Chapter 39.2: Favour

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When they returned to the inn at noon, they happened to bump into Tang Zheng. Tang Zheng has always been cheerful and talkative, but this time he walked past Cen Ning and only nodded slightly.

Cen Ning felt that they were a little strange. They seemed to have nothing to do and were always wandering around the town. However, they went to the lengths of disguising themselves as tourists or businessmen, and they were not the type of people who would look for trouble.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Cen Ning came out of her room after a lunch break. The moment she stepped out, she happened to bump into Yan Xingzhi and the others.

Cen Ning: “…”

Without thinking, Yan Xingzhi pushed her back into her room. “Don’t go out today.”


Cen Ning: “Why?”

Yan Xingzhi frowned. “Be obedient.”


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“Pke usw blya xl?”

Tl pswdele lmvalxlzu plakswp, ps Uld Lkdt eked’v pyu yduvbkdt yde fwpv dseele.

Fllkdt vbyv pbl oyp sclekldv, Zyd Dkdtgbk yde vbl rlsrzl dlmv vs bkx bwaaklezu oldv esodpvykap.

Uld Lkdt pzsozu qasodle, qllzkdt kdnalypkdtzu wdlypu.

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Gv qswa s’nzsnj kd vbl yqvladssd, vbl dlop nyxl vbyv vbl nya bye clld alrykale. Py Jlk pwttlpvle vbyv lhlausdl rynj wr yde ts cynj vs Nbypy.

Uld Lkdt bye clld yv vbl kdd vbl obszl yqvladssd, cwv ewakdt vbkp vkxl pbl dlhla pyo Zyd Dkdtgbk. Ebld Py Jlk rasrsple vs ts cynj vs Nbypy, pbl eked’v jdso bso vs elnkel. Fbl eked’v jdso oblal bl oyp sa obyv bl oyp tskdt vs es. Mbl ydmklvu kd bla blyav kdvldpkqkle. Mbl kdlmrzknyczl osaau yde qlya pbaswele bla, xyjkdt bla wdyczl vs nyzx esod.

“Uld Lkdt?” Rd vbl nsxxwdyz alpv yaly sd vbl qkapv qzssa sq vbl kdd, Py Jlk jdsnjle sd vbl vyczl kd qasdv sq bla, “Ebyv yal usw vbkdjkdt? El zlyhl kd y obkzl, ps obyv yal usw cassekdt ycswv?”

Uld Lkdt nyxl cynj vs bla pldplp. “Elzz…yal ol kd pwnb y bwaau?”

“Yes, we’re in a hurry, if the car was already repaired, we should have left in the morning.” Da Bei said. “We have to meet the others in Lhasa.”


Cen Ning had no choice but to nod. “Okay.”

After the decision was made, the four got up and prepared to go back to their rooms to pack up.

 When hurried footsteps sounded at the entrance of the inn, the lady boss at the front desk let out a panicked scream.

Cen Ning and the others suddenly looked back, and at a glance, everyone froze.

Three people ran inside, and the two next to him held a man in the middle, and the man in the middle was covered in blood. At this time, the blood was still dripping, and for those who had only seen this kind of scene in TV dramas or news, the image was simply terrifying.

“Lao Liu! Come over here!” One of the people holding the man in the middle shouted to another man who ran downstairs.

Lao Liu: “Go upstairs!”

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Lao Liu took over the task of holding the man in the middle and took the injured person upstairs, while the other one walked to the front desk and took out something from his pocket. “We’re soldiers, don’t panic.”

The lady boss at the front desk was already frightened. “Y-you guys…”

“Carrying out a mission, please cooperate.”

Lady Boss: “…”

After the man finished speaking, he didn’t explain anymore, because some voices came from his walkie-talkie. “The target person has been settled down, and the documents are in hand.”


“Okay, wait for the next order.”


The man squeezed his walkie-talkie and hurried upstairs.

Everything happened so fast, the wounds, the blood, the soldiers… no one knew what was going on.

By the time Da Bei and the others reacted, Cen Ning was already running towards the stairs like crazy.

Da Bei immediately grabbed Cen Ning and roared, “What are you doing!”

Cen Ning turned around, her face turned pale, and her hands trembled unconsciously as if she had lost her heart and soul. “H-he’s injured.”

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Da Bei was frightened by her expression. “What…?”

“He’s injured!” Cen Ning shook off Da Bei’s hand using all of her strength, and turned around and scrambled upstairs.

The large bloodstain was on his abdomen, she couldn’t see how the wound was, but she knew it was serious! The moment he entered the door just now, he raised his eyes and glanced at her, only one glance.

He couldn’t even utter a word and was taken away.

It was Yan Xingzhi. It had to be him!


How could he have gotten hurt? When they parted today, he was completely fine!!

“Stop.” There were not many rooms upstairs. After Cen Ning stumbled upstairs, she was stopped by a soldier standing at the door of a room, “Miss, please step back!”

The door to the room was not closed properly, Cen Ning saw him lying on the bed, while the two people beside him were treating the wound.

“What’s wrong with him? Tell me! What’s wrong with him?!”

After all, they lived in the same inn and Yan Xingzhi had spoken to her, so the man knew Cen Ning’s face. However, he didn’t expect Cen Ning, an outsider, to be so anxious and flustered.

“The military doctor that is with us is treating him, please don’t interfere.”

“I won’t interfere.” Cen Ning’s palms were cold, and she trembled. “Let me see how he is, I’ll just take one look. I won’t interfere, is that okay, please, I beg you…”


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“Cen Ning!”

At this moment, two more people came up the stairs, and one of them was Tang Zheng.

When Cen Ning heard the familiar voice, it was like grabbing the last straw (TLN: Her last hope). She grabbed Tang Zheng’s arm, and the fear in her eyes almost overflowed. “Tang Zheng, what’s wrong with him?”

Tang Zheng was also very anxious in his heart, but after all, he was well-trained, and at this time there was no panic on his outside appearance. “This time we came here to ambush a person who stole confidential documents. When he was caught, Brother Yan was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife.”


“How could he be injured? He’s strong, isn’t he? He…”

“Brother Yan was also trying to save another brother, we miscalculated…” Tang Zheng said angrily with regret.

Cen Ning slowly let go of her hand and turned to look at the person in the room. “Will he be alright?”

Tang Zheng stood behind her, frowned and said, “Definitely.”

Cen Ning forced herself to calm down. “Can I go in? I want to see him.”

Tang Zheng: “Brother Yan doesn’t want you to see it.”

Cen Ning: “Tang Zheng…”

Tang Zheng scratched his hair anxiously and sighed. “Little girl, if I let you in, Brother Yan will scold me to death when he recovers.”

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