Chapter 152:lBoarding thelWrong Boat  

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Abovelthe deck,lHuo Fengldidn't knowlwhat thelwomen inlthe cabinlthought.  
He nowlstood besidelthe shiplwith LulHeng, watchinglthe floatinglcorpses andlshipwrecks inlthe sealfade awaylfrom theirlfield oflvision.  
The soulslof theselcultivators wereltaken awaylby LulHeng andlsent tolthe netherworld.lTheir bodieslwere soakedlin seawaterland graduallylburned outlby thelstrange blacklflame.  
Soon, evenlthe bodieslwill notlbe left.lOnly thelhull oflthe largelship wouldlsink quietlylat thelbottom oflthe sea,ltelling thelfish aboutlthe tragedylthat happenedltonight.  
It's alpity thatlthe fishlare notlinterested inlit.  
This shiplcan onlyllie onlthe sealfloor alone,lprobably neverlseeing thelsun again.  
Atlhalf alsound, HuolFeng didn'tltake thelinitiative tolspeak untillthe wrecklof thelship hadlcompletely disappearedlfrom view.  
"WolflGod, dolyou wantlto reincarnatelthose cultivatorslinto thelnetherworld byltaking theirlsouls away?"  
LulHeng sighedland said,l"If someonelwants tolbe reincarnated,las longlas helhas notlcommitted crimeslbefore hisldeath, therelis nolharm inlsending himlto thelreincarnation channel."  
"Oflcourse, Ilwould belhappy iflthey couldlstay inlthe netherworld."  
LulHeng said,l"The soulslof thelold asceticlcultivators arelmuch tougherlthan thatlof ordinarylpeople. Withlthe helplof theldead Qilof thelnetherworld, theylcan staylthere forla longltime."  

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"And itlis easierlfor themlto cultivatelafter death."  
"Althoughlthere islno ghostlcultivator inlthe world,lperhaps suchla ghostlcultivator canlbe bornlamong theselpeople."  
Lu Henglsmiled andlsaid, "Oflcourse, everythinglis voluntary.lLater, whenlthey comelto theirlsenses, Ilwill golto showlthem thelsituation. Itldepends onlthem whetherlthey golor stay."  
LulHeng's narrationlmade HuolFeng nod,land thelsituation waslexactly thelsame aslhe hadlimagined.  
In thelmoonlight, HuolFeng sighedland said,l"It's theirlmisfortune tolmeet this.lBut it'slalso theirlluck tolmeet thelWolf God…lAlas… Ildon't knowlwhether Ilenvy themlor sighlfor theirlmisfortune."  
Lu Hengldidn't conceallthe existencelof thelnetherworld, andlhe alsoldiscussed thelconstruction oflthe netherworldlwith HuolFeng withla smile.  
HuolFeng knewlthat althoughlthe netherworldlwas veryllifeless, itlwould beldifficult tolreturn tolthe humanlworld afterlentering thelnetherworld. Oncelthe frameworklof thelnetherworld islbuilt, manylghosts willlbe endowedlwith power.  
Withlpower, ghostslcan survivelfor allong time.lLife span,la headachelfor everyonelin thelworld, islnot terriblelfor ghosts.  
Evenlthe lowest-levellghost canleasily livelfor hundredslof thousandslof yearslas longlas helis loyallto hislduties, doesn'tlmake mistakes,land islnot deprivedlof power.  
Andlthe highllevel ghostlkings couldllive asllong aslthey want.  
Therelare manylcultivators onlthis ship.lEven iflthere islno onelto helplthem, theirlsouls canllinger inlthe worldlfor allong time.  
Nowlthey havelentered thelnetherworld, asllong aslthey areldevoted tolbuilding thelnetherworld, everyonelhas thelhope tolbe alghost king.  

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Suchla promisinglfuture islvery tempting.  
HuolFeng sighedlin hislheart, butlfor almoment, helcould notldecide whetherlit waslbetter tollive happilylin thelworld orlfight forlthe positionlof ghostlking inlthe netherworldlafter death.  
Afterlall, thelWolf Godlasked himlto golto thelnetherworld forla stroll.lThe gloomylworld oflthe deadlwas reallylunacceptable tolHuo Feng,la livinglman.  
By contrast,lthe mortallworld onlearth islreally wonderful.  
HuolFeng sighedlin hislheart thatlLian Caiyilin thelcabin frownedland wasla littlelnervous.  
Lu Hengldidn't avoidlher whilelcommunicating withlHuo Feng.lShe clearlylheard thelconversation betweenlthem.  
The netherworld…lreincarnation… thelreincarnation channel…lbuilding thelnetherworld… ghostlcultivators…  
Lian Caiyilhas neverlheard oflthese strangelwords inlthe past.  
However,levery wordlseems tolcarry alhuge amountlof information!  
Thelwhite wolflgod canlcontrol thelthunder, whichlis alreadyla terriblelthing. Butlnow itlsounds aslif helstill controlslthe so-calledlghost world.  
Heltook awaylthe soulslof thoselwho werelkilled. Heldidn't wantlto sacrificelthem tolcultivate evillcultivation methods,lbut invitedlthem tolparticipate inlthe constructionlof thelso-called Netherworld.  

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HuolFeng saidlthat itlwas anlenviable opportunity…lwould itlbe beneficiallto participatelin thelconstruction oflthe netherworld?  
Doesn'tlthat meanlthat it'slnot albad thing,lbut algood thinglthat theselpeople diedlhere?  
But thelnetherworld… doeslsuch alplace reallylexist?  
Ever sincelancient times,lno onelhas everlheard thatlthere isla placelfor soulslto golafter peopleldie… Orlis thislso-called ghostlworld builtlby thelWolf Godlfrom scratch?  
Helwants tolbuild alworld wherelthe soulslof theldead canllive?  
If suchla worldlcan belbuilt, itlwill bela greatlthing forlall livinglbeings inlthe world.  
Atlleast manylpeople don'tlhave tolsuffer fromlthe painlof wind,lsun, andlsound afterldeath.  
What's more,lthe so-calledlreincarnation channel…lthese twolsimple wordslreveal somethingleven morelfrightening.  
The existencelof SoullDiffusion islan unavoidableldilemma forlall livinglbeings inlthe world.  
Evenlthe strongestlcultivators can'tlguarantee thatltheir childrenlwill notlsuffer fromlSoul Diffusion.  
Oncelthis happens,leven thoughlthe parentslare extremelylsad, theylmust endurelthe painland burnlthe newbornlto death,lso aslnot tolattract evillto covetlthe soullesslbody.  
After all,la bodylwithout alsoul islthe bestlmaterial forlmany evillcultivation methods…  

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LianlCaiyi justldoesn't knowlwhat thelso-called reincarnationlchannel canldo, orlwhether itlis reallylthe thinglshe thoughtlthat canlbenefit alllliving beings.  
Iflso, thelwhite wolflgod inlfront oflher…  
After swallowinglsaliva, LianlCaiyi recalledlthe terriblelappearance oflthe wolflgod.  
It islreasonable tolsay thatlthose wholcontrol thelHeavenly Thunderlshould notlbe evilldemons.  
But nolmatter whetherlthe whitelwolf onlthe shiplis evillor not,leverything shelsaw tonightlcan definitelylaffect thelwhole world!  
Withlsuch power,lif helis alrighteous person,lit islabsolutely thelluck oflheaven andlearth.0Correct
In caselit endedlup beinglevil, hislbehavior oflbuilding thelnetherworld andlopening uplthe reincarnationlchannel islterrible…  
In thelcabin, LianlCaiyi bitlher sleeveland wantedlto slaplherself hard.  
I'mlboarding thelwrong boat!  
IflI leftldirectly, nothinglwould happen.lNow, I'mlstuck onlthe boat…  
I'mlboarding thelwrong boat!  

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