If it's Your Will

Chapter 7

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For the first time in my life this is the first time that someone else beside Zi Yan defend me. But why is that so, is it because of the standing if the Lou kingdom.

Since he entered I have this weird feeling like something like this happened before but I can't remember. It also makes me confuse because this is the first time that I have attended a banquet.

'Baam!' Our attention was taken from the general to the emperor. 

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"Audacious, how dare you talk ill to my daughter general of Lou empire did you already forgot your standing"

When the general heard it he just smirked and look at the emperor like an insignificant person. 

"Forgive this general's words your majesty but I just want to defend our emperor's concubine. We from the Lou empire doesn't want anything related to our esteemed emperor to be  humiliated in front of our eyes. If this heard by our emperor I'm not the one who bear Su Empire's emperor but your people." So, he knows already that I'm just a sacrifice to their emperor, and he is doing it for his emperor. 

My father, the emperor has turn silent because of the general's words though his prideful he still needs the empire and it's people to stay as the emperor. He knows what the Lou empire is capable of. 

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"10th daughter you will have your punishment, I'll send you'll be punished to be confined in your room for 1 month" I have seen her reaction and I don't know why but she only look at me with those angry eyes. Though, she will be punished later on she will be forgiven because her mother is one of the most favored concubine of the emperor. 

"This general hopes that the emperor keep his words" This person is very suspicious though he's alone he still holds the highest position in the military of the Lou kingdom and maybe one of the emperor's close friends. He is one of the people who led the country to what they are now with the lead of their young emperor. 

After the dramatic scene the 10th princess was confined and then the next happenings are just a boring sight and I don't know why but I am not really amazed by the dancers' moves.

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"Your highness do you still want some tea?" Zi Yan asked and I nod my head and then thanked her. She's the reason I have the courage to attend today's banquet. 

It's been a little late, so I already feel the drowsiness and tomorrow is my departure to Lou empire and I just wants to sleep but I must bid my leave to the emperor or else I'll turn to be disrespectful. 

"Your highness do you want to retire? " Zi Yan asked but I hesitated at first but still the idea of getting tired tomorrow struck me and I've nodded my head and she immediately went to the emperor. 

I try to follow her by my sight and when she spoke to the eunuch, the eunuch then tell what Zi Yan said to the emperor and when I think it reaches him he directly look at me and I didn't have the courage, so I avert my eyes on the side. 

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When I came to Zi Yan is already at my side and fixing my robe to leave. 

When we're in our road I was blocked by a huge person and when I looked up I found out that he is the Lou empire young general. 

A Suivre... 

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