“Hm, mmm…?”

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Sylia woke up with a tingling sensation in her arms. As she slowly opened her eyes, she wondered if she was still asleep.

Then, she stiffens as if she was petrified.

“Ah, umm… good morning…” she said.

There was something soft touching her arms. But it was too large to be a pillow.

“… Luna?” Sylia asked.

“Umm, it’s me, and you see…” Luna replied.

Sylia finally realizes she was hugging Luna.

Luna was firmly in her eyes, she had woken up before Sylia, but Sylia was sleeping so peacefully, Luna couldn’t wake her.

Luna was blushing, embarrassed, for obvious reasons: the dresses they wore were both half-off and quite messed up. From then, no matter how you viewed it, you could guess what had happened last night.

“Woah…!” Sylia yelled. “S-Sorry!!”

The moment everything clicked into place, Sylia launched out of the bed in a panic. The new dress she wore yesterday was horribly wrinkled.

“Umm, let’s change clothes before breakfast, okay…?” Luna suggested as she slowly got out of bed.

“Ah, yeah…” Sylia said.

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As they begin to change clothes, Sylia glances at Luna from time to time.

Normally, the maids would come in to help them dress up in time, but it’s awkward to see them as is after what they’d done.

They didn’t do anything wrong, but it was too embarrassing for Sylia for anyone else to know. Of course, Luna felt the same, so she wanted to change clothes right away.

“Ah, umm, it’s hard to change clothes when you look at me…” Luna said, nervous as she took off the white dress and it made sounds as it slid off her body.

“Uh, ah, so sorry!” Sylia said, hurriedly turning her eyes away. “That’s not what I meant to do…”

But when it was only the sound of clothes sliding off, Sylia somehow got extremely tense.

(I wasn’t like this before…) Sylia thought.

She recalls yesterday as she resumes changing clothes. After the kiss on the balcony, she couldn’t get enough, so she couldn’t resist carrying Luna and going to bed with her, but looking back on it now, she thinks she had been too brazen with her emotions.

(It’s exactly as Master predicted…) Sylia thought.

At the time, Sylia fled to deny Eyrie’s words, but it seems she had been overconfident and ended up embarrassed.

(But it can’t be helped,) Sylia thought. (Anyone who knows how it feels will be like that… yeah.)

She unconsciously touches her lip with her index finger. Somehow, the sensation of Luna’s soft lips remains, and her body grows hot.

“Sylia?” Luna asked, suddenly and from behind Sylia.

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“Hyai…?!” Sylia screamed as she reflexively jumped.

Having already changed clothes and seeing Sylia jumping twice this early in the morning, Luna wondered what had happened.

“Umm, are you alright?” Luna asked. “It seemed like you stopped changing your clothes.”

Sylia hurriedly replied, “I-I’m fine! I was just thinking for a bit! I’ll get changed soon.”

“I hope you do… but what are you thinking about?”

“Ah, um, no, that’s…”

It would have been nice if she could completely deceive Luna, but Sylia wasn’t good at that. Perhaps she could have done it when she was wary of everything like she was when she was still a mercenary, but where she is now is nothing like that time. Before her, there was the only person she trusts and loves so much that she can expose everything. She couldn’t even think of lying to her.

“Oh, umm… I’m sorry,” Sylia said. “I just heard something strange…”

In the end, Luna got was Sylia was implying, her face turned red and she turned her back to Sylia.

“Lu-Luna?” Sylia asked, suddenly worried.

She didn’t think it was wrong to get on top of her yesterday. It was the best feeling of her life, they were both so passionate and sharing their love over and over again.

However, Sylia thinks that she may have gone a little too far. By the end of the night, the two of them were floating off the ground, and Sylia felt like she had held Luna all night. (And eventually, she fell asleep, exhausted.)

(Maybe I was too enthusiastic!?) Sylia thought.

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“Even though it’s your first night, don’t get too enthusiastic. For the moment, Luna is 13-years-old, so please love her gently. If it’s too intense and scary, it’ll be painful and traumatic for her.”

Eyrie’s words echo in Sylia’s head over and over again. Sylia suddenly turned blue and rushed to Luna even though she was almost completely undressed.

“Lu-Luna!” Sylia cried.

“Huh?” Luna asked as she looked over her shoulder and saw Sylia’s curious expression. “What is it? Kyaah!”

Sylia suddenly grabbed Luna’s shoulder.

But all that aside, Sylia bowed at a right angle.

“I-I’m sorry!” She cried. “Yesterday, umm, I may have… completely lost control, you were so adorable that I couldn’t help myself!? Are you okay?!”

Sylia had little idea of what she was saying because she was panicking, but Luna was.

(Why-Why are you asking me?!) Luna thought.

Luna can’t help but remember yesterday. She clearly remembers all the sweet declarations of love they said on an important day, one to remember.

However, it was extremely difficult for Luna to answer Sylia’s questions honestly.

“I’m sorry…” Sylia said. “Honestly, I was trying to be as gentle and slow as possible,” she confesses, before desperately wondering how Luna would respond.

It might be too embarrassing to say “It was really good.”, so much so she might die from shame, but denying it would be lying.

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“… Geeze,” Luna said.

“Luna…?” Sylia asked.

With a huge sigh, Luna slowly lifted Sylia’s head. Sylia looked like she was about to burst into tears, but if she did, it was because she was worried about Luna, not feeling bad about herself.

“Don’t ask me something that’s so difficult to answer,” Luna said.


Suddenly, Luna kissed Sylia on the lips. It wasn’t a deep kiss full of lust like yesterday, but a kiss that conveys ordinary love.

After a brief touch, the two of them stare at each other.

“That should answer you, right?” Luna asked.

“Luna…!” Sylia cried.

“Kyaa, hold up, geeze… you’re not the usual Sylia anymore,” Luna said.

There is no trace of Luna’s usual calm and dignity. Sylia wondered if that meant their relationship had become deeper, Luna wasn’t completely satisfied with helping Sylia, still hugging Luna who was in her underwear.

“Good morning. Are you two up yet?”

However, as they weren’t expecting a knock on the door, Luna also jumped with Sylia.

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