If it's Your Will

Chapter 43

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"Eh so you're that woman who caused one of our elites to perish" He did perish by following me but I'm not the one who killed him because it is Min er. Thank goodness Min er is not here.

"You don't look really strong I wonder if one of this people behind you is the one who killed him." I Immediately cover Lu Shan and the two maid behind me.

"They have nothing to do with me so please let them go" I cannot let then harm Lu Shan and the two because they are all nice people and I hate seeing this kind of people die because of me.

"You know woman the more you try to hide them the more I want to harm them and you know? Today I'm really bloodthirsty, specially with that beautiful woman behind you" I trembled because of what he said.

I don't anyway but to kneel down to beg for their lives.

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"Please I'm the one you want to kill right so please leave them alone" I can hear the gasped of the people from behind.

"Ya… yanyu you shouldn't kneel before that person you're a future wife of the emperor you can't…" I'm so sorry Lu Shan but I don't really care about that position and specially this time I'm thinking of a good way to escape from this people when I make sure the safety of Lu Shan and the two. There's no such thing that is much (precious) than life and I won't let them take it away.

"Mind your own business b*tch, this person is our very own young master so it is just a common sense to kneel before him" I don't know what is he talking about but as long as they can be saved.

"fufu woman I didn't ask you to kneel down you have done it yourself you are such a let down but since you have knelt down in front of this esteemed young master I will let them go" I have given some hope because of what he said, but I was terrified when I saw the sinister smile that he have.

"But I'll still kill one of them, quick take the woman in yellow hanfu her cries makes my ear hurt" I can't believe it, how can this person be this terrifying to think that he still want to kill one of them.

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I have tried to stop the person who is much older to take one of the maid, but he's so strong that is why he easily gets past me. When he is in front of Biu, Lu Shan immediately protect her by covering the girl.

"How dare you, you cannot have her she's my personal maid" I just heard the assassin's snicker and then shoved Lu Shan with great forced causing her to be thrown of the carriage.

"Xiaojie" Xiu immediately went down the carriage to help Lu Shan which made Biu vulnerable and eventually she was taken to the young assassin.

"Tss you didn't even have the slightest bit of strength to defy this young master yet you still tried to fight" He said while holding Biu's hair in a very harsh way while looking at Lu Shan with hostility.

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I didn't think twice and I have come closer to the young assassin and tried to grab Biu but when I'm almost near the older assassin used his sword on me.

"Yanyu!" I can hear the voice of Lu Shan and I know that he is frightened to what is happening right now.

He thrust his sword towards my side and I can really feel the extreme pain.

"You have no right to get near young master when he doesn't say it yet woman" I… I can feel the bitter-sweet taste of my blood in my mouth and I'm sure that he's attack have been made very deep.

"Please let her go she doesn't have anything *hik* to do with me please" I cannot help but cry because of the pain and also my desperation to save Biu.

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"Pl… please let me go Lady Yanyu already said that I don't have anything to do with her so pl…" She didn't let Biu finished her statement, and he had cut her head off and her blood splashed in my face.

"Biu!" Now I can hear the voice of Xiu then I look at the place where Biu's head have fly off.

I can still see the expression that she have before she died. What a poor soul she didn't even know that she is already dead.

"Tss as expected the maid will neglect this woman, let's leave already and bring that woman with us the contractor said that we must kill her outside this country" I didn't have the chance to hear he is saying when suddenly someone dragged me and put me in his shoulder but I can still hear the crying voice of Xiu and Lu Shan's call.

Once again someone died because of me.

To think that it can happen twice.

A Suivre…

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