The three brothers had the same thought – having a little sister in the house was… quite nice.

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At least she wasn’t as troublesome as they had feared.

The third son, Cao Xing, stared at Xia Rou directly. Cao Yang found his gaze weird, and thinking that he might frighten Xia Rou, coughed loudly and squinted his eyes toward him: “Eat your rice!”

Cao Xing could only retract his gaze and quietly drink his porridge to that.

Xia Rou wasn’t frightened by Cao Xing, she knew very clearly how he was, what happened to him.

The third brother…

After thinking about Cao Xing, Xia Rou couldn’t help but to chuckle with her lips covered, her somber eyes curving upwards.

The Cao Family only thought of this as an expression of her happiness since she was able to attend Nan Hua. A little girl was after all so young, so simple-minded that she couldn’t even hide her thoughts properly.

In the last few days, the atmosphere of the Cao Family had been gloomy because of Cao Xiong’s depressed state, and caused them to feel so pressured when eating together. But because of a simple smile from this little girl, they suddenly felt the gloomy atmosphere coming from their father weaken greatly. Looking at this smile, everyone at the table suddenly had a better appetite, enough to fit another roll of steamed roll!

It was quite fulfilling!

Xia Rou didn’t remember where she packed her junior textbooks, or if she had even brought it along to the house. She even looked for them during the day, but her search was fruitless. She then thought she might have left it at the apartment, so she could only wait for Butler Zhou’s schedule to free up to bring her back to tidy her things and bring back her study materials.

Cao Xiong wasn’t there for dinner, so Xia Rou ate alone with the three brothers.

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Cao Bin told her: “I’ll be leaving tomorrow, if you have anything you need don’t be shy and ask them.” As he was speaking, he raised his chin to point at Cao Yang and Cao Xing.

“Mm, okay.” Xia Rou asked, “Are you going back to work?”

“Yep, I’m currently working for the government of Hu City, and usually I live there. These last two days… I came back to visit my father.” He didn’t mention that due to Cheng Wan’s passing, Cao Xiong’s condition had deteriorated, which was why he was so worried and especially came back to see him.

“No worries, I’ll still be here when he leaves.” Cao Xiong smiled widely as he continued the conversation. “Just tell me if you need anything.” Xia Rou could feel his mood was exceptionally great today.

“Mm mm.” She nodded her head to indicate she understood.

Cao Yang didn’t say much, but glared at his little brothers.

This little girl was kind of cute, making it very hard for people to hate her. She could be considered talented, seeing as how she managed to make these two little punks hand over their hearts, was what he was thinking.

Xia Rou went back to her room and tidied up her clothing, and that was when she realized she didn’t have enough clothing.

No matter what, she was still a 15-year-old teenage girl, so all her clothes were usually bright and colorful. She only had a few plain clothes. After her mother’s passing, these colorful dresses didn’t seem suitable.

She took out her laptop and connected to the side building’s wifi, navigating quickly to a shopping site. Then, recalling her previous life, she realized she had done the exact same thing – sat down right in this room, navigated to the same website. But at that time she had angrily ordered a whole pile of black dresses instead.

Her hands paused for a while, and she skipped all the colorful clothes as well as the black ones, scrolling past to choose a few plain colored clothes.

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Finally, as she placed her order, someone knocked at her door.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“It’s me.” The person outside replied, “Cao Xing.”

Xia Rou: “….”

It’s coming, it’s coming! And this time even earlier than in the past!

When she went to open the door, the first thing to come into sight was an enormous teddy bear, as large as half a person!

I knew it would come! This teddy bear!

Cao Xing widened his mouth so his white teeth gleamed, and smiled: “I had something to do yesterday so I couldn’t make it. So I’ll make it up to you today with a welcome present!”

Oh really?

Xia Rou stayed put and said: “Thank you.”

Then she stretched her hands to take it, but she couldn’t.

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Xia Rou: “…”

She used a bit more of her strength and finally managed to grab the teddy bear from Cao Xing. Cao Xing looked at his empty hands, subconsciously grabbing at the air a few times and felt disappointed.

Xia Rou found it amusing. She hugged the bear and tilted her head: “It’s so cute, I like it very much. Thank you Cao Xing brother!”

It wasn’t like she was trying to act cute, but that teddy bear was almost as big as a person, so it didn’t seem so large when Cao Xing was holding it. However, since Xia Rou’s height only reached Cao Xing’s shoulder, she couldn’t even be seen behind it when she hugged it if she didn’t tilt her head.

A little girl hugging a huge teddy bear with her head tilted, even using a young tender voice to say thank you and addressing him as brother…

Cao Xing didn’t feel like leaving anymore.

He coughed, with a poker face hiding his innermost thoughts: “Glad you like it.”

But his sight was moving between Xia Rou and the teddy bear…

“Mm, I like it.” Xia Rou said.

She really did like it!

In the last few days of her reincarnation, different memories had come back to her, and most of them made her depressed and feel regretful. Only the moment she opened this door, this huge teddy bear awoke within her some wonderful and precious memories.

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Once again in this life she had this teddy bear to accompany her. Xia Rou liked it very much.

When she raised her head to look at Cao Xing, he was petrified like an iron tower. She couldn’t help but curve her eyes into a crescent shape.

Eh! This look of hers was way cuter than when she had brimmed her eyes with tears!

Cao Xing eventually couldn’t hold back and stretched out his bear-like palms, rubbing on Xia Rou’s hair. At that instant, he worried that she might find it rude, but when he snuck a peek at Xia Rou, he noticed she had closed her eyes and seemed to be enjoying it.

Eh! This was so good!

“Nice to hear that you like it, I’ll buy lots of these for you next time!” Cao Xing started to make promises.

“Really?” Xia Rou peered at him closely. Was it really for her?

Cao Xing didn’t have a clue that his ideas were already exposed. He vowed: “Of course!”

Then he craned his neck to look around the room and saw a few boxes open, so he said: “Alright, you should continue to tidy up your things. I’ll leave now.”

While he was saying this, he patted Xia Rou’s head again.

Before leaving, he still couldn’t hold back and acted carelessly and rubbed… the teddy bear!

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