If it's Your Will

Chapter 27

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We have been walking and I think I'm already tired he doesn't even stop to look at any stalls and it makes me wonder if he really wants to have fun.

I bump on him when he suddenly stopped "Yanyu do you want a mask it looks like they sell one over there" I look at the direction he's pointing and I found a stall that sells mask I smile and nod at him, at last a stall that can make him stop but why a mask stall though and the aura around him looks lively and I almost that he's the one who forced me to come along with me, but he looks like he's having fun and that's all that matters.

When we're already in front of the stall he immediately took the fox mask and put it on.

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"What do you think?" He asked me and somehow I laughed.

"I think it really suits you the most Wangye" That mask really suits his personality because he is quite a cunning person specially the smile that he always give.

When I look at him I was worried because he suddenly looked red. Did he somehow got a fever?

"Wa… wangye are you alright your face is red are you having a fever right now?" I ask him and I tried to reach his forehead and it's really hot.

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"Wan…" I didn't finish what I have to say when he suddenly held my arm.

"Ya… yanyu" He tried to reach for my face and when he did I was stupefied to what he had done.

He had shoved the hair that is blocking my eyes, and he looked at me directly. Wait. He doesn't think my ayes are weird? Zi Yan said that I must not show my eyes to the other people because it has a very peculiar color and will make people be in disarray but when he look at it, it seems like he knew what it looks like already.

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"Ehem would these two young masters mind stopping flirting in front of my stall" I almost have a heart attack when I realize that I'm in a disguise and if someone found us from the castle Wangye's reputation might get sullied.

I immediately push him away then I paid for the mask that he had in his head and because of responsibility I hold his hand, and I have run with all my might.

When I think we're not in the vicinity where people gather I stop I let go of hos hand, and I immediately sat on the ground because of exhaustion.

This is the first I run like that and it's quite tiring but fun. I looked at him and he looks really weird.

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"What happened Wangye do you still have fever?" I'm still worried about his health, what if something happens to him I'm sure, everyone will be worried.

"Th… theres nothi… I don't have a fever it's just that Yanyu really surprised me today" I was startled when he suddenly laughed

"Hahahaha just as I thought you really never change"

A suivre…

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