Chapter 61

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Following that, Crow-san treated Fii at a crêpe store, and they looked at things in a furniture store. After doing various things, it was night by the time they arrived at their real destination.

Where the two of them had come to was a place filled with expensive stores. Even though the night had blanketed the sky, the glow from the shop windows and oil street lamps made the street seem almost dazzling.


Fii couldn’t help herself.
She was technically a princess who had lived in a palace, so she had lived with lights during the night.
But she had never seen such a brightly lit street like this.

Even in Orstoll, the oil street lamps were only present in certain parts of the city. There were none at all in the places that Fii visited with her dorm mates.
In other words, this was an expensive street even in this city.

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The light coming from the many shop windows lit up the stone-paved roads and well-painted walls as they overlapped upon them, and combined with the light of the street lamps, they created all kinds of patterns.
Fii stared on dumbfounded at this new and stunning sight. Seeing her reaction, Crow began to chuckle.

“Is this your first time in a place like this?”

“Yes. My wages as an apprentice knight aren’t enough. But you don’t come here often do you, Crow-san?”

“Well, I prefer places that are a bit more relaxed, you see. More importantly, don’t get lost. The public safety is good here, but it’d be annoying if you got lost, okay?”

With that, Crow grabbed her hand again to escort her.
Fii obediently went along with it.

As they walked side by side, they eventually stopped before a certain shop.

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There were hanging lanterns at its front, and illuminated by their lights was a board with its name on it. In fact, it was a famous store that even Fii had heard of.

“Welcome, guests.”

Upon passing through the door, a polite waiter greeted them.

Fii was feeling a little nervous.
It was hard to relax in high class stores, after all.
Having gotten along with the members from the lower city, their commoner’s nature had ended up seeping into her. Thanks to that, she worried that they would drive her out of the store and clenched harder as her heart pounded.
Perhaps understanding her reaction, Crow gave an astounded smile but didn’t stop her squeezing.

“Would you happen to have room for the two of us?”

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“Yes. Would a seat with a view of the night sky be acceptable?”

“Yeah, please.”

“Well then, please allow me to show you to your seats.”

Crow pulled her into the shop with its calm atmosphere.
When she first arrived in Orstoll, Fii would never have imagined that she would experience something like this.

(No, even when I was in Déman…)

Although it was just training, and although it was with Crow-san, she would never have imagined coming to a restaurant like this.
Everything was a first experience, and she did feel a little nervous.

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It was only after she was shown to a seat with a view of the outside and the waiter left after she took a seat, did she finally stop feeling so self-conscious.
Fii let out a sigh of relief.

Crow made a gentle expression and spoke to her.

“Sorry for making you come with me.”

“No, you’ve taken care of me a lot, Crow-san. And also―――”

Back to the normal Fii, she opened the menu and licked her lips.

“I’ll get to eat all sorts of yummy food.”

Dinner at a famous and high class restaurant. It was truly something to look forward to.

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