72 Monologue of a Certain Baron Daughter 2

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Magic Unsealing Ceremony for those who turned ten years old was performed in the temple during the first day of the month. I went with my grandfather toward the temple in our barony to undergo the ceremony.


There, I received the result of my appraisal. As a matter of course, I naturally had six attributes. However, what baffled me was the fact that my main attribute was that of darkness attribute.




“APPRAISE ME ONCE MORE! JUST ONCE MORE! MY MAIN ATTRIBUTE SHOULD BE LIGHT!” I approached the priest who performed the ceremony, but he simply shook his head, rejecting my request.


“The result is absolute. This mist vortex is the very proof of it.”


Yes, six mist vortexes of different colors appeared on top of the black disc that had a hexagram pattern carved on it. How did I know? Well, this disc was something that I saw during the opening scene of the game.


In the game, whenever I inputted my birthday in, the disc would always show the darkness attribute as my main element. Hence why back then I went to the walkthrough site and inputted the birthday for the light attribute.


But now, why am I – the Heroine herself – had darkness as my main attribute?!


“Darkness isn’t equal to evil. Darkness is the attribute that gives comfort and safety to all living beings. There’s no need to hate or slander darkness attribute.”


Of course I know that. But I am the HEROINE HERE. HEROINE with darkness attribute as her main one is NOT COOL. WHY DON’T THIS DUMBFU*CK PRIEST UNDERSTAND THIS?!


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“That is enough, Irene. You already have six attributes.”


“Yes, Irene. Six attributes are amazing. No one ever has six attributes except the saint.”


Although my grandparents were really delighted with this, I didn’t feel happy at all! After all, I wasn’t the sole owner of six attributes. That villainess, Katrina, who would bully me in the future also had six attributes. Moreover, her main attribute should be darkness. Thus, making her the symbol of evil.


Yet, why did I – the Heroine – have the darkness attribute instead?!




Nevertheless, regardless of how much or long I stared at the black disc, the result stayed the same. The vortex mists didn’t disappear or change. The light didn’t come out.


Can’t be helped I guess. I have to clear this game with the darkness attribute. And if I’m not wrong, the darkness attribute has the best compatibility with the demon king, Duke.


“You’re right, dear grandfather, dear grandmother. My deepest apologies for causing such a scene, Priest-sama. I feel grateful for having six amazing attributes.”


My grandparents smiled happily when they heard my words. However, the priest only looked relieved. Seeing his reaction, I glared at him. Just you wait, I’ll remember your face, and once I become the queen… I will use my authority to demote you to a place even more rural than this!


“Then, shall we start to prepare your enrollment to the elementary division of Selendia Academy in the royal capital next year? I think they will accept you considering you have six attributes.”


Here it comes. The Priest recommendation to prestigious school.


According to the priest, nobles with low peerage such as barons or knights were supposed to commute in local schools. However, there were also cases where nobles with good peerages, who due to being unable to utilize their magical power, had to go to local schools since they would not be able to compete with the other students in the royal academy even if they went there.

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Though there were other reasons why nobles went to local school. That was due to the distance― namely the traveling distance between the royal capital and frontier region. It was simply too time consuming that there was simply no reason for nobles over there to go to the royal capital for schooling.


In short, this priest was telling me that I had a chance to enjoy better education by enrolling into the royal capital’s Selendia Academy. However, there was no guarantee that I could catch up with the lesson over there.


My grandfather was obviously overjoyed with the Priest’s recommendation, but my grandmother looked anxious.


Unlike them, I didn’t feel anything and naturally rejected his offer. I mean, in the game, I only entered that school when it was senior high division time. I couldn’t go against the game’s scenario, could I? After all, I already had the darkness attribute that made it really difficult for me to raise the target’s affinity. Going against the script at this moment would only put me in an even greater crisis.



“― Well, so you refused the offer, eh?”


The one who spoke was my attendant, Neith. Although he had a refreshing sportsman-like attitude and solid build, he was surprisingly skillful with his fingers. I mean, just looked at these baked sweets. It was splendidly done. Even now, he was taking out his handmade madeleine while preparing tea. Truly, even though he was quite muscular, he was truly skilled.


“Of course. I mean, isn’t it in the scenario? The reason why I rejected the offer was because I wanted to stay by my grandparents’ side for a while longer. That was what was written on the official website. If you ask me whether I want to enter the high school division since my grade is way too good, then my personal answer is yes.”


“Is this about that otome game thing again? Well, I don’t quite understand, but I think it’s a good thing for you to stay by your grandparents’ side. I’m sure that both of them are happy too.” Neith said, albeit with a slightly dumbfounded expression on his face.


“According to Nick-san’s story, Master and his wife always look depressed ever since their daughter, your mother left the horse. They only seem to regain their vigor after you come to this house. That’s why Nick-san is happy too.”


“Is that so? I mean, Nick always scolds me after all.”


Nick was the butler who managed the baron family for years. I hated him since he was always complaining and nagging me. However, he never did that again after Neith came to serve under me.

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“He is just too embarrassed to say it right to your face. He actually really cares and feels heartfelt gratitude to you. He’s also an extremely kind person since he is even willing to adopt an unknown child like me.”


“Naturally. It’s my request after all.”


“I, of course, feel grateful to you for that too, Milady.”


I had saved Neith who collapsed right in front of our family house. The one who actually found him was Trevor, the black cat that was entrusted to me, though.


At that time, just when I thought why he suddenly ran out for no reason, I found that he was rushing toward Neith. Furthermore, since Neith was in a dangerous condition, I had no choice but to save him.


After putting him to bath to wash his body, Neith, who was revealed to be a refreshing and handsome youth, asked us to let him serve our family as a way to repay his gratitude. I heard, before he came to us, he was working as a magic tool craftsman. However, he got cheated and his factory was snatched. He was even arrested, so he escaped. And that was why he was in such a tattered state when I found him.


Despite his past though, we still employed him, which was really a good move on our part since Neith did a really good job in our family after he joined. Even Nick praised and adopted him.


“Well, thank goodness. I’m also saved by you.”


I was also saved by Neith since, thanks to him, I could finally fire that useless maid.


“I’m happy to hear that.”


The look on Neith’s face when he grinned was very lovely. He was so charming to the point that I ended up spilling the beans about my reincarnation.

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I told him that here, in this otome game world, I was the reincarnation of the saint. In short, the heroine of this world.


When he heard that, he looked really surprised at first. However, in the end, he believed my story. As I expected, gaining the cooperation from a subordinate I could trust was a template frame of reincarnated story. That’s why, assist me till I achieved my dream, the reverse harem.


“Well then, what are we going to do today?”


“Yes. The misanga introduced by Milady became really popular. Please load the darkness attribute that governs peace and rest into the thread like usual. Although it might be difficult to do so for the first time since you just underwent the Magic Unsealing Ceremony, please load as much as possible. I’m sure that many people will like it.”


“Soo? Let’s do thi~s!”




Thus, the thread was loaded by mana and turned black due to the influence of my attribute. The color was a world apart from the thread I wished just now, making me frown.


“Beautiful….” However, Neith’s murmur of awe pleased me. “So much mana… if it’s this thread, it should be possible to make the magic tool.”


“Is that so?”


Neith nodded vigorously.


It seemed that the misanga Neith made became really popular amongst the masses. Thanks to that, the economic situation of my family improved, and I could afford to buy the clothes I liked.


Neith even offered his service to make a cloth for me to express his gratitude. It was really well made. It was truly a cloth that befit that of a noble.

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