Chapter 46

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Some time passed after that.
Lynette was busy each day with Fiiru-sama, which meant that each day was peaceful as well.

But the rift deepened between her and the other maids.
Lynette didn’t mind. She had been raised as a maid since young. She had learned many things and many skills.
Because she had such confidence in herself, she felt no need to try and improve their relationship.
The other maids were no different. Because Lynette was younger than them, they looked down on her.
But because they couldn’t match her knowledge either, their jealously simply grew.

Still, Lynette continued working hard for Fiiru-sama each day, despite these hiccups.

On one such day, a party was being held in the palace.
It celebrated nothing in particular. The royal couple wanted to show Fiiru-sama off, while the other nobles wanted to form ties with her. Because of that, they often held parties like this.

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As for the maids who were responsible for the things, it was hard to say that they welcomed them.
It was exhausting for Fiiru-sama as well. Every time she would be forced to accompany people until late into the night. Even so, she always dealt with them with a smile.
While Lynette worried for Fiiru-sama, she also felt dissatisfaction as she wished the two would care more about their daughter’s health.

Even if she was Fiiru’s personal maid, each party desperately needed helpers.
During the party, even Lynette had to part from Fiiru-sama to help carry the many foods and drinks in, or assist with other jobs in the background.

It was when the party had gone on for about an hour that they were beginning to run out of wine.

“The wine is running out and I couldn’t find the barrels. Would you know happen to know where it is?” asked Lynette.

“My,” replied another maid, “If you need wine, then head to the corridor that leads to the Carnét Salon, and take the third door.”

Lynette furrowed her brows.

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“Isn’t that just a normal room?”

And it was far too.

“Nobody was using it, so we decided to use it to store things for the party,” she replied.

“You’re a new maid so you probably wouldn’t know, but we do it all the time,” added another.

The words were laced with venom, but they were credible at least. It was quite like them to do things casually like this.
Because Lynette was well acquainted with their work ethic, what should have been suspicious was easily accepted.

“Would it be possible for you to bring it?” Lynette asked, but the maid smirked and shook her head.

“I’m sorry. We’re too busy to leave this place.”

It didn’t look the case at all. In fact, it looked like that were loitering around.

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But it was a waste of time to argue with them, and to begin with she hadn’t expected anything from them.

“I understand. I will go get it.”

Lynette decided to go bring the wine herself. With a platform trolley to load the wine barrel onto, she headed to the specified room.

But Lynette had misunderstood the depths of their hostility.
They would skip out on work, or push jobs onto her, but she assumed things like that were the limit.
Although Lynette was more outstanding than any other maid, in the end she was still a child.
Still too young to understand that a mix of hostility, a moment of indiscretion, and the power of group psychology, could turn a harmless prank into something brutal.

Although she knew it was a breach of manners, she was short on time and so Lynette ran down the hallway.
When she rushed into the room, it was completely dark.

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(Why are the lights…?)

If they were using it to store the wine for the duration of the party, then at least the torches should have stayed on. Otherwise, how was anybody supposed to find the barrels?

As Lynette stood a little dumbfounded,


the door shut behind her.

And in the next moment, she felt somebody’s arms wrap around from behind.

“I’m so glad we’re finally alonee together, Lynettee.”

Lynette was struck by a chill that robbed her legs of her strength.

It was Count Jalousie’s voice.

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