24 A~hn is Justice

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“Here, Theodore-sama. A~hn.”


“Is it delicious?”

“Yeah, it’s very delicious.”

“You two… please show some restraint and refrain from making such… obvious public displays of affection.”

The hell you’re talking about, Frederick?! Even though this is a rare chance to feed Muriel with delicious sweets… I mean, we won’t get this sort of chance again when we grow up since it’s honestly waay too embarrassing, so what’s so bad about allowing me to enjoy this precious moment?! I righteously thought, already having the plan to do the same to Wendy once she grew up a little bigger than she is currently.

“Mayhaps, do you want to try to do the same, Your Highness Frederick?”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I can’t afford to do it as someone is already glaring daggers at me, looking like he wants to kill me if I agree.”

Oh my, there’s such a rude guy in this place? Where? I put on a bewildered expression and pretended to know nothing. However, Frederick’s glare towards me caused me to grin sheepishly. Yup, it’s me after all.

“… Haa, I can only praise your lack of self-awareness. But well… I’m glad that you’re alright. From your liveliness, it seems that you have recovered well, right?”

“Yes, you look really lively. You look much better now.” Muriel said with a dazzling smile on her face.

The two of them came here for a visit to check my condition since they heard I had returned to the waking world.

Anyway, it was all thanks to the healer that was called by my father. Not only was I healed, but even the wound on Kevin’s hand showed no sign of being bitten when it was healed. Not even a trace of the wound could be seen!

Truly, I could only applaud and raise my thumb up when I saw the real magic performed in front of me for the first time in my life. As expected of magic. I exclaimed inwardly, feeling incomparably excited.

Although seeing the wound being healed in no time felt strange, I was still curious, wondering about how it felt to have the injury being healed by magic. Hence, I couldn’t help the direction of my thought as my mind began coming up with ideas.

Let’s see, maybe it would feel like your whole body is itchy? As if it was covered with scabs? But… that sort of sensation only lasts for a few seconds at most and will vanish when the wound is healed. Eh, nevertheless, it still feels strange to see how fast a wound got healed in this world.

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However, although healing magic was awesome, it was not the be all and end all. For example, my physical strength had yet to go back to normal even after I was healed. The healer did say that I would be fully recovered after I slept, though, so there’s that.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention this, but it seemed that the people who could use high level magic were part of the elite in this world. AND due to that, they’re confined in the kingdom to ensure that outstanding talents would not flow out and benefit other nations.

That seemed to be the reason why, up until now, I had never seen magic with my own eyes despite having so many magic tools in my life. As for why Kevin and I received treatment under healing magic from a specialist healer for this incident? Well, to tell the truth, it was supposedly a reward for our ‘achievement’ in finding the existence of that hidden passage.

… Papa, you’re not involved in this matter, right? You’re not receiving any unreasonable demand from the royal family in exchange for this ‘privilege’ right?

Although Father did tell me to not worry about this matter, I couldn’t help it. Was this matter really that simple?! I meant… This incident should be a big deal, right?!

I pondered, worried. However, the words Frederick said to me next told me that there really was nothing to worry about.

“Viscount Amber, Duke Lilac’s daughter, and I request His Majesty to let a healer come and treat you. We used the secret passage as a negotiation material for this matter, which was something they wanted since it’d help them hide the royal family’s mismanagement. Moreover, when it comes to healing magic, the scratch wounds you two receive are the basic of basic and dealing with it couldn’t be any easier. In fact, to the royals, helping you heal with magic is a trivial matter since your wounds are superficial. Anyway, the royal family is making a big profit from this negotiation, so don’t worry.”

In short, since no one was hurt by that incident, they decided to make―― The discovery of the hidden passage that was used by an intruder to enter the royal palace and assault people―― off record. In other words, it had never happened, much less during the Crown Prince’s party.

“Thank God that nothing serious happened.”

The person who had just spoken was Duke Lilac’s daughter, AKA D-R-I-L-L. She was another of my visitors, who had come this time, when she heard the news. Her purpose for coming was to express her apology for the incident that happened during the party.

“My deepest apologies, Theodore-sama. Furthermore, I also bear His Highness the Crown Prince’s message. He had asked me to tell you to take a proper rest.”

“Thank you very much for your worries and well-wishes. Do please convey my message back to His Highness the Crown Prince and tell him that I’m grateful for his care.” I politely returned.

After that we fell silent. A moment passed. Two crows passed by.


Uhm. I coughed to myself, feeling that this situation we were in was rather… awkward for lack of better word.

However, I had to admit that Duke Lilac’s daughter (Katrina) was truly level headed, especially for a girl her age. She was mature enough to know that she had to cover for the Crown Prince, her fiance, in order to maintain his image.

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Eh? Why did I think so? Well, though this might just be a speculation of mine, but… I just couldn’t imagine that the bratty Crown Prince would worry about me. As such, I guessed that Duke Lilac’s daughter came here to preserve his image. After all, since his fiance had come to greet me and convey ‘his’ concern, then it would show the world that he, in fact, cared about me and my well-being.

Truly, good job, Madam Drill. You had done a really good job in your role as a wife-to-be for a five year old girl. I sent her a thumb up in my mind, admiring her.

Then again, thinking back, perhaps she had also tried her best to do the same during the party. After all, that event was done in order to show the Crown Prince’s authority. Hence, it was normal that she did her best to prevent any kind of problem from happening.

Really… What a diligent girl.

That must be the reason why she came to greet Frederick and I during that party in the children’s venue. Now, I finally understood.

The two of us each were the sons of important people. Literally, not only was I the son of marquis, Frederick himself – despite being illegitimate – was a part of royalty. Therefore, there was no way she would ignore our existence.

Her diligent personality wouldn’t allow that. She wouldn’t let herself watch two children, who were going to shoulder the future of this kingdom, isolating themselves from the rest of the children in the corner of the venue; not without doing something at the very least.

Perhaps in a normal situation, she could join us and we could have an enjoyable conversation together. However, as the fiancee of the Crown Prince, she felt responsible for bringing the two of us out of the area we were comfortable in, the corner of the venue. Hence, the subsequent situation.

… Now I felt bad for calling her Drill… But that couldn’t be blamed on me! I mean, the blatant reaction from those rangers was not pleasant to me. Frankly speaking, it was a turn-off. They were reacting like a child! … Well, they were a child right now… urgh, now I felt bad.

Although she had done her best, worrying about him, the Crown Prince didn’t seem to notice her effort at all.

“I apologize, Miss Katrina. I must have troubled everyone when I suddenly left my seat and took off like that. Yet, despite my rudeness, you still went out of your way to visit me… I truly am sorry for causing all this ruckus due to my own selfishness. In the future, I’ll make sure to be more careful with my action-!” I bowed to Miss Katrina in apology, vowing to be better from now on.

“Don’t worry. That incident isn’t your fault, Theodore-sama. I’m the one in the wrong for running to ‘Rose’s Maze’ on my own, leaving all of you behind. That’s why, I should be the one apologizing to Katrina-sama, not you. Henceforth, I offer my sincerest apology to you, Katrina-sama, for all the trouble my thoughtless action caused you.” Muriel said, also bowing down to Miss Katrina.

No, wait a minute, it’s not her fault!

“No, Miss Muriel, you’re not the one in the wrong. I mean, it starts from me. I made you upset by calling you a chick…”

“You only call me that due to my eating habit… no, I’m the one in the wrong first for not telling you about your correct seat.”

As we tried to take the blame onto ourselves, Duke Lilac’s daughter giggled. “Fufufu, if that’s the case, then I’m the one at fault for not pointing out Theodore-sama’s rightful seat immediately, right?”

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Miss Katrina said with a smile and I was slightly startled. So, it turned out her natural smile was this cute… I had never expected this.

“Please accept my apology for my blunder, Theodore-sama.”

“No, it’s my fault for not properly learning about those etiquettes in the first place…”

“I think it’s about time you guys end this never-ending loop of apologies.” Frederick interjected, looking at us with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

“Anyway, since it’s already something in the past, let’s just settle it with ‘no one is at fault for this matter’. Alright? Besides, rather than talking about such useless topics, I am honestly more curious and surprised about Theodore’s lacework.” Frederick stated.

“Me too. I’m also very curious about that. I was truly surprised when you showed us such neat knitting, you know? The stitchings are truly complex and elaborate, well beyond my ability. It’s an extremely advanced skill that children like us shouldn’t be able to do. Are you really the one who makes those, Theodore-sama?”

“Of course!”

“I-I even received this ribbon from you. Its lacework is so amazing that it’s definitely amongst the best in my collection.” Muriel said, happily showing off the lace ribbon she wore on her head.

Seeing her look that happy with my work, I myself also felt glad. It’s good that she likes it. Let’s try to make another accessory for her later.

“Yeah, it is truly an amazing lacework there. How envious… I still have a long way to go before I reach this level.”

“Please don’t mind it. It’s just my hobby after all.”

“This level of craftsmanship can’t be justified as a mere hobby.” Katrina said, tone showing her obvious astonishment when she heard my remark.

“Haah, I really can’t understand this conversation. And neither do I know what is so amazing about this, but… I do know that this lacework is really beautiful.” Frederick said.

“Well, that’s quite normal of you to think that, Frederick-sama. After all, any normal man will give the same reaction.”

“Oh, may I ask something, Miss Katrina? If I may, what can you make at your current level?”

“Me? I’m still stuck with the basics such as making ice patterns or flower ones. Oh, and I can make pineapple patterns too.”

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“Hee, you’re really doing your best, huh. Well, not that I understand what kind of patterns you’re talking about though. It’s simply beyond me.”

“Geez, you’re such a tease, Frederick-sama.” [ED: I’m scratching my head in confusion. How is it a tease? And why do I feel a foreboding feeling? PLUS, the tone feels very… coquettish. It’s completely unlike 5 years old at ALL. This editor can’t comprehend the author’s mind. Or rather, this editor REFUSE to comprehend it, not even to try.]

Hmm, Frederick and Katrina seem to be enjoying their conversation. It’s like they’re in a world of two that we can’t disturb. Oh, well. I’ll still do it my own way anyway.

Soon, after some silly banter with us, Katrina returned back to her home. She had stayed for almost two hours, but out of my expectation, the time we spent together was surprisingly enjoyable.

Yet, for some reason, there was this slightly melancholic expression on Frederick’s face when he saw Katrina leaving.

Frederick and Muriel then also left one after another. When they were gone, my father suddenly came for a short visit before leaving an incomprehensible line while going out of my room.

“… It seems the royal family is moving faster than my prediction.”

Eh, what do you mean, Papa?




Thus, time passed just like that during my stay in the royal capital, which I spent finishing more laceworks, visiting bookstores, buying a revised version of Saint’s Legend (Children Edition).

As our return to the territory was delayed by one week, the moment we arrived, Mother greeted me with a warm embrace. And she immediately questioned me about the situation of the party as well as my own injuries. Not only that, she even forced me to sleep with her that day. Facing her distraught expression and worries, I could only apologize deep in my heart.

Yup, sorry for making you worry about me, Mother.

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