Xia Rou went back to her room, where she sat on the bedside spacing out.

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It had only been 3 days since she reincarnated. The moment she opened her eyes, she thought she was dreaming a dream that took her back in time to where she and her mother lived in a duplex apartment. Even though when she had moved back to the apartment and had it renovated entirely, it wasn’t the same apartment anymore.

She felt like she was sleepwalking and wandered around the apartment, staring at those familiar details that she had already forgotten a long time ago. Walking down the stairs she could see a portrait of Cheng Wan hanging in the living room, and she was questioning herself: Why did she dream back to the time when her mother had just passed away? Maybe this wasn’t a dream after all; had she died and had her soul returned back to this place?

In the end she was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. It was Butler Zhou accompanying the lawyer to come over and have her sign the contract.

Including this apartment, there were two more shop lots that was under her mother’s name and both had inestimable value. The rent price alone could already afford her a better life compared to normal people.

And of course, all of these were given to her mother by Cao Xiong.

Cao Xiong had promised to take care of her, and he would definitely have fulfilled his promise.

These properties were inherited by Xia Rou after Cheng Wan passed away.

Xia Rou felt muddleheaded. She robotically followed the lawyer’s instructions and signed her name on a few of the documents. She started to feel as though something was off.

The details of this dream were too accurate to be true!

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A real dream should be blurry, constantly leaping over the time and disjointed. But this dream! Even the door number of the properties were noted down clearly on the contract.

Xia Rou had always been bad at memorizing things. Since she didn’t need to worry about the shop lots, so she roughly knew the location of the shops, but she couldn’t remember the exact shop number. She stared at the address and numbers that were written out clearly in the contract, clutched the pen, and finally raised her head.

“Butler Zhou…… I, I’m not dreaming right now, right?” She was uncertain.

The young girl who just lost her only family had a pale face, and she even asked a weird question out of nowhere. Butler Zhou looked at her and felt pity in his heart.

Butler Zhou was Cao Xiong’s driver. For someone like Cao Xiong, no matter where he goes, there would be driver and bodyguards following around him, whether for official work or even…… private affairs. That’s why, Butler Zhou has known Xia Rou for a long time. He could even say he watched Xia Rou grow up.

He let out a sigh, and comforted her: “Don’t worry, the commander is still here, he won’t leave you alone.”

The lawyer was also one of their people, he did not avoid the conversation but went straight to the point: “I was going to tell you later, but the commander has arranged for you to live in his house, so he can take care of you. That’s why you don’t have to worry about a thing.”

Xia Rou was still holding the pen and blankly staring at him.

In their perspective, this girl had too many shocks within these two days, so she couldn’t digest the information any further. They tried to coax her into finish signing the documents until finally they felt relieved to accomplish their mission.

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Before Butler Zhou left, he urged her again and again: “You should have some rest, tomorrow I’ll be coming over to help on packing up your stuffs. You can start packing up the important things first, as for the others…… You can deal with it slowly afterwards.”

After Butler Zhou left, Xia Rou was standing in front of the door staring outside the gate for some time, then she turned around and went to the kitchen. She searched around and found a fruit knife. Staring at her pale left hand, slowly…… she sliced on her palm!

Ouch! Translated by The Novelst

She only had a small cut on her palm, but there’s already blood dripping out, she could clearly feel the pain.

The fruit knife fell out from her hand and clattered on the floor, Xia Rou was still staring at her palm, confirmed that she wasn’t dreaming at all.

She had reincarnated.

Xia Rou fell back and laid on the soft bed, then stared blankly at the ceiling.

Why, why would a foolish person like her…… be able to obtain blessings from the god, and get another chance to reset her life?

She thought deeply for a long time, but couldn’t find an answer. She felt her brain was all jumbled up.

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She sighed and crawled up from her bed and took out the paper money she had bought on the way to meet the Cao Family. Today was Cheng Wan’s seventh day, so she should offer some money to her.

On the way back, it was Butler Zhou who had reminded her: “Today is your mother’s seventh day right?”

That was how she remembered. Thus, she asked Butler Zhou to stop the car in front of a shop, then went out of the car to buy some candles and paper money.

She couldn’t recall whether Butler Zhou had reminded her about this matter in the past, but now that she thought of it, at that time she was deep in grief by the shock of her mother’s death, and she never even thought of offering some paper money to her mother on the seventh day.

She rummaged through her bag before realizing she didn’t buy a lighter from the shop. She thought it over again, then went out and knocked on Lady Fang’s door.

Lady Fang understood what she’s trying to do, she took a glimpse at her then led her to the kitchen to find a lighter for her. Then she went to the other side to find her a washbowl.

“Burn it in this washbowl, it’ll be easier to clean.” Lady Fang said.

Then she was brought to a corner of the courtyard. Lady Fang snapped off a branch and taught her to draw circles on the floor: “The circle must be round and connected, so the things you’ve burn will be sent to the hands of your family.”

Xia Rou had already known all these sorts of things, but she can sense the kindness from Lady Fang, so she still said, “Thank you,” from her heart.

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Under the yellowish lighting shining on the courtyard, there was a slim girl kneeled on the ground burning some paper money for her deceased mother…… The picture was quite upsetting.

Lady Fang did not leave, and instead sighed and kneeled down to help Xia Rou out. Translated by The Novelst

Xia Rou was able to see Lady Fang in the darkness of the night and noticed her expression looking gentler than usual, not as cold as she recalled from her memories.

She lowered her eyelids, staring at the orange fire dancing in the bowl. In her heart, she thought why? Why did Lady Fang treat her differently than before?

Was it because she had changed? Because she didn’t hold a grudge nor try to be pitiful on her own, and was also not putting up thorns all over her body, is that why people treated her better this time?

“You have always lived with your mother right? Is it because your father passed away?” Lady Fang asked while she was burning the paper money.

“No……” Xia Rou’s face was reflected by the fire light, so she didn’t look as pale, at least she her face had some warmth now. “Both of my parents had divorced, my father walked away with another woman.”

Lady Fang was silent for a moment and asked: “Do you still have contact with him?”

Xia Rou shook her head: “Not anymore. He left when I was only seven, I’ve never seen him after that.”

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