Lucas was left alone as he stared at the people who left.

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The duke and duchess.

Surely it was the two of them who told Lucas to take care of her. He did as they wanted to ease their worries.

But how did the princess know that?

He looked at her sky blue hair as it fluttered on her back. Then she turned his way and he could see her delicate face.

“Stop acting now. It was obvious and I felt uncomfortable.”

As expected, Lucas was shocked and couldn’t reply. He only moved away slowly.

‘Not only did she lose her memory, but her personality also changed…’

She wasn’t as dense and stupid as before.

On the contrary, she became indifferent and much more interesting than before.

He would be willing to watch over her without Aaron and the couple’s request.





“Yes, princess?”

Aiden seemed extremely uncomfortable at the moment, even though he didn’t show it.

After the walk, he sat properly at the chair and enjoyed his snack time to relieve Lucas’s worries (although it was for the duke and duchess.)

The one who accompanied me was Aiden, who finally got a name today.

“I’m going to go for walks and meals with you from now on.”


I choose him because he didn’t show any signs of discomfort, but then it seem like he didn’t understand me.

“You’ll accompany me. The others are uncomfortable.”

“That… I’m not an expert, so if anything happens to you, I…”

“Let’s eat cake every day instead.”

“Yes, I’ll do my best.”

He was a person who loved material things, just like in the novel.

Among the material things, he loved strawberry cake. So, as a person who loved cake very much, he nodded satisfactorily at my offer.

Ah, but the strawberry cake really was delicious. It was my first time eating it.

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I had never bought and eaten a cake with my own money in my past life.

The only cake I ever tried was chocolate cake because my brother liked it.

When my younger brother celebrated his birthday at the hospital, he bought a big chocolate cake and shared it with me.

‘I think that was the only time I’ve ever tasted a cake. Well, at least that’s what I remember.’

Suddenly, it occurred to me that everything in my life belonged to my brother.

We even died together.

While feeling some emotions, I mechanically scooped the cake into my mouth, then Aiden called me.

“My lady.”


“No, it’s nothing. I’m sorry.”

He shook his head at his words.

“I’m sorry. Do you want another cake?”




Aiden’s mind was in a mess because of her.

He should’ve stopped eating here, but these days, she didn’t have a temper, seemed to be subtly indifferent, kind, and had strange behavior.

The feeling of fear subsided little by little.

That’s exactly how Aiden felt about her.

He felt weird when he saw her scooping up the cake with an expressionless face, so he called her without realizing it. But still, he couldn’t figure out how to ask about her worries.

If it was in the past, he would immediately get scolded.

But the day she woke up, she started to act strangely.

That day, she started to talk about magic.

How could she know that when no one knew Aiden could use magic…

No, even if she recently found out, she brought up the story so calmly and so suddenly.

But that was it.

Not much had been said since then.

His mind was in a mess for a few days, but the young lady never even mentioned it or paid attention to him again.

After that, he knew that some accident had happened a few days after she woke up.

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He didn’t know exactly what happened, but the duke pushed him into the lady’s room.

The duke had chosen him rather than the maids she spent most of her time with. It was so weird.

Didn’t she need someone strong to protect her from any incident?

Besides, that soulless expression kept bothering him. Her expression was not scary, but it was stuck in his mind.

‘That day, she asked me if I could kill her without hurting her.’

Aiden looked at Selena, who scooped out the cake in an expressionless manner and then began to eat the second cake with his head down.

‘Let’s just focus on the cake.’




Aiden looked at me with strange eyes but quickly focused on the second cake.

‘Okay, I like him. He’s such a simple person.’

I tapped the empty plate a few times and looked at Aiden with my hands on my chin. After that, I closed my eyes. And slumber overcame me.




“You don’t have to follow me.”

“I want to follow you.”

“I don’t want you to.”

“There are things I should do even if you hate it.”

Lucas smiled at me.

‘Do whatever you want.’

When I told him not to act back then, he really did stop acting. However, the Lucas who wasn’t acting anymore became even more burdensome to me.

If I took a walk with Aiden, he’d come out of nowhere and join us brazenly.

He didn’t act anymore so I didn’t receive his excessive courtesy. But this became even more annoying.

Instead of pretending to think of me and trying to get the results he wanted, he just followed me. That was the change.

He became even more assertive, so much so that there was no room for persuasion.

I didn’t want to be involved in this guy’s plan, but the outcome was different from my mind.

He sighed and pushed a chocolate cake in front of me. It was a slightly different kind of chocolate cake from my first snack time, but it didn’t appeal to me.

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“What’s wrong?”

“You eat it. I don’t like chocolate cake.”

I thought about taking a bite but soon shook my head.

‘Come to think of it, I never thought that the chocolate cake I had was delicious.’

I just ate a piece of it because my brother liked it. I was forced to chew and bear with the sweetness.

Ah… I hated chocolate cake, but I couldn’t tell.

I had to eat it whether I liked it or not.

I wanted my family to be happy, so I just smiled mechanically while scooping up the cake just to make me feel as if I was one of them.

It was stupid to realize after coming here.

I didn’t know anything about me.

Rather, I knew more about novel characters than about myself.

Aiden liked cake, Lucas was a calculative person who took advantage of people without any sincerity, and Ariel, who would be part of Selena’s family that loved Lucas.

Oh, I almost forgot about Ariel and Lucas.

Anyways, I didn’t really know about myself.

I never really felt that my life belonged to me. I felt more like a tool than a human.

Would I know more about myself if someone wrote a novel about me?

No way. No one described ATM devices, vacuum cleaners, and other things in detail. I was only a tool after all. What could people write about me?

I was more of an object than a human being.

‘That’s enough. That’s enough. No need to think about the past.’

“Aiden, my brother’s engagement is the day after tomorrow right?”


“Hmm… okay.”

When I saw Aiden eating two pieces of the chocolate cake, I put my head on the table.

The day after tomorrow was engagement… it seemed so easy.

By the way, what was going to happen now? Was the novel going to be over?

Ah, it was really hard to live.



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The wedding day came earlier than I thought.

It was more interesting than I assumed it would be to watch people move hurriedly with many things to do.

Lucas didn’t even visit me yesterday, so he must’ve been busy.

It must have been me and Aiden who were the only ones relaxing in this big house. But on that day, I was not as relaxed as usual.

I had to wake up early in the morning and soak myself in an extravagant bath, after applying a thin layer of oil to my hair. The servants brushed my hair at least a hundred times per strand.

It must have been several hours since I surrendered my body to their hard work and passionate eyes.

“Selena, I’ll help you with the trim.”

“Yes, please.”

I left myself entirely at the hands of the maids again this time. To be honest, I had never done this before.

The feeling of someone combing my hair, putting on makeup, and working hard on making me look nice, I had never felt that before.

Silver earrings with green jewelry or purple jewelry. I couldn’t figure out what was better.

I had never pampered myself this way before.

“Anything is fine.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Purple earrings got stuck in my ears in the mirror. It somehow made me think,

‘What kind of expression did Selena used to have?’

I forced the corner of my mouth to raise it, and it was so weird. When I saw the maids looked afraid, I lowered my lips again.

‘Selena, you’re so pretty.’

I didn’t have to make that face.

A blue dress wrapped around the body, as a purple necklace hung around the neck and purple earrings on the ears.

I twirled around. The dress looked beautiful and matched my sky blue hair.

“It’s nice. Good job, everyone.”

The maids stiffened for a moment and bowed down.

Fear was still etched on their faces.

After I came into this body, I usually stayed in my room, so I didn’t have much chance to see them.

I let these confused lambs out of my room and stood in front of the mirror for a long time.

What did the real me really look like?

I didn’t remember because I was dead.

‘That’s right. The dead must be forgotten.’

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