Chapter 44 – Side Story – Lynette and Fii

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This is a story of when Lynette was only a child, and was not yet serving Fii.

“Why is such a little girl wearing a maid outfit?”

“She’s from, you know, that ‘famous maid family’.”

“Ohh, that one~”

Some maids whispered to each other as they watched Lynette who was ten years their junior, walking about the Déman royal palace.

“Don’t you think it’s unfair? Just because they’re the same age, they made her Fiiru-sama’s personal maid right away.”

“I’m worried that such a small child can even manage. Really, it should be adults like us doing that job.”

Lynette could clearly hear their words.

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(Hmph. You can’t even follow the steps to making tea. What adults.)

Because she had been raised since infancy in the ways of a maid, the carelessness of Déman’s maids was intolerable to her.
They cut corners and made mistakes in all their jobs, from cleaning to clothing. Making tea was another such example. Because they cut down on the time used to steep the tea, or the time to warm the cup, the result was a cooler tea that lacked fragrance. It was just a waste of the tea leaves.
But despite that, neither His Majesty the King, or Her Highness the Queen, seemed to notice. Because of that, the maids only grew worse and worse.

When Lynette had first come here, she was shocked.
All the jobs in the palace were done carelessly. Sometimes a few maids would be relatively diligent, but even they would always have a sour expression. None of them had any drive…
All of her c-oworkers were older than her, but not one of them was worthy of respect.

The only blessing in all of this was being able to serve Fiiru-sama.
Perhaps it was a rude way of putting things, but both the King and Queen were ignorant. Even the tea that she steeped with all her heart was simply emptied like any other.
And the reason that she served Fiiru-sama wasn’t because of her skill or character, but simply because she was a girl from the ‘famous maid family’ and they decided that she was suitable as a result.
Only Fiiru-sama had smiled and told her “It was the first time I’ve ever had such delicious tea.”

Although Fiiru-sama was the same age as Lynette, she possessed the clarity and wisdom to see the real worth of things. Truly the ideal master.

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Lynette was very thankful that she could serve somebody like that.

Lynette headed to the well, as she was lost in her thoughts.
Besides their master’s needs, a maid needed to take care of herself as well. But because she was Fiiru-sama’s personal maid, she didn’t have time to wash her own clothing.
Because of that, Lynette could only leave her laundry to other maids, and would come here to collect it after they were done.

When she arrived there, she found her clothing strewn about carelessly.

(There’s no tie…)

Lynette immediately noticed.
It was intentional harrassment.
All the maids in the nation wanted to serve Fiiru-sama. Because of that, everybody was prejudiced against Lynette for gaining her place at her age.
And her tie was something specially made to signify her position as the Princess’ personal attendant.
Although she still had spares, they were not things she could lose.

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(I doubt they had the courage to dispose of them, so it should be hidden somewhere difficult to find.)

Having already known the type of people they were, Lynette began to search for it.
But she was not so calm on the inside.

(Argh! I don’t have time!)

Personal maids had very little time for themselves.
Tarrying here would inconvenience Fiiru-sama as well.

“This is why they’re third rates,” she spat despite herself.

At that moment, Lynette felt somebody tap on her shoulder.

“Is this what you were looking for?”

A hand was holding her tie.

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“T-, Thank you very much.”

After accepting the tie, she realised that the hand belonged to a girl her age.
When she raised her head, staring back at her was a girl with the same golden hair as Déman’s royal family.
Lynette knew this girl. She was Déman’s other princess. Fii.
Fiiru-sama’s older twin.

Before Lynette had come to this palace, her mother had shown her a portrait just in case.
For some reason, a very rough, and casually painted portrait.
Now that she was looking at the real thing, she felt that it didn’t resemble her.
Rather than the portrait, it was more the fact that this palace only had one other girl her age, that Lynette recognised this girl.

Lynette also knew about this other princess.
But she had never ever seen her.
Not even when the royal couple were having tea with Fiiru-sama. Not even at their family dinners. Not even in the parties that they brought her sister to.

Instead, here, by this dark and abandoned well, was Lynette’s first meeting with that other princess.

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