81.2 Monologue of A Certain Capture Target-White-

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TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

Then, about Theodore rallying us to create a barrier to save them. Katrina didn’t know what happened later after she passed out, and neither did I since we were brought to a separate room due to being dead tired.


Anyway, the next thing we knew was Miss Muriel was losing her life force and had ended up in a critical condition. The one who saved Miss Muriel from that predicament was Theodore who awakened the power of the Six Gods.


Around one month later, a pillar of light rose up from the temple where Theodore and Miss Muriel held their engagement ceremony, and for some reason, the barrier inside the kingdom was revitalized.


This was something we all heard from the messenger. Though, I did have to wonder about the ease all of us were able to get the information about what happened during Theodore and Muriel’s engagement ceremony.


“Hu~m, so that’s the true nature of that pillar of light, eh? What did His Majesty say about this matter?”


“I-it should be unrelated to you, right, Big Brother?” I averted my gaze from him.


Though Big Brother was correct about His Majesty having something to say about this matter. I did get called by His Majesty that day when the pillar of light appeared. He scolded me at that time, perhaps because I had yet to love Katrina. He told me that I also had that power, the one that was able to revitalize the barrier of the kingdom.


Still… Why do I have to be like that guy (Theodore)?! I’m the one who’s the direct descendant of the Saint and the Six Gods!


“Y-yes. I don’t think Frederick-sama is related to this matter. Besides, it’s only a matter of time before His Highness Elliot show his power as the Six Gods. His Majesty is simply too impatient in this regard.”


I was really surprised to see Katrina refusing to tell the story to my big brother like that. It was something that had almost never happened before. She actually made it clear that she also didn’t wish to share this matter with my big brother….


My big brother also couldn’t hide his shock when he heard a flat-out rejection from Katrina. Though his surprised expression turned into a grin the next moment as if he found this to be really interesting.


“I see. Well, Miss Katrina is a really kind girl after all,” Big Brother complimented, yet Katrina still sulked. How envious. I want to be praised too!

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“That is incorrect. Anyway, I can guarantee that His Highness Elliot is going to awaken soon. At that time, he’ll exhibit an even more powerful strength than Theodore-sama,” Katrina declared without even averting her gaze from Big Brother.


The light dwelling in her amethyst eyes was so strong to the point that it felt like it was going to suck my soul.


“Are you saying that… as the Saint?”


“… Feel free to interpret it that way,” Katrina stated, leaving the matter like that. However, in my opinion, she didn’t say it as the Saint. I didn’t know why, but that was what I felt.


“Well, since that’s the case, I have no choice but to believe you.”


After that, Big brother returned since he said he still have some matters to attend to. Unfortunately, when I told him that I wanted to send him back, he decline politely. Perhaps he was heading toward Theodore’s mansion now.



“My apologies, His Highness Elliot,” Katrina said as soon as my big brother was no longer in sight. She had also tried to keep my brother in this place, but he insisted on leaving.


“Even though this occasion is supposed to be for your reconciliation with Frederick-sama… it has all gone down the drain since my remark has angered him,” Katrina muttered with an extremely terrified expression.


“You? Anger my big brother?” In my opinion, the one who was angry was Katrina though. My big brother had always been a gentle person after all.


“Eh? Uhm… Y-yes, and it’s definitely my fault.”


Katrina let out a listless smile when she said that. Then, she suddenly fell flat on the table while muttering something, “Geez, of course, that was only natural. I should have realized that ‘healing the Big White’ is a joke. I forgot that this pair of sibling is a pain in the ass. I actually forgot that ‘Big White’ is someone even more troublesome than ‘Blue’. A black belly amongst the black belly. That’s why I become even more ‘fired up’ when there’s a pairing with him as the ‘uke’. Dammit, how can I forgot about all that?!” [TL: the last half turned into fujoshi’s delusion.]


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I had no idea what she was talking about, but seeing Katrina speaking in such a rude way was honestly an even bigger shock to me. I meant, she had always maintained this prim and proper way all this time, so her rudeness took me aback. Because it was as if she was replaced by another person when she entered this store.


Should I try calling out to her?


However, before I could do so, the fat cat for some reason patted Katrina’s head with his paw as if he was giving his condolence to Katrina. I was about to call out to her, but then, Katrina suddenly stood up with a ‘BAM’.


“As expected, I’m the one at fault in this regard. If only I tried my best to read the mood a bit more… we might be able to have a more enjoyable conversation right now. And yet, my blunder has crushed this precious chance.”


“… It can’t be helped I think. I also went a bit too far in showing my distaste. You’re not the only one at fault here.”


Yes, I ended up showing my distaste whenever my big brother mentioned Theodore. I really shouldn’t do that in this occasion when I wanted to have a proper conversation with him.


When I spoke my contemplation on my own action out loud, I realized that Katrina was looking at me with a dumbfounded expression.


“What is it?”


“Er, I wonder if… if His Highness Elliot has finally come to understand himself a bit more.”


“That’s only natural, right? Still… implementing solution isn’t as easy as it seems just because I understand the crux of the problem.”


“Agreed. That’s tough indeed. Especially because we can’t be honest due to our complicated feeling.”


Both of us ended up heaving a sigh of resignation at the same time. Then, we smiled at each other ruefully when we realized that fact.


“Fufufu, I guess it’s still too early for us to give up. I’ll make sure to create another chance for you to get along with Frederick-sama.”

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“Yes, I’ll do my best on my side too.”


This was a strict order from His Majesty after all. I had to fall in love with Katrina, and that didn’t mean that Katrina had to love me back.


“Yes, let’s do our best— but, shall we use this chance to get along a bit more?”




I guess I could enjoy our conversation better than before. I meant, all the previous tea parties all felt boring to me.


— Moreover, I had never expected that Katrina could actually make that kind of smile. Although, that was just how much she loves cats I suppose. From time to time, she would say something I couldn’t understand either. In fact, she even used rude speech that she had never used in front of me before.


When I realized this, I become aware that I… had never tried to know Katrina as a person all this time. I literally knew nothing about her.


“E-e~h, is there something on my face?” She asked face overcame with a bright red when I kept staring at her face. Interesting.


“Ah, I am just mesmerized.”


“Eh, what…?”


I brushed Katrina’s flustered face and said, “Your eyes, your nose, your lips. Everything.”


“Gezz, stop teasing me like that, His Highness Elliot!”


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Despite her scolding tone though, Katrina was smiling bashfully at me.



After that excursion, Katrina declared to everyone and made it known that I would definitely awaken as the Six Gods. It was only a matter of time. Furthermore, she also added that they should just wait for the moment since any outside interference might delay my awakening.


His Majesty, perhaps hearing that from his subordinates, barely mentioned the matter of the Six Gods again after that. Same case with my mother, which allows me to go back to my peaceful daily life.


Still, the matter with my big brother was still as shaky as before despite the various plans I made with Katrina to meet him. Alas, the topic of Theodore always came out whenever I wanted to talk about reconciliation, and that always resulted in me showing my usual distaste for that guy which led to our plans being accidentally wrecked.


The number of times our plans failed made me wonder whether my big brother actually didn’t wish to reconcile with me. However, Katrina disapprove of that notion immediately when I pointed it out to her.


Still, I couldn’t help but feel anxious about this. What if my guess was true?


During these times, Theodore’s optimistic face always flashed in my mind. He could make such a carefree smile even though he had no awareness of being one of the Six Gods.


And that made me wonder… why was it that only that carefree guy showed the sign of being awakened? What made me so different from him? I meant I don’t think it was something as simple as love.

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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