But before I even met the man I have to have a date with, I had no choice but to stop in my tracks. The man who was waiting for me was smoking a cigar.

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Oh . . .

This isn’t right!

I don’t like people who smoke cigars. Why are you smoking something that’s not good for your health?

In all honesty, I didn’t have to say anything about other people’s preferences, but it was my one and only motto not to meet people who smoked.

But I can’t break that.

I trudged up to the man.

“Lady Louella.”

“Gentleman Cinelis. Well, would it be possible for you to stop smoking first?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. It has become a habit.”

Cynelis smiled softly and put the cigar out. It was obvious that he did it as if it was natural for him.

I let out a sigh.

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I walked as far away as I could from Cinelis. Cinelis has been courteous to me all this time.

During the meal, I asked just in case.

“Well, do you have any thoughts of quitting smoking? It’s not good for your health . . . If I have a baby later . . .” I blurted out, just giving him a hint to quit smoking.

“Oh, I won’t have to bear the child, but my wife will, right?” Cinelis smiled. “If the lady bears a child, it has nothing to do with me smoking, does it?”

What do you mean it doesn’t have anything to do with the child? Am I the only one who has to take responsibility for the baby? Does your sperm have nothing to do with smoking? Tsk. Why would I have your baby?

The hand that I used to hold the fork trembled with anger.

Cynelis went on talking without getting the hang of it.

“And smoking is a personal preference. I want to pursue the joy of the moment rather than taking care of my health or whatever it is. Probably. I don’t think I’ll ever stop smoking for the rest of my life.”

All right, then go ahead and smoke for the rest of your life.

Bye to you, too.

* * *

Alexid was out to meet me in front of the mansion.

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Alexid smirked at me. He already knew of me having a series of dates with several men. He wore a towel roughly over his shoulder and it appeared that he had just finished training.

In the past, I would have been fed up with the smell of sweat and yelled for him to get away from me.

But when I came in after being with Cinelis, who went out every hour and smoked, the sweaty smell seemed lovely compared to the cigarette smell.

“What’s this smell? Did you smoke a cigar? That’s poison, you know! Poison!”

“Shut up, you stupid peanut!”

“What did you say? If you’re angry, you’re not supposed to take it out on someone else, okay? . . . What was he like?”


“I can tell without even listening to your stories.” Alexid patted me gently on the back. “You must be having a hard time on a date. Let’s go home and rest”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I roared again. “So annoying!”

I thought Gerald would be the only last man I am supposed to meet. In this world, half of the population are men, can’t I even meet someone decent?

A series of failures broke my pride.

“Was it that bad?”

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“Do you know what he said?”

He stopped on his way and jerked his body around.

I needed someone to vent to.

“He said, ‘Why should I stop smoking when it’s the woman who has to give birth to a child? It’ll never affect the baby!’ And he goes out every hour and smokes the hell out of it all the time.Why doesn’t he just go on a date with his cigar instead?! Why would he have a date with me?!”

“Isn’t it because you accepted the offer to have a date with him?” Alexid replied as a matter of fact.

“That’s right. It’s my fault. Why did you do that, Lulu!” I grabbed my head and screamed.

Alexid snickered at me.

Alexid turned me around, “Let’s get rid of the smell first. Mother will be surprised.”

“Sigh . . . When is Father coming home?”

“Well, since he said that the monster wave was still roughly done, he might be back in a week, I think?”


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“When will you go on a date again?”

“. . .  The day after tomorrow. If I fail this one, I’ll take a break. I need to fix the list.”

“Don’t you want some help? Did you forget that I know them better than you do?”


Alexid tapped me on the head and went to his room. He might not have sharp wits, but he knew the men more than I do.

I’ve already debuted.

I’ll hang out with the men . . .

Ugh. Is there a single good guy out there?

Other than the unicorn, it has to be a human being, a man.

I sighed deeply and opened the door. And as soon as I took off my clothes to take a bath, I told the maid, “That dress and shoes, I don’t think it’s possible to get rid of the smell, so throw them away.” I grumbled. “Oh, I hate it!”

“Yes, ma’am.” The maid replied with a small giggle.

Life is so hard . . .

I stayed for a long time with my whole body in the bathtub. I want to completely erase the strong cigar smell!

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