace that has an emperor which doesn't care. 

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I took another sip of my tea and then tries to relax and think of the possibilities that she can have in this palace.

When I tried to look at her direction cup that I was holding immediately came to the floor but I didn't got bothered by it but the eyes that is looking at me. 


Finally, I've found you. 

A Suivre…

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