If it's Your Will

Chapter 3

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I am really aware of the emperor think of me but still, his looks can penetrate to my soul. Why does he can't show even a tiniest bit of love to me.

"So you are the 9th princess" my father declared and then assess me. My facial features are something that I call lifeless and pale. It is as if I'm a moving corpse.

"Has she received the decree? " My father asked not directly to me but to the eunuch on the side.

"Yes your majesty" I have immediately show him the decree that the eunuch gave me and give him a nod.

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"There will be a royal banquet for your marriage so you must attend, Zhen thinks that it is also the last banquet that you will attend in your life" My palm turns into a fist because of what he said.

"Yanyu understands" I gave another low bow while waiting for his dismissal.

"My empress you can take her now" I'm somewhat scared when I heard him call the empress.

The empress immediately stand and then her maids and eunuch follow her and then hold my arm.

"This empress will take her leave" She bows with me and when the emperor give his permission the empress brought me with her.

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When we're already far from the main hall she immediately shook my hand off her and shake the unseen dirt from her dress, and then she looked at me with disgust.

"Follow me"

I just follow her instructions and follow and then a hand gripped to my hand.

It was Zi Yan, her face is not quite good. I just gave her a smile and shake my head off to indicate that I'm fine.

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The empress of this kingdom is Mu Miren, and she's from a very proud family of the prime minister.

He fell in love with emperor when he was only a crown prince, and then she promised herself to monopolize the king but in the end he still married a few dozen of concubine for his harem resulting for this woman to be greedy and brutal. That is what Zi Yan told me that is why I'm quite wary if her.

When we entered her courtyard we just stay in the big pond and then stay for minutes, and then she looked at me with condemnation.

"You know it's quite refreshing to let one of his bastard child be given to the enemy country, you will suffer a tremendous fate" I already know what she think of me but it is quite strange if she said it herself.

"Listen, in the banquet don't you ever think of making a conversation with one of my children because if you do I'll kill that maid that you treasure so much" My eyes immediately shown hatred. What does Zi Yan have to do with this, she's innocent.

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It is because I'm going to the enemy as a concubine they will also think of me as spy. I don't really understand the rules of this imperial family.

"Ya.. Yanyu understands"

For the time being let's stay quiet.

A Suivre...

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