Chapter 71

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‘If I were useless to you, would you treat me coldly?’

Fii waited for his answer.

Her heart pounded as her chest clenched.

(I’d hate it if he said yes…)

Even though she was the one who asked, those were her feelings right now.

“Hmmm… Well…”

York held his chin in his hands and began to think.

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After about thirty seconds, he turned to Fii and spoke.

“Even if you ask me that, the person we’re talking about is somebody incredibly talented even for a knight. Somebody who constantly strives to overcome their weaknesses, and endeavours not just for my sake, but for everyone’s. You. You help the lighten mood in our division as well, and I also feel comfortable when I’m around you. You’re a valuable person who there isn’t a replacement for. So trying to imagine a you that isn’t any of those things just isn’t possible for me. That’s why I don’t know what to tell you.”

His words caused her cheeks to suddenly heat up.
She even had to desperately stop herself from grinning.

“D-, Don’t think you can avoid the question by praising me, okay!”

In order to hide it, Fii tried to seem angry.

“I-, I see. Sorry.”

Why was she angry.

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His expression betrayed his total lack of understanding.
Truly the ultimate dullard.

After thinking for a while, he muttered “Ah,” in realisation.

“But that doesn’t mean that I’d abandon knights that stop working because of injury, you know. They’re the heroes of our nation. I would never treat them with anything but welcome. I don’t want you to get injured, and I intend on taking care to keep you that way, so you can rest assured.”

“That’s really not what I meant… Geez…”

With her face still beet red, Fii slumped her shoulders and let out a tired sigh.
All her fervour had disappeared somehow.

In the end, it was no good…

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As long as York himself didn’t think it was important to treat girls well, they would never really solve this.

Still, as his loyal subordinate, she felt it was necessary to advise him.

“Then, as your subordinate, I’d like to ask a favour of you. Please treat girls as gently as you can.”

Upon hearing her words, York fell into thought for a moment. His folded arms trembled, and his brows twitched, but he managed to squeeze out an answer.

“I-, I’ll see…”

Even Fii was resigned at this point.

(Does he really hate spending time on women that much…?)

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Just imagining it had caused York to tremble painfully.
Well, it was true that the Captain was very busy, and she also felt sorry for him in this respect. But Fii felt that it would be a problem in all sorts of ways if it continued.
Even if it didn’t affect his duties as a knight, it would be all sorts of problems once he got married.

(But I think that the Captain might change once he finds a girl he wants to be gentle to. It’s such a shame… I think even the Captain would change if he met a wonderful girl like Fiiru…)

Unfortunately, Fiiru was married.
Getting into an affair with His Majesty’s wife would probably be bad news even for the Captain.

Since Fii couldn’t think of any other way of changing him, she was forced to put it aside for now.
But she swore in her mind. That if one day there was a wonderful girl who could change him, at that time, Fii would take action again.

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