I laid myself on my bed.

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What the hell are you thinking, Gerald? What are you hiding from me? It seemed to me that solving this problem might reveal all Gerald’s secrets.

I fiddled around with the back of my neck. No one officially owned me yet. Gerald is someone who came from the future, and he appears to be hiding something. There were a lot of strange things around him.

Gerald certainly had his heart set on me. Looking back slowly, it was definitely love, and yet Gerald left me alone. What the hell?

I bit my finger gently.

I’ll have to solve some of the riddles before I can get an answer out of Gerald. If I ask without knowing anything, I’m the only one who will lose. Eww.

‘Let me go over that again!’

I jumped up from my seat and walked around. I listed the words in my head.


And exterior and love.


Dad’s death.

The mechanisms of Niséphor.

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Gerald’s lie.

The maker of drugs.

A disease.

Oh, everything was a question mark. Everything that runs daily, apparently. Everything is a wonder. It’s hard, trying to figure out the mechanism of Nisephor and the outbreak. Because I need to know what triggers it to be able to take the medicine.

So let’s say it was Gerald who made the drug. Gerald figured out how to make the drug, and returned.

Then next….

Dad’s death…. Was there one more person who died? Without me knowing?

Gerald’s parents did not die.

Gerald’s only known death.

Who did Gerald want to save?

A loved one Gerald had to cling desperately to life.


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I felt like something was hitting my head.

I realized why I wasn’t solving this problem.

“If it weren’t only once…?”

My heart thumped.

There was one more regression. Gerald lost someone first. If it was me.

If I was dead, then he would have gone back and treated me affectionately, but why did he return and not give me any of his feelings at all?

“Think about it, Lulu. When will Nisephor attack?”

In my past life, I was fine until I was thirty. There was no memory of me getting infected with Nisephor. The only moment when a woman suddenly gets Nisephor is…….



Once again, it felt like something was hitting my head.

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I was pregnant. Because of that, I had a contracted the illness and I died. If so, Gerald would have tried his best to avoid me having a slight possibility of being pregnant at all. Gerald went back and made medicine to save me.

He tried to save me with that medicine, but in the end, I offered to divorce him. I thought I was being shunned without knowing anything!

Gerald couldn’t have done that, by the way. So both of us went back in time again. He didn’t leave me this time. Always hovering around me, but he doesn’t even confess. He doesn’t even try to hold me, he just keeps the line.

I don’t know how the development of Nisephor works. The medicine didn’t work until after the outbreak of the illness. And yeah, pregnant women shouldn’t take the medicine carelessly!

Oh, my God.

“Gerald… you idiot.”

If this was true….

My hands trembled.

Gerald risked everything in his life for me. I bit my lips and stared at the parchment.

All the casualties suddenly made sense. The puzzle pieces that were scattered and mixed were now arranged without a hitch.

“Gerald… you idiot…….”

Tears fell.

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What the hell should I do with him?

I felt like I was going to drown myself in emotion. Tears streamed down without stopping. I felt like I was going crazy. Gerald was in love with me the whole time, and I didn’t know.

You crazy punk. What do you want me to do?

I remembered all the actions I had taken. The things that I did just to hurt him as I pushed him away.

Even though I know he’s chasing me. I remembered the days when I pretended not to know Gerald, even though I knew he was looking at me. I wanted to make Gerald sick.

Gerald, now, repeatedly hated the fact that he wasn’t the one who married me, even though he loved me at the same time. I was thrilled to see Gerald getting hurt as much as I pushed him away from me. Watching Gerald clinging to me with a tearful face felt refreshing but it turned out that I felt cheap and mean.

I covered my face with my palm.

This wasn’t supposed to be.

To Gerald who did his best not to lose me… How can I do this to him?

It was that moment….


This time it was different from before. This was something that I realized on my own, it’s like something outside is interfering with me…….

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