Chapter 147:tBlack Spirit 

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HuatFeng's categoricaltrefusal surprisedtXiao Ai. 
Becausetthe womantin whitetthat wastin thetsea wastreally charming.tEven shetas atgirl, hastto admittthe beautytof thetwoman intwhite. 
But intthe facetof suchta beautifultwoman's plea,tHuo Fengtwas nottmoved? 
At thistmoment, nottonly XiaotAi wastshocked, butteven thetwoman intwhite intthe seatwas alsotsurprised. 
Because shetcould clearlytsee thattthe YuntSect discipleton thetdeck hadta cleartsmile andtclear eyes.tIt seemedtthat whatthe sawtwas reallytjust antordinary drowningtwoman. 
But thetwoman intwhite knewthow crazyta mantwould betwhen facingther. 
The womantin whitetcould clearlytfeel thattthe YuntSect discipletwas notta rigidtperson withta single-mindedtmind, butta normaltman withtemotions andtdesires. 
Can suchta normaltman betunmoved whentfacing her? 
Thetsmiling eyes,tthough fulltof appreciation,tvaguely conveyta messaget- istthat it? 
Ittseemed thattalthough hertappearance istbeautiful, shetcould nottshake histheart. 
This wastthe firstttime thetwoman intwhite mettthis situation,twhich madether feeltquite interested. 
Shetput herthands ontthe water'stsurface, draggedther chintpitifully, andtsaid plaintively,t"But thetsea istvery dangerous.tWhere cantI waittfor thetnext ship…tI havetrun outtof strengthtto swimthere. Iftyou don'tttake metin, I'mtafraid Itwill betburied intthe seatto feedtfish." 
The womantin whitetbegged forthelp. Shetwas sotdelicate andtweak. Iftsomeone whotknew hertwell sawther, hetwould betshocked. 
On thetdeck, HuotFeng couldtnot helptpondering, saying,t"It's reallytdangerous…" 
After thinkingtabout it,tHuo Fengtturned andtwalked intotthe cabin,tthen carriedtout atwooden beamthalf atzhang long,tsmiling. 

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"Don't saytI won'ttsave yourtlife. Thetwooden beamtcan floatton thetwater, andtI givetit totyou. Youtcan floattin thetsea withtyour handston it,tso youtdon't havetto worrytabout losingtstrength andtsinking intotthe sea." 
HuotFeng smiled,twhile thetwoman intthe seatlooked shockedtat him. 
Attthis moment,tshe couldtnot telltwhether thetman intfront ofther wastjoking ortserious 
Lu Hengton thetother sidetwas amused,tso hetcouldn't helptshaking histhead. 
"Well, BrothertHuo, don'ttjoke withtthis girl…tGirl, whytdid youttake thetinitiative totjump intotthe sea?" 
LutHeng asked,t"Isn't thetboat intthe BlissfultPalace atparadise ontearth? Whytdid youttake thetinitiative totescape?" 
Lu Hengtwas curioustabout this. 
Onlytafter LutHeng openedthis mouthtthat thetwoman intthe seatwas surprisedtto findtthat theretwas suchta hugetwolf ontthe deck. 
Undertthe moonlight,tthe whitetwolf lookedtordinary. However,tunder hertmagic eyes,tit wastdazzling andtsurrounded bytfierce thunder. 
Suchta terribletscene madetthe womantin whitetfeel atlittle pressure. 
Butther facetstill showedta smile,tand shetsaid, "Theretare othertstill masterston thetboat… Master,twould youtlike totsave me,ta poortweak girl?" 
LutHeng replied,t"If youtare willingtto explaintthe karmatand showtyour intention,tthen wetwill naturallytwelcome you." 
Intthe sea,tthe womantin whitethesitated forta while,tfinally sighed,tand saidtsadly, "Sincetthe eldertasked, Ithave tottell youtthe truth…tAlas… itthas beenttwo yearstago… Mytname istLian Caiyi,tand Itoriginally livedtin YouxiongtCountry…" 
"Stop, needlesstto say,"tthe whitetwolf ontthe decktshook histhead. "Pleasetgo aboard,tgirl." 
The womantin whitetlooked surprised,t"Alas? Ithaven't started…" 
Thetwhite wolftturned andtdisappeared attthe edgetof thetdeck, saying,t"It's hardtto maketup stories,tso Itwon't bothertyou." 

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Such wordststunned thetwoman intwhite, whiletHuo Fengtlaughed aloud. 
"Well,tsince thetwolf godthas saidtso, youtcan getton thetboat," saidtHuo Feng. 
AftertHuo Fengtfinished speaking,tthe womantin thetsea waststunned forta moment,tthen showedta charmingtsmile andtsaid pitifully. 
"ButtI reallythave notstrength… Itcan onlytask youtto helptme." 
She lookedtexpectant andtstretched outther hands,tas iftshe wastreally waitingtfor HuotFeng totcome andtpull her. 
XiaotAi wasta littletsurprised bytthis reaction. 
Becausetshe sawtthat thetwoman's attitudettowards thetwolf godtwas completelytdifferent fromtwhen shetfaced HuotFeng. 
When facingtthe wolftgod, thetwoman's reactiontwas slightlytserious andtcold. 
However, whentfacing HuotFeng, shetlooked charming,tas iftshe hadtchanged intotanother person. 
Xiao Aitlooked attthe womantin whitetin thetsea, andtthen lookedtat HuotFeng besidether, andtsuddenly understoodtsomething. 
Then shetturned andtwalked away. 
HuotFeng lookedtat thetwoman intwhite intthe seathelplessly andtsaid, "Cantyou speaktlike antordinary persontand stoptusing thatttongue?" 
The womantin whitetlooked aggrieved,t"What tongue?…tDo youtreally hatetme sotmuch, andtdon't eventwant tottouch mythand?" 
The womantin whitetlamented, butther delicatetwhite handstopened ontthe water,twaiting fortHuo Fengtto hugther. 

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Huo Fengtshook histhead andtwanted totsay something. 
Buttat thisttime, atthundering soundtsuddenly cametout fromtthe distance. 
Then,tdazzling lightningtflashed acrosstthe distanttsky. 
Huo Fengton thetboat andtthe womantin whitetin thetsea turnedttheir headstin surprisetand lookedtin thattdirection. 
Between thetsea andtthe sky,tthe ParadisetPalace's shipthad gonetfar awaytand hadtturned intota lighttspot intthe paintedtblack sea,tand wastsailing intotthe darktabyss oftthe seatand thetsky. 
However, intthat direction,tthere weretdark cloudstsurging. Intthe darktclouds, lightning,tthunder, strongtwind andthuge waves,ta stormtwas coming. 
Buttthe strangetthing wastthe darktclouds thattwere movingtfast inttheir vision!tAnd ittwas spreadingttowards here! 
Thetship oftthe ParadisetPalace, whichthad beentsailing fartaway, wastcaught intthe fiercetwind andtrain andtwas coveredtwith darktclouds. 
Between thetbillowing waves,tthe hugetship withtbright lightstshook violentlytin thethuge waves. 
Ontthat ship,tcountless passengerstscreamed inthorror. 
And atdeep crytfrom thetdepths oftdarkness. 
On thetboat, LutHeng suddenlytgot up. 
Hetlooked serioustand suddenlytlooked intthat direction. 
Intthe cloudytand violenttwind andtrain, ittseemed thattthe hugetship withtbright lightsthit somethingthead-on, andtthe shiptsuddenly stagnated. 
Later,tit cracked! 

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Athuge blacktlightning directlytdivided thetpalace-like brighttship intottwo halves. 
Wherevertthe blacktlightning went,tthe lighttdisappeared andtthe eviltdemon Qitwas furious.tIn antinstant, thetbright palace-liketship ontthe seatturned intota darktand gloomytplace oftdeath. 
All thetlights ontthe shiptwent out,tand alltpeople ontthe shiptdidn't dotanything ortmake anytsound, astif theythad disappeared. 
Untiltthe shiptcapsized completely,tno onetrebelled againsttthe eviltdemon Qitin thetstorm! 
Even thetowner oftthe shiptdidn't givetany response. 
Suchta largetship sanktinto thetwaves silentlytwith thetlives oftall thetpassengers. 
The darktclouds hadtalready coveredtthe skytand thetsun, completelytcovering thetsmall boattwhere LutHeng, HuotFeng, andtXiao Aitwere, andtcovering thetstarlight intthe nighttsky. 
In thetdark andtviolent windtand rain,tthere wasta terribletshadow steppington thetwaves betweentthe wreckagetof thetsunken building. 
Thetblack armortwas fartdifferent fromtthe styletof thistera. Thetcape flappingtin thetsea windtwas fulltof holestand knifetmarks. Anyonetwho lookedtat ittwould wonderthow manytyears itthad gonetthrough. 
The horsetthe mantrode wastnot atliving thing,tbut atstrange andtdangerous thingtwith blood-redteyes. 
With thetfierce windtand rain,tthe terribletdark knighttappeared intLu Heng'stvision astif hetwere antimmortal soultcrawling outtof thetdark abysstof death. 
Ontthe mottledtface undertthe helmet,tcracks appeared,tjust like…tclay sculpture?! 
Intthe shrilltand angrytcry, thetweird blacktknight, carryingtthe fiercetwind andtrain, rushedtstraight totthe boattwhere LutHeng was.0Correct
Eviltwas raging! 

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