It wasn’t completely useless, I did have a small reaction, but perhaps I was too nervous…..

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The Emperor pondered over this matter for a long long time, until I had already got dressed and cleaned up the mess, he was still doubting his own technique…..

“Your Majesty, this servant will help you get dressed, it’s almost meal time.” I had already helped him tidy up his clothes.

But the Emperor grabbed my hand and said very sincerely, “Next time you do it and see if it’s the problem of my technique.”

Ah…. So the Emperor also had some puerile moments.

But even if this was true, that night, we still had to investigate all night on the Emperor’s desk….

The next day, early in the morning, I was even more downcast.

The Emperor, however, was full of vitality and went off to morning court!

At this moment, Zhou Xin found me and told me he had news of what I had asked him to find out.

I don’t know where he got the information from but he said that the information was absolutely correct.

We secretly shut ourselves in the room and got under the covers.

“Let me tell you, although our Emperor and the Prince of Duan were born of the same birth mother, their relationship has been poor since they were children. I heard that the Emperor had an accident when he was a child and it was to do with the Prince of Duan.”

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“Where did you hear all of this?”

“You don’t need to care about this, just know that it’s genuine.”

“So you mean that back then the Prince of Duan wanted to harm the Emperor? ? ?”

“Shhhh, quieten down.”

My brain was turning rapidly as if I remembered that before Xiruo had told me that the Emperor had indeed had an accident before and then he had been saved by He da-ren? So it turned out that it should be this incident?

Therefore, I continued to ask, “Then was it He da-ren who saved the Emperor? And then the Emperor’s personality changed greatly after?”

“How did you know?”

“You didn’t ask Xiruo right?”


Okay, it seems to be the case! But at least I found out something, now I had a better understanding of the dispute between the Emperor and the Prince of Duan.

No wonder the two of them didn’t get along, there was a definite cause.

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If the Prince of Duan really intentionally wanted to harm the Emperor then I should definitely not get close to him, I am definitely on the Emperor’s side.

At this moment, the door opened lightly, Zhou Xin and I quickly poked our heads out from under the quilt and saw the Emperor standing outside. Yuan Moshu was beside him holding a plate of snacks.

“Liu Xiaoyu?”

The Emperor’s eyes were filled with danger, which made me immediately jump up from fright.

“Your Majesty, why have you come? This servant… This servant….”

Zhou Xin was also out of his mind from fear, he immediately kneeled, “This servant salutes Your Majesty.”

I quickly followed him by kneeling.

The Emperor took grand strides to arrive before me, his body made a shadow above my head, I don’t know why I suddenly felt incredibly guilty.

“What were you doing on the bed?”

I could hear from his voice that he was furious, I’m done for, if he knew that I was secretly trying to find information on him, would he immediately put me and Zhou Xin to death!

I secretly looked over at Zhou Xin, and discovered that he was also helplessly looking at me.

“Liu, Xiao, Yu!”

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“Responding to Your Majesty, this servant and Zhou-gonggong were discussing how what fun things we can do during next month’s Ten Thousand Year Festival1万寿节 wàn shòu jié – basically another way to say the Emperor’s birthday. Ten thousand or wàn as the Emperor is also frequently referred to as wan sui ye = ten thousand year old lord – it’s like wishing him a long life kinda thing!” I blurted out in a desperate situation.

That’s right, in a month, it was the Emperor’s birthday, we were allowed time off by rotating shifts for three days, this was the best possible reason I could think of.

“Have fun?” The Emperor did not really believe me, “How can you have fun when eunuchs are not allowed to leave the palace?”

“We, the servants, have many different ways.” I used my hand to pat Zhou Xin, “Right?”

Zhou Xin immediately reacted, “Responding to Your Majesty, that’s correct.”

The Emperor snorted, “Okay, then Liu Xiaoyu you will first teach me the ways to have fun!”

The Emperor said as he kicked me, “Get up then!”

I could only get up and follow him as I trembled in fear, and give Yuan Moshu a pleading look but he could only helplessly shake his head, signalling that he wanted to help but could do nothing.

The Emperor was in the main hall reading, I was kneeling the whole time, but the Emperor did not seem to intend on letting me up.

He wasn’t really going to punish me by kneeling an entire day right….

My knees were already starting to hurt, I wanted to move but I didn’t dare so I just sneakily raised my eyes to look at the Emperor.

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“Come here!” The Emperor seemed to know I would look at him and aptly put down his book.

I was delighted inside. I quickly got up but forgot that my legs had gone numb from kneeling. As soon as I tried to lift one of my legs, I stumbled forwards and then fell.

I saw the Emperor immediately stand up but he hesitated and didn’t come over to me, “Get up.”

I rubbed my palm and knees, and limped over there, I carefully said, “Thank you Your Majesty.”

The Emperor shot a glance at me, “Do you know what you’ve done wrong?”

Oh? I didn’t know, if I had to say I was wrong then it would be to secretly try to get information on the Son of Heaven but the Emperor didn’t know that right?! Or could it be that he already knew?

“This servant….” No, I couldn’t tell him, if I told him, it wouldn’t just be me but even Zhou Xin and Xiruo and many others might be implicated, since gossiping behind a master’s back was a grand offence.

“You!” The Emperor was flustered and exasperated as he picked me up and put me on his desk, “It looks like I have been doting on you too much lately that you can’t tell who your master is now? I’ll forget about Zhuo Wenliang, but you’d even dare to mix with another eunuch, are you really not afraid that I will punish you?!”

What? What with what! Why was the Prince of Duan involved again?

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this servant…..”

The Emperor had already torn off my robes, he buried his head and bit down…..

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