Ikemen ni Tenseishita kedo, Cheat ha Dekimasenseshita

Chapter 20: My Friend is Well Informed Kid

20 My Friend is Well-Informed Kid

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Upon a closer observation, Frederick Serendiaz’s – AKA the loner – features did resemble the Crown Prince, suggesting that he was indeed related to him.

Still, although he had the same silver hair and ice blue eyes that were just a shade deeper compared with the Crown Prince, as well as bearing some other physical resemblances, the air around him was completely different from the Crown Prince.

Because while the Crown Prince had a cold air around him, the air surrounding Loner-kun’s profile was more like the air surrounding a calm and wise kid.

“Um, should I say ‘Thank you for your advice’? Well, I suppose since I’m going to make an excuse to leave in a while, should we talk about something until that time? Just in case they ask after I leave. That way, I know what excuse I should use. Is that alright with you, Your Highness Frederick?”

When I spoke those words, I was also stuffing some sandwiches into my mouth carelessly, causing some crumbs to be stuck on the corner of my mouth.

“Yup, as expected of Lord Goldberg’s son. Elliot will have a hard time trying to handle you.”

How can Loner say such scary words about me with a smile that make him look harmless to humans and animals combined?! My inner self unattractively gaped at him.

“Alright then, let’s talk for a bit.” Loner-kun suddenly said while discreetly motioning towards the room, “Take a look around. Do you see it? Some of those kids look like they want to talk to you, right?”

His expression was very calm and assured, as if he knew that he was right. And indeed, when I took a look, I found that many kids were looking at us. Confused, I turned back toward Loner-kun, silently asking him for the reason. Sure enough, my assessment of him being a wise kid was not groundless.

“Those kids want to thank you.”

“Thank me?”

“Yeah. After all, you kinda save them from Ellio―― I mean, Crown Prince. You kinda save them from the Crown Prince’s teasing.” Loner-kun said. I was about to refute, he stopped me and said, “Don’t deny it. You DID respond to his teasing with ‘My apologies――(The rest is omitted)’. That action of yours allows the other kids who came after you to give the same answer. Moreover, you’re also the son of a Marquis. Your position is high enough to literally remonstrate the Crown Prince to stop playing around, while at the same time allowing the other noble kids who were lining up behind you to have a way to dodge the bullet.”

Hee, so that was the case. So that’s why Father praised me.

“But since you’re being glared at by Elliot and his cohorts, those kids don’t dare to come here and greet you. Well, aside from not wanting to get the Crown Prince’s ire on them just from greeting you, my presence here is also one of the reasons they don’t try to come. So, after you leave, you should take a look and receive their gesture of gratitude then. After all, they do want to thank you.”

I see. But to think that having a step-brother beside you is actually enough to make the situation become more complicated… what a petty little boy.

“Thanks a lot for the explanation, but, uhm… That’s not something that I can use as an excuse, right? I mean, using that story as an excuse is literally admitting that I’m guilty…”

I instinctively retorted, and though he was desperately trying to hide his laughter, I could see that Frederick was laughing.

“You’re so funny. Just call me Frederick. I might be a part of royalty, but I’ll be happy if you just treat me as a friend.”

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On a second thought, I retract my previous statement. I thought, at a loss for words when the guy suddenly said those words. At the same time, I was also wondering. What the hell is wrong with this child? I can’t read him at all.

Still, despite that, I enjoyed our conversation and could hazard a guess why he was being like this. It seemed that he was unable to make a single friend due to his own position in life. If that was the case, I could somewhat understand where he was coming from.

He must be really lonely inside. Moreover, it seems that he also knows a lot of detailed information and the situation of the royal palace… I suppose, I can… Eh, whatever, I guess.

“Seriously? One moment you were asking me to leave, yet the next moment, you are asking me to become your friend―― Ah, come to think of it, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Theodore Goldberg. Just call me Theodore, Frederick.”

“Theodore-sama!” Richard exclaimed, surprised, especially when I offered my hand to Frederick to handshake with him. The moment I offered a handshake, though, I did not only surprise Richard, but also Frederick himself.

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“You’re so amazing, Theodore. By doing this, don’t you feel scared?”

“It’s already too late to feel scared at this point. Besides, I’m already hated by them, right? Since that is the case, then it’s fine. Moreover, this way is much better than me being hated alone.”

What are you being surprised about? The one who wants to become my friend is you, right? I looked at him, a confused expression painted over my face while my hand was still being stretched out towards him.

“Thanks―― But, I still think that you should have kept TPO in your mind next time.” Frederick said as he took a glass of juice from the table, giving it to the right hand I had extended towards him. He then whispered into my ear.

“Let’s honor your bravery for pulling off such a feat under the sun. But I reiterate again, you must not be this careless next time.”

He was clearly giving me advice to prevent me from acting carelessly again in the future. It was not only him who advised against this. Even Richard had tried to warn me before about how dangerous my action of getting along with Frederick, the step-brother of the Crown Prince, was. However――

“But… don’t you feel lonely? Isn’t that why you asked me to become your friend even while you warned me about the risk? This is clearly contradictory, yet you still do so… isn’t that precisely because you feel lonely? Since that’s the case, then don’t act too reserved with me.”

Frederick’s perfect expression immediately changed, looking like he was at a loss for words. The perfect smile, which had always stayed on his face throughout our conversation, faded from sight. And now, he looked like he was almost ready to cry.

“… You’re… stepping out of the line, you know.”

Loner-kun covered his face with his hands, trying to hide his crumbling expression. It was as if he was not allowed to show anything less than a perfectly polite smile.

“I mean, we’re friends, right? So, there’s no need for you to act reserved with me. Hey, hey, stop crying. Crying will only increase the number of my crimes, ya know? You don’t want your friend to enter the jail at such a young age, right?!”

“We’re friends alright, but I still want to leave a little space for myself. I still want to live after all.”

This time, Frederick showed a genuine smile even as he rubbed his eyes. It was completely different compared to the perfect smile he had shown me before.

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However, this also showed me how delicate his current situation was. It was so delicate to the point that it forced a kid his age to act like an adult.

Well, I suppose it couldn’t be helped. Anyway, it is best if I pretended to still be a stupid kid. It isn’t a lie either. Even after I have reincarnated and experiences two life time, I am still that clueless and stupid kid.

“I see. Then, in that case, I guess you’re now indebted to me?”

“I understand. But… I think I can pay that debt back to you right now.”

??? What are you talking about? What are you going to do to pay that debt? Without further ado,

“Have you heard about the ‘Saint’s Legend’ Theodore? To be exact, the part I’m about to tell you is about the ‘Saint’s Series’ within the legend.”

“Yeah, I’ve read that story in the picture book before. Is there something strange about that story?”

“One of the ornaments was supposed to be in your House’s possession, right? At least, until just two years ago, that is. Yeah, I’m talking about that ‘Saint’s Tiara’.”

“E-eh?! Does that mean that story isn’t just a make-up legend, but a real legend?!”

That’s the first time I heard about that! I roared in my mind, dearly wishing I could whine out loud in distress. Alas, this was not home.

“Hahaha, so you don’t know about that, huh. Yeah, the legend was true, and the ornaments that were used by that saint in the legend had been handed down in the royal family for generations. They are the real things. Or at least, they are supposed to be the real things. It’s just… we can’t prove that those ornaments are the real thing. Especially since the result of the investigation the previous king, who had passed away before I was even born, did on those ornaments ended up with the revelation that they are not even magic tools.”

Hee… that sounds eerily familiar. Yeah, it sounds so similar to the three sacred treasures in the Japanese’s myth, which are also designated as Japan’s national treasure. I have no idea whether those treasures are authentic or not, but I never questioned it. 

After all, it is part of the legend and myth surrounding Japan. It is something to be protected. It isn’t something to be proven whether it really has the power that is told in the legend or not. It is the case with Japan’s national treasure, and it is also the case with this world’s Saint’s Ornaments.

Without knowing my thought, Frederick continued to speak.

“After the investigation was done, the late king then granted each of those ornaments to the Five Houses that contributed to the kingdom since its conception. The only ornament that the royal family initially kept was the ring, with the rest spread out to the Five Houses. One of those Five Houses is your House, while the rest are the Houses of those kids surrounding Elliot right now.”

So… that means I really am a part of that sentai team. Knowing the truth, I was devastated. But, even though my psyche was in a miserable state, Loner-kun still continued on with his explanation.

“However, two years ago, Lord Goldberg suddenly returned that treasure to the royal family, causing unprecedented ruckus. After all, returning a gift from the king is something that is frankly unheard-of. It has never happened before your House did it, causing some to say that his act is unbefitting of a high rank noble. Still, even with all those criticisms aimed at him, Lord Goldberg managed to shut them down with a single sentence when he returned the item to the royal palace. You know what he said? He said that ‘Saint’s Ornaments should be kept by the Royal Family as the descendant of the Saint herself’.”

I have never known about that at all… To think that Father went as far as returning the item to the palace… I was completely stunned.

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“It seems that this is the first time you’ve heard about this? Well, that’s normal. After all, you’re only a three year old toddler at that time. Anyway, after Lord Goldberg returned it to the palace, the nobles, who had always disagreed with the fact that each of the Five Houses was keeping the national treasures with them, literally cheered when they heard the news. It isn’t a surprise, though, as they have always said that national treasures shouldn’t be kept in noble houses.”

Ah, I see. Now I get the gist of the matter. In short, since the legend stated that the saint had married the prince and caused the kingdom to prosper from that point on, the treasure should be kept by the royal family alone. Or so those opposing nobles claimed.

Hmm, that isn’t necessarily wrong of them. Besides, in the first place, there might be some loose screw in the previous king’s head. Otherwise, why else would he suddenly make the decision to give five Saint’s Ornaments to the Five Founding Nobles?

“Despite that, though, another commotion occurred once again when they found out that the tiara that your father had returned to the royal family isn’t a magic tool.”

“Well, it isn’t even a magic tool to begin with… Furthermore, the reason that it’s given to the five families is precisely because the late king had already known this information beforehand… right? Since that was the case, why are they suddenly jumping on the gun? They should have already known that fact as well, right?”

“Yeah, they know that. As for the reason? Well, it’s so simple that even a kid will realize the fact once they are given all the information. The people who accused Lord Goldberg simply want him to fall from grace.” Frederick explained, shaking his head ruefully.

“Honestly speaking, those times when Lord Goldberg is under the suspicion of returning a fake ‘Saint’s Tiara’ instead of the real one to the royal family is truly a major incident. Fortunately, the turmoil has somewhat eased up after the result of the investigation from the magic tool research institute stated that the tiara is the real thing. However, that case has become a hindrance for Lord Goldberg… even up until now…”

I… never know that such things happened to Father… My face fell, distressed.

“Anyway, that’s one of the reasons why those kids around the Crown Prince are glaring at you. Since the incident with your father, a lot of the nobles were saying that the other four Houses should have returned the Saint’s Ornament that are entrusted to their house, too. Returning it is one thing, but they’re afraid that they will be held under suspicion of returning fake ornaments too should they really do so. Although everyone should have long known that the Saint’s Ornaments aren’t magic tools, their fears aren’t unfounded, especially with your father as a living proof.”

“And yet, you told me to try to flatter them―― Well, not that I consider doing that, though―― It’ll only pour more oil to the fire after all.”

“That’s right. Honestly, I have no idea of Lord Goldberg’s reason to return the tiara back then. However, when he was asked, he said that it’s to protect something.”

Frederick said, staring at me intently.

… Ah, come to think of it. If my memories serve me right, the treasure that the fake fortune teller asked Father for was that Saint’s Tiara.

So… for the sake of Mother and I… Father has…

“That’s why you have to be careful. Do you understand me?”

“Yeah, thanks Frederick. It turned out… you really paid back your debt of gratitude.”

Listening to Frederick’s explanation, I understood that Father didn’t want to cause me to feel responsible about it. Furthermore, it was likely that Father had other reasons to not tell me about that matter. Perhaps, he wanted me to make friends with anyone without getting hindered by faction or adult’s circumstances?

“… The fact that you can easily say ‘thank you’ is amazing. Really, looking at you, I wonder… are you really just a five years old child like Elliot?”

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Frederick asked, eyes filled with suspicion as he looked at me. My bad, I didn’t act like a child. Still, I could ask that question to you, too.

“Yeah, I really am five years old this year like the Crown Prince. How about you, Frederick? How old are you this year? Are you in your teens?” I asked, curious. I mean, there was no way an ordinary kid would be so well versed about the movement and situation in the royal palace.

“I’m not that old. I’m seven years old this year. And it’s not like I know everything about the inside situation in the royal palace. I simply don’t have any allies, so I need to be more careful. That’s why I have a high hope for Lord Goldberg, since he’s the one of the few nobles who keep his neutral position despite the pressure from various factions. Right now, I have yet to gain an ally, but at least I got a friend in you.”

I see… so due to the difficult position he’s in, it has accelerated his mental growth, huh. But still… Does this fella want me to involve Father in his business? If this is the case… then I definitely can’t forgive him. I narrowed my eyes at him and opened my mouth, warning him since I did not really want to be enemies with him. Still, if worse comes to worst… I wouldn’t show him any mercy.

“I’ll fight back if you become my father’s enemy or cause problems for him, you know? My family is more important to me than Frederick after all.”

Fortunately, Frederick seemed to understand where I’m coming from as he raised his hand, pose looking like he was surrendering to me.

“Oops, my bad. Still, as expected of Lord Goldberg’s son. My bad Theodore. It was just empty talk to prolong our conversation. However, now it seems that time is up. Thanks for accompanying me.”

“Then, I guess it’s fine. But I’ll tell you this now. I’m me. Whatever I did is the result of my own decision and has nothing to do with my father. You got that?”

“Haa… are you really five years old? It feels like I’m talking with someone older than me… Oh well, I understand, Theodore. Lord Goldberg is Lord Goldberg, and you are you. I’m sorry. It is my fault for trying to drag your father. I promise I won’t relate your father with whatever you do from now on.”


While I was satisfied with his response, for some reason, Richard’s face paled when I asked that last question. It was as if his person had frozen over.

Are you okay, buddy? I looked at him worriedly before realizing the time. Oh, I suppose our mini banquet is about to begin?

“May I ask for a bit of your time?”

At this time, Duke Lilac’s daughter spoke to us when I was in the middle of my happy conversation with Frederick, startling me.

OH CRAP! I GOT TOO ENGROSSED IN OUR CONVERSATION AND FORGOT ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF A CERTAIN DRILL!!! What should I do now? Someone~ Please save me~ I don’t want to anger royalties more than I already have~!


TN : Drill is coming to haunt you



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