94   Brain vs. brawn

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Remie got a draw splendidly from Kerio, and it moved over to the next match of the Northern Dormitory.

At this moment, the two of them were facing each other at the center of the arena.

It was finally starting, the battle between fellow champions.

The Northern Dormitory had reached that far.

“Damn it, that’s impossible…… For Kerio to be driven into a draw……

B-but, that genius Rizil is up next! Right, the result of the previous match doesn’t matter! Once Rizil defeats Gorms, that’ll be the end! Our victory is unshakable! That’s it! That has to be it! Hahahahahaha! Hahaha……”

Carneggs seemed to be pretty upset about the unexpected draw.

Although he recovered his mood and started to laugh loudly, he couldn’t hide the fact that he was feeling a bit uneasy.

Apparently, although he seemed to be full of confidence, it seems that actually his mentality was weak.

He wasn’t just dragging a personal grudge for over ten years for show.

The boys of the Northern Dormitory, already could do nothing more than to entrust the matches to the capable hands of Gorms and Doug.

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They were strong. They knew that from the days that they had spent together.

However, the enemy was also strong. They were reminded of that as well many times over.

Coincidentally, those two people, who had never appeared in the Youth Swordsmanship Competition came to the Northern Dormitory.

Gorms’ reason was because of his dojo’s policy, and Doug would probably have added geographical circumstances to it. His master, famous throughout Orstoll, has now secluded himself in the mountains of the countryside, teaching his disciples the sword.

On the other hand, the competitors of the Eastern Dormitory were a lineup of the stars of the Youth Swordsmanship Competition that they each respectively participated in.

It was a gathering of monsters who, would have definitely won in the 2nd round, and the 3rd round in which they gave it their all and won, despite all their efforts.

Even among them, Luca, Rizil, and Percil were especially famous.

In any tournament they appeared in, they would definitely advance to the semifinals and finals, and would monopolize the top rankings in the tournament.

Kerio and Jerid had also been strong, but those guys were still one or two levels above them. They were truly opponents to be feared.

Somehow, an exceptional idiot, who on top of making one of the aforementioned roll on the ground and then hitting him black and blue, had lost due to a foul and was dragged away, had entered their Dorm, but……

To the boys in the Northern Dormitory, they didn’t know who among them, those guys or Gorms and Doug were better. However, they couldn’t do anything other than to believe. That Gorms and Doug would snatch victory from them.

At the center of the match arena, Gorms and Rizil glared at each other.

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A rugged and fierce villain face, and beautiful mushroom head but with a unique sarcastic expression glared at each other.

“That guy Kerio is also pathetic. To get a draw with a guy like that.”

“It’s Remie’s strategy’s win. Those guys have continued to do their best all the while for two weeks in order to defeat you guys.”

“Humph, a tiny bit of effort is what the weak do. The strong are destined for nothing but victory. And therefore, it just means that Kerio, who has been obsessed with results, is also just a weakling in the end.”

“There were times when the weak also beat the strong, you know?”

“Are you trying to say that you, too, are a weakling?”

“You’ll know once we fight.”

To the words of Rizil, who sneered as if looking down on this side, Gorms closed one eye and responded with a serious expression.

“You guys, refrain from whispering!”

Receiving a cautioning from the referee, Gorms answered with a crisp “Yes, I’m sorry” while Rizil answered with a somewhat vague “Yes, yes”.

And then, just like all the other, they held their wooden swords in stance, and faced each other.

Gorms stance was a particularly nondescript, ordinary one. When Gorms, with his large body, assumed it, it gave off a considerably intimidating feeling.

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Rizil faced towards the left half of Gorms’ body, and assumed a unique stance as if holding a rapier. What the knights use is a long sword mainly designed for slashing, so it was a considerably strange form.


Along with that voice, Rizil made his move.

He quickly closed the distance between them, and as with his stance, with movements just like fencing he released consecutive thrusts at Gorms.

Gorms prevented them by striking the wooden sword from the side, and diverting its trajectory.

When he did that, Rizil suddenly changed his stance, and assumed the form in which he held the sword with both hands, that knights normally use. And then from almost touching the ground, he made a slash from below as if drawing an arc.

(Too shallow. A feint?)

It seemed as if the aim was at Gorms’ chin, but with a glance one can know that with Gorms’ body, it wouldn’t reach.

Gorms had judged that it wouldn’t hit him and didn’t avoid it, but its trajectory extended all of a sudden.


Gorms bent his body backwards and avoided it. It was quite an irregular move, and if it was an ordinary person, it should have lost power.

However, with Rizil’s strike, an attack with enough power passed in front of Gorms’ face.

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Furthermore, utilizing the weight of the swung sword, Rizil turned on the spot with a twirl like he was dancing, and released a single side sweep at Gorms.

Gorms’ posture was in a disarray due to him bending back.

To the ones watching, it seemed as if it would be decided then and there.

However, from that posture, Gorms swung his arm, and from that state in which no power should have entered into his striking hand, he deflected back Rizil’s sword.

Both of their wooden swords collided, and Rizil’s light body was sent flying back a bit, opening up the distance between them.

Rizil’s face was painted with calm.

“Hmmm, as expected, you do have power, don’t you? Despite that, contrary to expectations, you move fast. Just when I thought you were just a power idiot, you went against my expectations. I’ll give you my praise. After all, that’s the limit for an average person.”

Rizil praised Gorms while persistently looking down on him.

“Every day, I fight against a guy who moves fast like an idiot, you see. Even if I didn’t want to, I’ll come to move like that in the end.”

While saying that, Gorms attentively readied his sword.

While looking at such a Gorms, Rizil said as he put on a pretentious smile.

“Hm, fine. I’ll show you. My special move, Dance of the Phantom Steps, that is!”

Once he said that, Rizil swayed his body.

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