If it's Your Will

Chapter 64

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The look on Li Min's eyes cannot be seen as normal because right now her eyes have an extremely obvious rage emitting from her stares. Even as someone as Nangong Jing is quire surprise at what the woman has been treating her. Out of nowhere he felt a very strong pressure that can make him kneel down. It is not new to her what is the force behind it.

This is the pressure of a spiritual practitioner and this pressure is extremely different because it is quite strong which can also mean that the cultivator is someone who cannot be messed with but with someone as Nangong Jing who is also a spiritual practitioner himself.

When he tried to fight the force he was quite surprised to know that the person who had shown the strength is the same woman who was still glaring at him and seems like her cultivation can rival his.

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"Your highness w… what's happening?" The beautiful lady asked because of what the two people's strange behavior and it can only show that the two didn't want to cause a problem to the young lady.

"Princess Lu Shan I advised you to leave this instance, there's something I need to consult the wangye with.
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Though Li Min asked her to leave her gaze is not leaving the wangye. She didn't leave but Li Min let her stay since she can control her own pressure and can even protect her if the person in front of her forgot to control his.

"Wangye I thought that I already told you to take care of my lady, why is she missing?!" She angrily said which made Nangong Jing to have a look of surprise and he remembered someone who had suddenly entered his courtyard clad in a black cloak that had warned him about Yanyu and now he finally learned that the person who warned him is this woman.

The wangye instantly let withdraw his strength which also made Li Min withdraw hers too

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"So you're that person, I indeed agreed because know that I can take a good care of her and it is indeed my fault and I won't make an excuses you can take your anger on me then" Li Min was about to once again put another heavyweight pressure when someone made her stop.

It is princess Murong Lu Shan who had block her view and protected the Wangye.

"Your highness please get out of the way" She asked politely to the young woman.

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"I…it's not wangye's fault it is mine" Li Min was quite flabbergasted on what she said.

"Wangye had gave me permission to give the princess a ride and escort her to the event bu…" she didn't have the courage to tell Li Min what happened because she is ashamed of herself to let the weak little woman to be taken but still Li Min has the right to know what happened to Yanyu.

"I have let her be taken by the assassins and because of that I'm the one you need to suffer not the Wangye"

A suivre…

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