Dad hadn’t woken up yet. Billiers said that there was a clash between the medicine and his body. They said it might not happen before the war is over, and another issue has arisen. The crown prince has come to visit our mansion.

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I have never encountered the crown prince so closely! I just debuted. Before I had my debut, I had never encountered the crown prince. I’ve seen him a few times before he went back.

Only Alexid, who works in the Imperial City, was acquainted with the Crown Prince. Alexid was working closely with the Crown Prince. He was to hold his position there until he took over. Alexid became stiff at the sight of the crown prince.

“Here comes the Crown Prince.”

My mother greeted the crown prince, and we, who were huddled behind her, bowed our heads to the crown prince.

“Your Majesty is also very concerned about the grand duke. Grand Duchess, are you all right?”

“Thanks for your concern. Fortunately, I was able to take the medicine made by Lord Billiers.”

“That’s a relief.”

The Crown Prince smiled awkwardly and held out what he had brought, and he had lunch in our mansion.

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That means Gerald and Alexid were with the crown prince. We were awkward, too! In addition, Alexid, who would have known the crown prince, ran away and did not even speak to him. He left a message before he ran off.

‘Lulu, he’s a devil. Be careful!’

I don’t think the crown prince is the devil, it’s you, brother! How can you leave me alone here?

Shouldn’t you protect me? Weren’t you a biological older brother of mine?

Me, Gerald, and the Crown Prince sat down, and gathered together for tea. It’s not like we were fighting over who will speak first. Do I have to step up among these gentlemen?

“Thank you very much for your concern, Your Highness.”

The crown prince glanced at me.

Hm. Handsome. If Gerald’s a unicorn, and Brenti’s a sculptured man… The crown prince is…

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He looked like he came from the Bible. He had golden hair and red eyes and by people’s assessment, he was the perfect heir, right? No one rebelled against the crown prince taking over the post.

What I’m saying is that he has skills. Besides, I heard that he’s single.

Although he lost his fiance to Nisephor, it had already been three years, and yet the crown prince was still alone. He said it was his choice not to replace anyone. Now that I’m 19 years old.

“The death of your fiance must have been tough.”

“No, lady. The Grand Duke, who was always dedicated to the empire, has fallen, and this is a true sincerity that must be seen.”

“Still, I didn’t expect you to come in personally.”

“Lady Louella’s neck still doesn’t have anything on it. You didn’t get the necklace?”

“Oh.” I fiddled with my neck. Indeed, after St. Mary’s Day, it was rare to wear a dress with the collarbone exposed and not wear a necklace. “I don’t want to wear any necklace. I want to wear a necklace from someone I love.”

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Omo, I’m such a romantic person. What do you guys know about romance anyway? In my previous life, I wore a necklace that Gerald gave me.

“That’s what it meant.”

The Crown Prince frowned and recited, “I knew someone who said the same thing. In the end….” He was probably thinking of his ex-fiancee.

“Shall we play cards?” I said.

Gerald and the Crown Prince looked at me at the same time.

“There’s nothing like playing cards to spend time with.”

“That’s great.”

The crown prince must have been bored, so he accepted at once. Gerald nodded as well. Sally brought me the card right away.

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“Why don’t we have a bet? It’s not fun without a bet.”

I’m a trained person from my previous life. I’ll take all of your wallets.

Gerald grinned as harmless as possible. The crown prince smirked.

“My lady… resembles someone I know a lot.”

It seemed that he was also recalling his ex-fiancee. Why? Does your ex-fiancée look like me? Is her beauty out of this world? The Crown Prince’s former fiancee was from another country, so I didn’t know much. Only that she died young. But, as expected, a handsome man is a handsome man, and that alone will touch people’s hearts.

“I hope the Crown Prince will remember good memories. Gerald, how about a bet?”

I’ll take all your wallets today. Whoo hoo hoo hoo!

“All right, Lulu.” Gerald smiled.

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