Looking at the soil… Cocoa powder. Yes, that certainly made sense.

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But right now, when I looked at anything, nothing really came to mind.

Well, should I have looked at the wider world? Oh, and then the case would have been over. It would be fortunate if I didn’t come back as a deformed body.

A good answer, but not one that helped me.

After nodding my head meaninglessly, I continued to move my hand.

After a while, just as my canvas turned black and my arm complained of pain, saying that this was not the case, someone knocked on the door.


It was Ian who knocked on the door.

His face, which had been pure white, had turned dark, perhaps because he was worried about the mess in the mansion.

“Can’t the priest heal himself…”


“Just talking to myself. What did you come for, priest?”

I asked about the priest’s business, who was secretly very timid.

If I didn’t ask, it was clear that he would close his lips and wait a while longer.

Ian licked his lips hesitantly at my question, then took a letter from his sleeve and handed it to me.

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Uh, this situation. It felt familiar… Anyway, the important thing now was not pride. I reached out and accepted the letter he handed me.

He gave it to me so I could read it.

“Dear son… Ian.”

Ian was the son of the high priest… Ah, he said he wasn’t. I had forgotten for a moment. I must have been distracted these days.

After trying hard to organize my head that had gone all over the place, I read the letter again.

[How are you, Ian? It’s noisy here and there in the estate these days, but I hope you’re staying healthy.

In fact, there was a monster attack in our temple a while ago. Sadly, most of the historic temples have been demolished. I can’t explain how heartbreaking and sad this is.

However, this must all be the will of Arianna.

It is God’s will to send us outside, who are just complacent in the temple even in the midst of chaos.

So, I’m trying to help those who are in chaos according to that will.

However, I think the first priority is to visit the Duchy family and get their consent to what we want to do… Ian, I’d like to ask you about the request for a visit to the Duke’s residence.

Vanetssa, your father who always supports you.]

I read all the letters, but I didn’t understand the contents well, so I went through them again.

In the end, I still didn’t understand.

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The temple was destroyed, but that became God’s will to help people…?

Well, everyone thought differently. It was easier to just not try to comprehend what you didn’t understand.

I folded the letter in the same shape as when I received it and returned it to Ian.

Ian took the letter from me nervously.

“Why did you show this to me… Wouldn’t it be better to show it to my brother or father… Oh, they’re both busy.”

After presenting a fantastic question and answer, I nodded in understanding.

“There is that, but for some reason, as soon as I saw the letter, I thought of Lady Selena.”


It seemed like we joined forces to persuade the high priest the other day. Did it have some kind of imprinting effect?


When you thought of the high priest, I would come to mind, and if you thought of me, then the high priest would come to mind. Huh? Something was strange… Hey, that wasn’t the point right now.


“That’s good. As for help… I’ll ask my brother first.”

“Thank you, Lady.”

Ian’s hard face gradually regained his light at my positive reply.

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I watched Ian’s change while resting my chin leisurely.

Was it so good for priests to help others? Well, in this case, was he happy to be able to see the high priest’s face in a dangerous situation?

Whatever it was, what was clear was that I could not be a priest with this personality.


“Lady Selena. It’s an honor to see you again. Thank you for complying with my request.”

“You’re trying to help the people, so of course we should meet and talk.”

After a long time, the high priest was allowed to visit through a short conversation with my brother.

This high priest’s visit was met by Ian and I.

I was the only one with the highest rank among the idle people, so I decided to have a conversation today.

Even so, I would have to seek permission from my brother or father to proceed with the work.

In shorter words, I felt like a titular boss today.

The three of us sat around the parlor, and after a brief moment of small talk, we started talking in earnest.

“You want to help the people?”

“Yes. Most of the temple was destroyed due to the monster’s attack. Everyone has lost their place to go. But, isn’t this also God’s will?”

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What kind of God conveyed intention by smashing buildings… Contrary to my inner thoughts, I lightly nodded my head to signal that I was listening.

“Since we have lost our place to sleep, we can see that our personal attachment to our place of residence has disappeared. So, I want to go here and there to help those who have been harmed or caught in chaos, and pray for them to be at peace.”

“For that matter… Do you need permission from the duchy?”

I assumed you could just figure that out on your own.

I lowered the cup I was drinking from and asked such a question while tilting my head.

I felt his face, which had been benevolently smiling at my question, suddenly harden.

What did I do wrong?

“For now, it’s because we’ll be wandering around the estate. Also, a temple is also a group. We lost that power now… But in the past, we were treated like the Magic Tower. From the beginning, if an organization wants to help, it is their duty to express that opinion.”

I was wrong.

According to the High Priest, I had just committed a great offense.

Because their authority was at the bottom, they wouldn’t be treated properly… No matter how bad the reality was, it would feel a little bad if they were openly treated like that.

“Aha, that’s right. It’s… a duty. Sorry. I’m not familiar with this. If I have offended you, I apologize again.”

I quickly apologized.

An apology must be made quickly so there would be no grudges.

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