If it's Your Will

Chapter 36

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It's been very busy these days well it's a normal thong because it is almost the hunting festival where this country celebrates good harvest and this also when the annual hunting competition commence.

I don't really want to come but I need to because I'm the only concubine that the emperor have in his harem.

I wonder why the emperor only happens to return in his country once a year? And if he came back there's always no notice. Is he really a war freak?

"Hey Yanyu?" I almost have a heart attack when someone suddenly pop out of nowhere in front of me.

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"P… princess Lu Shan!" She always come by now and then. Currently I'm in the kitchen… again. I think she liked my cooking since she's always coming here.

Since it's always midnight where I always sneak out there's already a rumor that there's a bad spirit lingering in the kitchen every night. I'm kind of troubled because they might call monk in midnight just to exorcise and I don't want that because I will be found out.

Thankfully Princess Lu Shan controlled the rumor because if not I might be in a big trouble.

"Hey Yanyu do you have someone you can go with you in the festival?" She asked me while looking at the food with a shining eye.

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"Th… there's no one because Min er didn't come back yet" She looked back at me and frowned. I wonder why?

"Come to think of it where's your maid? Did she take a vacation or something?" Shoot! Min er didn't take a permission to leave the palace because she doesn't want to be asked about the reason if they know that Min er suddenly left she might get in trouble.

"Sh… she's just…" I was about to say something when we heard a sound outside. It's a sound of footsteps but this is very peculiar because the steps' comes from the roof.

"Tch, spies" I tried to go near her when something suddenly passed by me. It almost hit me. I stopped my step because of shock and look at the object that almost hit my head.

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When I found it I trembled in fear because the object is an arrow and if only I'm a little near it I'm already dead by now.

"Y… Yanyu are you alright?" Asked Lu Shan worriedly.

She made me sit in a chair, and then she came closer to the arrow. When she came closer to it, it has some paper attached, and she open it immediately.

The look on her face when reading the letter is not very good and start to worry. She gave me the paper and…

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"Your death is almost there He Yanyu" I trembled once again and have reflexively thrown the paper.

I… why?

I have not done anything wrong. Does the assassins from Su is still in pursuit? Why can't they just let me be. I already in peace yet again this…

They already take Zi Yan from me. Why?

A Suivre…

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